Is it weird even though I really hate white people but my blood was boiling when I saw the clip of german girl got raped by those savage filthy muslim.I was so angry and upset even I wanna risk my life to save that girl if I can or even I wanna siding with you guys to fight those muslim ungrateful rats.Is this what everyone call about asian's eastern moral bullshit.I don't like white people but I hate seeing those muslim and jews detroyed your race and your traditional.That is what nationalism make me become!!
Is it weird even though I really hate white people but my blood was boiling when I saw the clip of german girl got...
Other urls found in this thread:
You've been brainwashed by white media to worship whites and feel sorry for them.
I'm not white worshiper.That's call moral.These muslim are ungrateful, trash when they doing that shit to germans people who is the one help them. Hate white people or not I will never doing that shit
You wouldn't care that Muslims are raping and enslaving niggers as we speak because you don't constantly see niggers in your media.
Meanwhile, you're bombarded with hollywood messages almost exclusively depicting whites as main characters. It causes an instinctive response to feel closer to them because people identify with characters in movies.
It's all very subtle, lowkey and subconscious. So you don't even notice the brainwashing. But it's all part of (((their))) agenda.
>you don't constantly see niggers in your media.
Where have you been for the last 10 years?
Niggers are mainly depicted in media that is aimed at other niggers or whiggers. The vast majority of popular movies in hollywood have white main characters, or maybe a few token niggers.
The very fact that he even heard of this incident shows that (((they))) are trying to push their agenda. These things happen thousands of times in Africa but no one talks about them.
The last time I see is Black Panther movie when black people can become Super Hero. I'm anti Jews-Hollyweirdo too because they're anti Asian people. Jews are not White.I hate white but mostly are "White Leftwing"
Show clip based VietnamBro
You just witnessed what has inspired many a rebellion. Just do what you can. No need to die for a country other than yours. Perhaps a donation to some right-wing cause. I dont really know if your government would penalise you for that though so be careful
>You wouldn't care that Muslims are raping and enslaving niggers as we speak because you don't constantly see niggers in your media.
Yes, yes niggers are constantly in the media retard. So are muslims, for the past decade we've been hammered by the media telling us muslims cam do no wrong, kys faggot.
btw, do you see anything in the news about the WHITE GENOCIDE IN SOUTH AFRICA? No, now fuck off kike.
What sort of retards are you?
Assuming that they speak the truth the woman willingly entered their home and was a whore.
Do you really care about a Turk loving bitch?
You are low IQ enough to reply to bait posters in a bait thread.
Turkroaches lie about their sexual exploits all the time.
>You are low IQ enough to reply to bait posters in a bait thread.
>To low IQ to see the irony
>Is replying in bait thread himself.
Welcome to Sup Forums faggot
actually, Vietnam is not Communist anymore.Vietnam nowaday likely become Nationalism Socialism or Fascism.Most of Vietnamese people are nationalists (90%) and young Vietnamese hate liberals and leftist.Our government are Left Fascist and they are anti-liberal and muslim too. Vietnam is paradise for any Sup Forums because our government don't give af about Sup Forums and they using Viet nationalism for fighting with liberals
National socialist but you export millions of whores to Korea, China and Japan.
millions?? stop with your fail info. Only 100k at it best, and only Viet leftist liberals can promote and doing that shit. We are fighting with them in homeland. We have 97 millions people, only 100k are not that much for us.
I slightly agree with you. Vietnam war shouldve never happened because you leader literally asked for our aid. Whoever rejected that was an autist. Also nice work stopping cambodia (terrible shit). I understand you guys still killed like 1 million people but to be honest i would assume the smart ones knew to run.
Well muslims want to be genocided, I think everyone should just give them what they want.
Why do you care about idiots abandoning ther homeland to whore themselves out instead of some actual legit reason. Literally just a stain on their genetics if they stayed
Video link plox. I need it for research
You really hate us so just stay where you are, anyone trying to stop it with other means than retarded internet statements and someimes WITH internet statements gets locked up for a long time and their lives ruined.
But hey just sit back and relax dont let a single instance ruin your hatred for us.
