i had been huge into conspiracies since i was young because jfk was a recurring theme in my life and everybody seemed to love him and was sure that we werent told the whole story, then i got good at math and figured out the magic bullet theory is bs, then i learned that bankers in 2008 had solidified control to the extent that they could extort money from the government by means of threatening default, literally no one else can do that, not hospitals, not the military (though people will love to argue this one) not the politicians, not the heads of industry. It is the banks and bankers who run the show. They are overwhelmingly jewish. Their roots are in jewish heritage. This was when i started to realize that perhaps Hitler was the good guy. That and the satanic jewish family exposed in Oparahs show.
What was the thing that made you redpilled lads?
Red Pill Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
previous thread
really not the case
it's been great watching her get redpilled over time
To the new fag who doesn't get Sup Forums humor get used to it.
From the previous thread.
Listen man the reality is their is no equality, there is a lot of reason why Sup Forumsacks hate blacks normally because they are savages brought their iq down in america, rape their woman (the same can be said about muslims) they honestly don't mind asians, also daily reminder asians also don't like foreigners blacks nor muslims and even white people and due to them being xenophobic is why their countries don't end up like most european countries since they have their own ethnostates, if you want to end racism, you have to place races where they actually going to belong how ever this doesn't stop invasions.
>Previous thread.
idk if any of you have ever seen this video but this guy has a really interesting video that has me wondering alot of shit
Where the white supremist losers I fried from the last thread. Let me give you lonely fagtards something more to cry about. "buh buh whiteness is all i hab"
Albinism, coming from the latin word albus, literally meaning white. True story.
Hitler was right we should've listened to him, even a few jews these days are trying to expose the top for the evil they are, so Sup Forums how do we win this war?
>Fried from the last thread.
Again this board isn't for you and you hardly fried anyone you are simply embarrassing your self.
How about you just get a gf so youre not a little hateful broken piece of shit, who needs to circle jerk his loninless away with e-cocks. How about that.
>they honestly don't mind asians
All Asians are abnormally detached but the Chinese are soulless fucking insects.
Fuck them, they're just as bad as blacks.
I am a successful buisness man with a girlfriend who I recently redpilled.
Uh beta faggot. Theses nothing you can do to me. 1. I had sex today. 2 You are ETREMEMLY sexually frustrated. I doubt a loser like you has had ANY sex AT ALL this year. Very sad and pathetic.
So what you gonna do faggot? Im here to kick sand in your loser fucking face. Youre a fucking loser chump, theres nothing you can do.
jfk was a fag
I honestly doubt you have a girlfriend or any of that stuff, from the tone of these posts you seem irritated or angry and tried to take that anger on us and trying to make us feel miserable, but then again you could be trolling.
This is your gf son. Shes got a double chin. The best you can get. Who are you impressing?
Their needs more evidence than just this one user.
probably focus on the remaining jews who are still anti-zionist
probably the only real way to prevent greater Israel from forming and destroying anything in its way to achieve such a goal
>Thinks that's me.
She is actually 8/10 you do realize woman from 8-10/10 go for good looking and very successful men right?
digits are shit
threads probably guna die
Youre already miserable. "rationale blackpill" rofl. Your peers are shit. Garbage human beings and yeah I enjoy coming down to their containment, where society has ostracized them. And just kicking the absolute shit of them. These lonely fucking losers who take out their pitiful broken lives out on the rest of the planet. Well, what can I say, I enjoy returning the favor.
Taste your own hate. No one to blame but yourlves. "w-why do they persecute me so.." cuz youre trash.
Your allowed to say jews desu.
Your point?
>These lonely fucking losers who take out their pitiful broken lives out on the rest of the planet. Well, what can I say, I enjoy returning the favor.
Again this could apply to you for the tones of your posts.
She actually has a double chin bro. Make sure your colleagues dont see that you visit Sup Forums fagtard. You wouldnt want them to get the wrong idea, youre not as serious as some of these other posters. Youre just here for the luls and to enable the storm ffaggers. thats all.
Alright then do not come crying to us when jews ruin the country or the black men come in gangs to beat the shit out of you, we'll be like
>We told you so.
uh oh we have an antifa fag here, tell me, why do you spread such hate
>posting this hard
>Youre just here for the luls and to enable the storm ffaggers. thats all
Again more labeling, if you don't accept other views then why don't you say so?
Wait a minute, if, wait, holy, if what you're saying is true, my god, wait, holy shit, if what you're saying is true, a disease that causes white skin and hair is named for the symptoms it causes.
whats wrong with being albino? are you albinophobic?
"P-puh-puh-puh projection!!"!"! Projection!!"
Just face it faggot. People hate you losers. Im not even black. Black people have all the reason in the world to come down here and give you retards a piece of their mind. Ive seen them do it. So righteous it is to see them tell you lonely white losers off. " wah I hate seeing becky fuck tyrone!, wah muh country" Fucking evil ass LOOOOSers you are. Why would I not enjoy coming down here and kicking your shit in with the same "tone" who reserved for the rest of the world.
