Ireland Loves Hitler, here is proof///

Ireland Loves Hitler, here is proof///

Other urls found in this thread:

I guess Irish people aren’t subhuman after all. This is good for me since I’m half Irish.

Most the irish are just Scandinavian rape babies

making your own clothes is the ultimate

>red pill

where is the face pls

Nah they just miss us.

Wasn't Dublin founded by the Norse?

We can breed the unwanted features out, and make irelanders handsome again

Letters are in russian.

lol what it has to do with hitler?
Odala rune and runes inside with slavic words like freedom, brotherhood, faithfullness


No thats nordic rune language

Lads, that's a Germanic system of writing. Its origins are Germanic.
Celts, Slavs, Norse all use to be closely related. Before christianity.

who the fuck are the Irish genetically

Those are Nordic runes. You have exposed yourself proxyjew.

there it is absolutely exact Russian words are written

That’s very clearly Nordic runes. You’re a proxyfagging jew. How would a Russian not be able to recognize what is and isn’t his language

Russia was founded by swedes

That is true. But the language on that shirt isn’t Cyrillic


>That’s very clearly Nordic runes
I do not argue this

It's just ordinary commercial shit and stylization for the Russian market

I know what Cyrillic looks like. Do you have any examples of similar writing style? If not fuck off

you fucking retards
it's russian words written with artistic "rune" font

Well look

BOЛЯ - will
ЯPOCTЬ - fury

Of course the runes are not part of the Cyrillic alphabet
They just use a certain similarity

but are you aware that there is this invention called FONTS
with which you can STYLIZE a text?
>I know what Cyrillic looks like
as you have clearly demonstrated

kek, what a dumb fucking nigger

cyкa, кaкaя яpocть блядь
ты бyквy Г нe видишь?

>buttblasted to be proven wrong
>oh shit I've been found out better double down

Иди нaзхyй я c бoдyнa и вижy вeздe яpocть

ты ceйчac знaeшь вce aмepикaнcки дypaк

I meant the guy you're replying to you cunt

Whatever you say, leaf.

You're a fucking moron
its literally written in Russian.

What does this symbol even mean

Russians are honorary nords

>Ireland Loves Stalin, here is proof///

We are.
Til Valhall!

No. Russians are mongol rapebabies.

those are runes dipshit

Sup Forums, make up your mind already.

whiter than you mohammad

>You're a fucking moron
Kill yourself you fucking faggot

>on an english speaking board
>anyone else here must have at least a basic understanding of english
>proceed to talk to one another in russian

>hurr durr its runes hail odin!

brainlet speaks: the post

>Kievan Rus
More like Turanic Gypsies amirite


That was just mean and uncalled for. It’s like you were sitting on that meme and waiting to use it.

Can i count my home made potato bags as red pilled clothes


>brainlet speaks: the post
Projecting your own inadequacies: The post.

Just kill yourself already.

>still hasnt refuted the initial point
>posts anyway

Because gladiolus
We're speaking english to you, the fuck else do you want?

and the Singapore just google translated a phrase, he doesn't really know russian

I mean come on, do you really think you're getting us butthurt by calling us mongols? It's been done for decades, we're immune to it.

Look at his posts ITT, he obviously was

Like some of the other americans ITT who're just shit talking each other for the purpose of shit talking like it's /b

I'm just stating the truth Bratishka.

дa ты пpaвильнo мoй pyccкий плoхo нy я знaю чyть чyть штo ты гoвopишь

Do you mean oden or wotan ..dipshit

What was your initial point faggot? Those runes are Germanic in origin.

You stupid fucking idiot. Where did you go to school? Fucking faggot.

Community college dosn't count BTW

>our rapebabies are now LARPing as us

great, just great

fuck off

that's a comfy jumper desu

This poster is a commie shilling on Sup Forums



Viking raids in the early 8th/9th century.

So yes or no?

I fucking hat faggts who try to act cryptic, like they actually know ANYTHING

One person has a Norse rune, not even related to Hitlery appears to represent an entire nation. Are you actually retarded?

It's funny that in english Pride without first letter is something close to Rage or Wrath.
Ordost is not exactly Yarost as well.
Am I apophenic? Probably.
Here's something completely different:
They whether invented the time machine or planned that event to enjoy some other-level entertainment.

Yes you dense cunt, Norse and Vikings are one of the same.

Yes, it was founded by the vikings. It was named after Dubh Linn (Black Pool) where the vikings first moored their boats.

Runes are a Norse, "germanic" ALPHABET for ANY languages words can be written with runes, albeit it might not make sense to those who use the Runic alphabet. Ie if I write English words but using Russian alphabet it won't "spell" anything in Russian per se.

Thanks senpai

PS i was right.

Ireland and many other countries as far afield as Iran have the root of the word Aryan in their name.

the irish are a invention of american consumerism

Rich coming from an Indian sub state

irish nigger

The words they spell are not nordic though, or Irish or English.

Show your flag you larping meme faggot

Those are literally russian words written with cyrillic alphabet.

And those are not "nordic runes", those are cyrillic letters with a fancy font.