> uses electricity
> uses internet
> hate wyppo
You must have been excited when whitey came up with wifi, you can shitpost from a tree. Right at home.
give me a link you faggot to jerk off
Vietnam is the only nation can detroyed the muslim Empire forever. Champa empire is the largest islam empire in Southeast Asia, and Vietnam completely conquer them. And trust me over 300 years Champa people never consider them are Vietnamese people. They will kill us if they can even though they have only 200k population in Vietnam. But they keep it quite because they know when they betraye us so we will have good reason to kill them all. That's the fact about muslim. They never loyalty, they only loyal for their god. They want make Vietnam become muslim nation if they have power to do it. That's the fact I wanna tell you guys
my respect vietnam knight
Trump should increase/decrease aid to muslim countries in exchange for incest laws (no more third cousin). That would cool down things in the long run.
Don't worry we'll be gone soon, hope we take everything we made with it.
what about the live leak link ? YT will most likely take this down one day or the other
there are more Vietnamese rightwing like me in my homeland. If you come to Vietnam you will suprise. But right now Vietnamese people are fighting with many "White Left" english teacher come to Vietnam and teaching about multiculturalism and globalism. But they got surprise when Vietnamese people are nationalist than they think. They always call us crazy nationalist shit hole
sorry but YT deleted many clip of this.Kikes don't want goy know about it. Even YT deleted many clip of Hitler Speech (Vietsub) Jews coming to Vietnam channel too. They're everywhere
>I don't like white people but I hate seeing those muslim and jews detroyed your race and your traditional.
You make no sense gook.
Gook the word using for Korean,btw if you want insult call us chink. That's sense of asian people, you will never get it or maybe you're leftist. That's call normal moral of asian peole, we're self sacrifice for social and right things, not like these selfish and hypocrite like liberals
We would feel the same way if it was happening to one of you.
try to destroy indonesia then, retard
btw, our goverment isnt fascist. They are also neocon libtard shit. Remember all that racemixing propaganda they show us on lunar new year? I actually do business so i know a lot of kikes and western liberal (((investors))) already infiltrated our economy. I have relatives in the secret popo so i will let you know they watch your hitler fan club closely. They just take no legal action because you havent blown up into a national/international disgrace yet. Write something in Vietnamese and see what happen when you reach 1k+ views.
Holy fuck, they dont even act when their oil field are being seized by the chink and only under intense pressure did they do something when the chink pollute our territory. Heck, most Vietnamese headlines favor Clinton over Trump. And we bought weapon from fucking Israel.
I expect better from some compatriot whose English isnt totally retarded. Guess we will enjoy our cutthroat totalitarian jewish country longer than we want.
The video is obviously fake, Sinan would never do such a thing
Indonesia is the cuckold country LOL. Indonesia is 2000 years of Hindu and Buddhist but when the king follow Islam and make these people follow it they change their culture and history for Islam. Most cuckold country I've never see. Kike and muslim are the same cancer. True Indonesian are Hindu or Buddhist not like those alien rats religion from Arab.But I guess you're same with them LOL. Leave Vietnam muslim rats.
Just know that when the jews get those hands on your country this will happen there as well. There is only one true enemy. It is the eternal Jew.
You seem like a semi redpilled Black. You realize that it is a Jewish plot to keep blacks in the ghetto. They produce all Black American culture and keep you focusing your hatred on whites, because the Jew knows he cannot guilt blacks with the (((holocaust)))
I think you’re right: if Muslims get the chance, they will take over. And you’re right about their allegiance being only to their god.
You can hate us; that’s fine. But at least we can agree that Muslims are the worst. I respect you guys for not letting them in.
Every single commercial features the .0001 % of niggers that can speak English properly
I'm Kinh, Viet and "atheist" you fucking retard.
If you live in one of our city (and i'm 90% sure you are based on your english). you would know all the (((globalisation))) the gov is doing and propagandising.
Unless you are some fucked up propaganda tactic they learnt from CIA, like all the shit they broadcast on TV these days.
you spoken the truth brother. Jew are enemy of all race. If they genocide all white next target will be orient Asian people. We have same enemy bro, but you need clean your own people first. First step is white liberals. They are sp danger for asian people from Eastern right now. Their are many of them in Asia
damn this shits groovy thanks for posting
and you're the one retard if you thiking Vietnam proaganda ((globalism)). You're truly idiot. Vietnam right now is a mini version of China no more no less. Vietnam and China they are fascist Imperialism
Jews infect people with liberalism and they go and spread these Jewish tricks for them. Just start purging them white libs are all physically weak. I’ve always like the Vietnamese people who come to America. Your lot works hard and doesn’t act like niggers.