Your peers are evil ass beta faggots. And youre just as gay as them. "I-I not nazi"
Lets keep pretending, im sure one day your faggot ass is gonna be all like "Y-you made me do this.. you guys made me a nazi, y-you redpilled me"
Youre just a greedy little evil faggot.
Why would ANYONE come to yyou fucking LOOOSERS? Do you even leave the house fagtard? No you dont lonely sack of shit.
Why did your mother file for divorce, did she not love you?
>Black people have all the reason in the world to come down here and give you retards a piece of their mind.
You do realize they can do the same to you, also we will have the right to defend our selves and kill them if necessary, also do not forget who brought jews here.
>Do you even leave the house fagtard?
>Forgets I am a buisness man.
Do you have a short term memory antifia fag?
I have a family, three kids, they will all be redpilled. Not by any means of me but by what is going on in the world today. My next generation will be brown all right, all brown shirts. I wont have to convince them of anything. It will be people like you that do it for me.
Do you understand how statistically unlikely it is (and retarded) to think that "white people" are the product of Indian albinism? It's a 1:300 that both parents are carriers and then 1:4 that the genes are passed and then that doesn't even guarantee expression of the gene. Where are all the stories of whites giving birth to dark skinned children?
I already told you, Im not here to make friends. Im here to kick sand in your evil fucking faces. Its righteous to punish evil. You are fucking losers who post pictures of hanged men "AHahahha FUCKING NIGGERS HAHAHAH hhaha guiz, were definitly the good goys.. right goys??"
Youre evil fucking scum. Im not even black. Youre just pathetic trash should be ignited and extinguished.
>Im here to kick sand in your evil fucking faces. Its righteous to punish evil.
>All coming from antifia fag.
I like to see you try, we would like to see you throw your temper tauntrums on the next election.
you think your on the right side of history?
>>im not even black
good for you, but you want to be i bet
>Youre evil fucking scum
>Forget how many times I am lied to the media since I can't even think for my self Hurr durr.
Do you even see the video even a black person admits jews brought slaves to america.
Theres nothing wrong with being albino. Theres something VERY wrong however about LARPING. LARPING like you fell out of the fucking sKY. WE WUZ TALL WHITE NORDICS. WE FROM OUT OF THIS WORLD MAN.
No son. You descended from albinos you deficient simian motherfuckers. Your mutie ancestors traveled from the middle east into europe.
And you fucking LIE about it. Youre ASHAMED of yourselves. You hate your birthmarks. You hate the truth behind them. "W-ww-we da white race now... TALLL WHITE NORDICS N SHIET"
fuck off simian bro.
Jesus you must have a huge amount of white guilt don't ya kid?
Who cares your wife is fat, the best you can get. Enjoy staring into her UGLY double chin tonight. Your fat wife. Enjoy it, thats your life now.
Why should you care about a black stranger impregnating your wife instead of you, goy? Sperm is sperm. We are all human. Now raise that man's bastard mongrel child!
How is your big ego going mate?
Jesus Christ cuckold you mad?
Seems like you want Tyrone and Becky together.
How can you be this much of a faggot to defend niggers, pathetic.
:) you know its people like you who really have no idea what your even doing, you wouldnt be saying that this isnt some kindof evolutionary thing now would you? That species adapt and change?
>>oh but we wuz kangs
You wouldnt say, be larping yourself as someone who understands that all technology around every industrial revolution has come from whites?
>>we wuz tall white nordics n sheiit
What about nuclear power? Engines? Airplanes? Green technology? Whites.
>>You're ASHAMED of yourselves
and you think im the confused one
He is from antifia I am not surprised that they are this stupid.
He obviously has white guilt.
>Realizes your own goverment perpetrated 9/11
>Still hates muslims like RepubliKLAN coversivatard
You really think you had ANY sad? That your vote mattered? That the Jews didnt put trump in there themselves to sell weapons? Are you fucking retarded son? of course you are, you grew up in the retareded south.
No, anyone who commits genocide isn't 'the good guy', I can only presume you're some kind of sociopath.
Hmm OP. Too many, and it would be a long a complicated life story to explain but ill summarize...
Realistically, I don't believe in this world that some people are "evil for the sake of being evil". I always go by the axiom that "Hurt people, hurt people." So I find "Satanic Cults", and "Demonic people" hard to swallow.
That being said however - I do believe in Sociopathy, or an absence of empathy. Its the ability to understand that people outside your "In group" have feelings and emotions just like you do. Therefore over time its the tendency to include, or at the very least, find peace with outside groups so you are not actively working to remove them.
My own personal red-pilled view is that we live in a world more under the circumstances that some people, or huge groups of people (Asians, Jews and often Blacks) never learned to be / or prioritized being empathetic. They behave more like insects, willing to lie/deceive and betray all the while maintaining fierce in group loyalty. Even the Rothschild's probably have general empathy in them somewhere that was never developed, but none of these groups ever cared to develop it. Maybe empathy is truly an evolutionary treasure, because it doesn't bode well for your group's survival.
Empathy seems to be mostly associated with Whites and East Asians, and some other groups, which is why it is important that we and our culture are preserved.