If it helps most white people feel bad about the way the west treated you and admire your ability to bring great powers to their knees whether it be the chinese, french or americans.
actually, I'm hate Vietnamese American too. Most of them are libertard traitor, self hating or they'are republican greedy idiot and self hating too. When they come to American they're american not Viet anymore. That's why we never consider asian american are true asian because they're not. If they works hard let them stay but if they are not or they act like niggers just shot them or deported cause we don't really care about them honestly !!! That's some ruthless but that's all good for two side.
Fuck off zipperhead
Why would say something like this. We’re having a civil discussion and you come in here like a fuckin ass and stir the pot.
Vietnam government is birth control muslim so they ain't shit in Vietnam. We can easy kill them if we really want.
Make sure you do when they act up
why did we even give these fucks one centimeter
Because Amerimutts are brainlet hicks.
I don't hate the Based Vietnamese. you guys have gain Honorary aryan status in my eyes, Only one with the blood of the Sunwheel could fight so well.
Stop being an asshole.
>a fucking leaf
actually, Nguyen dynasty killing millions Champa muslim, force their women mate with Viet male to detroyed their Islam religion. Whole South Vietnam is muslim region. That's karma for them when Champa empire invade Great Viet Empire and they lost. Now Vietnamese people are atheist (because of Cummunism) and buddhist. Only 200k muslim in Vietnam but they really scare Viet people and government.They don't do anything wild shit like those muslim rats from the west
It’s good to see not everyone in the world is cucked. I think there is going to be some very hard times coming up and we’ll see if we can beat the Jew once and for all. Show him no mercy in Vietnam
trust me, Viet people are just like Polish people from EU because if Viet people fallen before Champa muslim then whole Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia will become Islam nation and there will be more 120 millions muslim in the world. Myanmar and Vietnam are 2 countries keep Southeast Asia still buddhist and atheist.
Fuck the white left, my insectbro
>actually, Vietnam is not Communist anymore.Vietnam nowaday likely become Nationalism Socialism or Fascism.Most of Vietnamese people are nationalists (90%) and young Vietnamese hate liberals and leftist.Our government are Left Fascist and they are anti-liberal and muslim too. Vietnam is paradise for any Sup Forums because our government don't give af about Sup Forums and they using Viet nationalism for fighting with liberals
Never change, Gooks, never change.
>Gook the word using for Korean,btw if you want insult call us chink. That's sense of asian people, you will never get it or maybe you're leftist. That's call normal moral of asian peole, we're self sacrifice for social and right things, not like these selfish and hypocrite like liberals
No joke, I like you wily bastards. Gave us some good ARVN folks.
White left are too many in Vietnam dude. They're loser no job. They coming to Vietnam become English Teacher with their bullshit SJW and multiculturalism, but mostly of them are American and USA democrat government protect them.
You should want
Didn't the Vietnamese drive the Champa into Cambodia, and then many years, the Khmer Rouge killed the Champa?
Protect your own country. You can make sure it won't happen to you, perhaps that is what the feeling tells you.
Why do you hate whites btw?
Seeing subhumans break the rules of society and injure the host triggers their insectoid instincts. It's not really about the empathy so much as the break down of order and disrespect for the host country.
who cares? she was probably leftist cunt, why did she even hang around them? how did she get to them to the room? lol. its also made up desu, she was covered in dirt? how so if they were in the room? story like this would get huge traction, tent rape got, many other rapes got but not this one? doubt.
its not weird because youre probably a bit smart
Could a right-wing, felon, violent-offender, yet still school volunteer, girl scout lifeguard/keep them from dying guy/church goer, volunteer at various thing....come to China to teach english as a true American badass? Or are only faggot lefties allowed. Also I'm married w/ children, can they come?
yes,It is. Malaysian some of them are descendant of Champa too. That's why some Malaysian muslim hate Viet. Vietnam don't scare of muslim but we scare of new popularism especially K-pop cancer. Nationalists of Vietnam fighting with liberal and globalism everyday.
maybe I've meet too many White trash liberal and some Britstish beta white supremacy come to third world country like Vietnam and act like they're overlord
Ahahahhahahahahah. You truly dont know shit so stop running your mouth.
The hardcore pro Chink pro Ruskie conservatard have fallen from Grace like Dung.
Gov signed free trade agreement with the most cucked group of nations of Earth: the EU (evfta). You think TPP was bad? You have seen nothing. US is by far more flexible in dealing with foreign countries than Yurocuck govs.
They are equitizing most SOEs. And the richest vietnamese all have offshore account aka favorable connection with jews, bankers, chinks and gods-know-what (or ancestor/sky/buddha/mum/tudigong or whatever the fuck we consider the vietnamese pantheon)
we had fucking gay pride parade and gov stop making same sex marriage illegal 5 years ago and allow same sex wedding recently
the gov openly promote abortion on the street of Hanoi on every bus stop.
they start allowing sexual reassignment surgery since 2015, allowing mental illness to be done and finalised on vietnamese soil instead of being forced to go to thailand or some shit.
fuck, our arm embargo was lifted by FUCKING OBAMA of all the leftist. After that our economy boomed for the 3rd time since 1986. (((pure coincidence))), must be.
They will increase retirement age gradually till 2020 btw, have fun.
Modern Vietnam isnt fascist imperialist for shit. Our state apparatus is disfunctional and inefficient, incompetent, greedy, defiant of superiors at every level possible. Is this fucking fascism? The chink are shrinking our territory, is this imperialism? The Burgermutts are increasing their presence in SCS. What's that for strength? The Jews are buying our properties through proxies, what's that for growth?...
The Vietnames ruling class, since their inception, has been cucking the populace and cuck to any country possible unless their interest is directly threatened (like in an invasion). You seriously believe our kangz and emperorz paying tribute to China is "masterful diplomacy" like in fucking VCP grade school propaganda?
yeah but live leak has ISIS execution videos , zoo porn , people being burnt alive and animal torture videos , i dont see them deleting this
I just want a back up , guess I'll download the YT vid just in case
>Nationalists of Vietnam fighting with liberal and globalism everyday.
Sorry that you have this problem, too.
Sounds disgusting, I would probably hate whites too.
My english too broken bro.I keep trying better.
>surprised to see white people in white media
create your own representative media you ungrateful subhuman
Grab gun with suppressor (silencer) kill niggers and mudslimes
I would advise to all non Vietnamese on this post, especially the Mutts that you should fix your countries before circle jerking with the lel Vietnam is Poland guy. We are ruled by fucking Oriental Jews, fortunately they are much worse Jews than yours. Bring us the shekels, not your (((civilisation))) be it your deep south confederate hick shit, hitler shit or leftshit
Chinese are nasty but also Veitnams weakness allows itself to be dominated
Cambodia too
I didnt mean Chinese when I said Oriental Jews.
Chinks are far better Jews than our Vietnamese Jews in charge of the nation. Both a good and a bad thing. And they dont rule us, they just fuck us up gradually.
Oh so kind of like the rare deep sea Jews
LOL you sound so desperate. And you still believe Vietnam ruled by oriental Jews bullshit LOL You are fucking stupid and delusinal. Only chinks control our economy and that's truth when compare greedy globalist Chinese chinks to Jews because they're same shit. But we are talking about muslim problem not rich Chinese or jews, why are you still whinning bullshit??
ethnically they are Viet. Just act like jews.
Flip on point for once
I see, but those oriental Jews probably make their bucks money China
They dont care whether the bux in their offshore account is RMB, USD or EUR. Those somes do have different preferences
that's why I call you stupid.Actually they're ethnically Chinese-Viet not consider to Viet people. You still think Viet people are rich like Chinese or Chinese-Viet American, you fucking idiot if you believe that... LOL
1000 year of chink domination make you half chinese too, Nguyen
China over Veitnam over Cambodia
pecking order
Cambodia leans more toward Chink.
Which North America country in their right mind lean toward Canada, for example.
Lets be real mate, you don't hate white people. White people never wanted to kill your brethren, nor did they want to attack your country. You actually hate (((white people))). They're not European, nor will they ever be.
How's the state of Communism over there? Is it dying out, or is it still thriving? The former would be lovely.
no one in their right mind has anything to do with Canada
you sound so confused. Viet are nationalism not truly ethnic. You know why I call them Chinese-Viet because they can switch their ethnic nationalist when they face trouble. They never loyalty for any nation. My english are too broken, maybe that will make you never understand what I mean.
Amerimutts here are uninformed ignorant idiots who spew shit they learn from fake news or from their gaping assholes. Pay them no heed.
mày đang ở đâu? Hà Nội?
Phuong, Yes!
Stay based!
Canada also leans toward the US
Thought you Island chink should have known that. Having the highest HDI in our shithole corner of ther earth and all.
mày tưởng có mỗi Hà Nội là chủ nghĩa quốc gia là nhiều à. Ở miền nam đầy ra đây chứ không phải người miền nam yêu dân chủ đâu chỉ có những thằng ngu mới theo dân chủ thôi.