I used to be a little Liberal shit.... I wasn't aware of all the damage I was causing. Now I do and I am sorry. I didn't "find Jesus"... No. I'm more Agnostic, and I found morality instead.
I'm waiting on God, wherever/whatever he is, to come to this world. Acting as if he were absent in the meantime.
oh golly gee you dont say
Wouldnt care, Ive seen "welcome to pol, kill niggers." Havent you fagtard? The difference is you pathetic greedy evil ass turned a blind eye to it. Meanwhile I punish that kind of evil on my fucking planet. Your peers are TRASH and they destined to lose again.
there were 4 people in the car.
a secret project still ongoing is messing with archives and changing history to better suit the people that control the world.
this happens bit by bit, but jfks car having 6 people in it is one of the things that nobody bought because their recollections are so specific, even moves have been changed.
it is no longer about making people accept that 2 + 2 = 5, it's about making people accept that their memories are WRONG.
if you understand quantum physics, and the relation of belief to entanglement, you understand how dangerous it is for people to have no memories or false memories.
Soon they will imply that people have always had glassy empty eyes, and that people with deep open eyes are the bad ones, that emotional responses are wrong (already happening) and that we never trusted each other ever enough to be armed in public without cops.
Stfu monkey, go stare into your fat wifes chin. Thats your night for tonight. Thats the rest of your life infact.
don't mind the kike. They come out when the lights are off like cockroaches. Enjoy the gif you kike, it'll be you soon :)
when the kikes come out you know your doing something right
>Thinks I support trump.
LMAO that is from reddit the_donald how ever that doesn't change the fact in the election that you people threw temper tantrums and we were laughing.
>Thinks I am from the south
again more assumptions from a butthurt guy who obviously hates his heritage?
Oh I am laffin and the funny thing is if you keep this up trump might yet again win another election and you will throw temper tauntrums once again.
Shit LARP or actually retarded.
Don’t feed the nuffie
oh whats that? got nothing else cohesive to say? lol nice
welcome to pol, kill niggers.
Because I actually have a girlfriend unlike your fucking loser ass. I actually have game and social skills you fucking incel. How can you be so pathetic to circle jerk with storm faggers all day? I know why, its because your mothers whore divorce, ruined your shitty broken life. Now here you are. Shitty. Broken.
>avent you fagtard? The difference is you pathetic greedy evil ass
Mean while blacks do majority of the crime.
> Your peers are TRASH and they destined to lose again.
I am pretty sure not, you don't seem to believe in kek don't you?
LMAO who are you punishing sperg?
You're just having a mental breakdown over Sup Forums and it's hilarious.
God told me who killed JFK in a vision... it was The Creeper
I'm Jewish, and I come from quite a prestigious family (not overly rich, but that's about all I want to say). This is bullshit. If this were true, it would have been exposed properly ages ago.
Whether or not you like Jews or not, this woman is clearly insane (I mean, she admits to that herself, so yeah)
>I-I have a girlfriend I am better than all of you despite I am very fucking stupid.
Oh god... I can't breath I might want to keep fucking with this guy.
yea im not huge on the south or anything so most of what you said here makes sense, so how about you try to direct your energy in a more positive light and realize that white genocide is real, globalism is the enemy and is part and parcel of the control grid, trump is a shill for the 5G grid and that the JQ is the best indicator of a plot/conspiracy
>I totally fried that strawman
So this is what it looks like when a confident retard posts online
Sure, but that doesn't say anything about progression of a civilisation.
Oh its very big, counltess souls Ive devoured in this place. Ive been here for YEARS kicking the shit out of you absolute fucking losers. Ive watched pol die. I literally killed your pol.
"YEAH!!! POL!!! BEFORE POL AFTER POL YEAHH 1488!!! Awww What happened why so much shills,... aww whyyyyy I loved pol... " fuck you. Fuck your pol. Loser shitstain motherfuckers.
Wife's fat double chin. Go stare at it you racist fucking failure.
Only the tribe matters, civilization can go fuck itself
We're looking at the faggot that killed pol.
In his own mind of course.
This is some schizophrenic shit here folks.
This is retarded and stems from a lack of understanding. Most Sup Forumsacks are pretty smart, but too many are brain-dead.
European light skin and hair comes from a group of people who are called Ancient North Eurasians (or from a group with ANE like ancestry). Blue eyes was already present among European Western Hunter-Gatherers (and probably among all Europoid Hunter-Gatherers)
>>i literally killed your pol
this is definitely an antifa weenie
Sup Forums is not one person
XD i bet your a liberal arts student
i'm a fucking engineer bud i dont give a fuck what you think about anything because your wrong and dont know how to apply logic to make anything work
No im not little stormfucking faggot like you. "I-i not nazi.. i not nazi.. I just meming with dem.. Just memes.." "B-b-bubhubhbh but black people... but da blackk..s..."
wahhh wahhh "but da blacks.."
Thats what you sound like chump motherfucker.
What are you talking about, I'm just saying that the progression of civilisation is dependent on, but entirely separate otherwise, from its stability.