There is no reason at all to own an assault rifle. Let's face it, Sup Forums, assault rifles have one purpose and that is to launch an "assault" on a fortified enemy position. Now tell me, why would the average American citizen need something like that?
There is no reason at all to own an assault rifle. Let's face it, Sup Forums...
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There is no reason to own an assault rifle?
Wrong. Even if they were legal, shooting guns is fucking fun. That's my good reason, so fuck off from telling me I can't own something because a deranged kid in Florida shot some people.
The Constitution disagrees.
Answer: the American people don't need assault rifles. You all have this fetishized notion of what the second amendment was. Instead of realizing that it was written in a time when muskets were the only kind of gun around, you all instead cling to this wild west fantasy that you are actually going to do something against the government.
As a future former marine I can tell you that there is no way any of you would ever be able to stand up against the government. The government has tanks and bombs and drones so an assault rilfe would be completely usesless.
Let's do the sensible thing and start rolling back the second amendment so that we can get weapons of war off our streets.
An assault rifle is just a modern day musket. The musket was the standard rifle in 1776 and the AR-15 is the standard rifle of today.
So unless you have a higher power than the constitution or the SCOTUS, you have no legit recourse to change current federal guns laws and rights.
What's an assault rifle?
Talk to me when they figure out how to confiscate my gun with a tank.
>founding fathers didn't want weapons of war in hands of civilians
>civilians had same weapons as British Army
The AR-15 isn't an assault rifle so your argument is invalid.
>The right of the people to keep and bears arms shall not be infringed
That means your feelings don't mean shit. My right to possess whatever arms I decide to is guaranteed by the US constitution. Now you can bitch and moan, and cry like a little baby all you want; but that's not going to change anything. Go back to sucking cock you faggot, you're clearly better at doing that than using your brain.
>As a future former marine I can tell you that there is no way any of you would ever be able to stand up against the government. The government has tanks and bombs and drones so an assault rilfe would be completely usesless.
Vietnamese rice farmers would disagree. They beat the entire U.S. Army with a fraction of the arsenal that America citizens posses.
come and take them commie scum
You don't have a right to stop anything. That is not how the constitution works.
>Implying muskets were the only king of gun around in 1776
You are a retard and you know nothing about history.
Does it need to be posted every single time?
Why do I own one? Because I hate women and minorities obviously.
What makes a rifle an "assault rifle"?
>we must punish millions of people who did nothing
Not relevant.
By legal definition an Assault rifle is any rifle chambered in an intermediate cartridge that is capable of Select Fire. So in other words an AR-15 is not an Assault Rifle.
What legal definition? Do the words assault rifle actually appear in any federal legislation related to firearms?
>being this stupid
Sorry I meant military definition, there is no legal definition for an "Assault Rifle" because it's legally classified as a "Machine Gun" by the BATFE.
Which are already heavily regulated btw.
Venezuela. How a Socialist Democracy ends up when crossed with cultural enrichment. Government first convinces you to give up guns. Then they come for your food, your property, and leave you and your family to starve.
Do any manufacturers call their products assault rifle the way they call a revolver a revolver?
>Paranoid fantasies
Common Core at it's best.
Pick up some history books, OP.
saved, thanks
Always remember
Liberals have no concept of what a “right” is.
you will die like a dog
>Everyone gives up their guns
>"see now we can no longer have shootings"
>what do you mean the police will kill us if we protest the new president
>mr police man don't you know that gun is supposed to be illegal
Bill of Rights not Bill of Needs. Faggot.
You know what? Nobody has time to read your conservative dribbling.
Not. One. Reason.
>Rights = needs
You don't get to dictate other peoples needs you fucking commie. You don't get to take away their rights either.
You want to talk about rights, boy? Well let's do it then. Your "RIGHTS" have cost thousands of lives and have terrorized this fine nation of ours. You consider yourselves patriots and yet you want to continue to allow our nation to be terrorized by the second amendment? Come on.
The feeling when you agree with the need for more gun control but these faggots whine in such pathetic ways you don't want to stand with them.
According to the constitution my paranoid fantasies do in fact trump your "public health policies".
Why dont you go into politics then, instead of pissing in an ocean of piss.
>When this cuck doesn't realize that is far too late to ban guns,
>when a cuck believes gun laws will change how many guns will now be free of tracking
>As a future former marine
There's no such thing.
Are you retarded? The North Vietnamese lost every battle. The Vietnam war was a political loss, not a military loss.
Very subtle OP, I like it
>Sincerely, the people who constantly talk about the upcoming revolution.
>call gun owners paranoid
>tell them to disarm
>...because of your own paranoia about what they might do but haven't done
This is projecting, right?
omg shut up
Yeah, there is. I have the metals to prove it. I have serviced my nation in more ways than you ever will.
The world is a scary place. It is not safe and it never will be. You don't have the right to feel safe. You have the choice of whether or not you let it "terrorize" you. Those who give in to fear so easily should not be permitted to dictate the lives of others.
>Rights have cost thousands of lives
And they will undoubtedly cost thousands more in the years to come. Our rights, our liberty, was not bought with the revolutionary war. It was merely a down payment. If we wish to stay free we will need to bleed for it. It is regrettable but it is the only way.
It is the Bill of RIGHTS not the bill of needs, you unpatriotic cock sucker. Do your country a favor and kys. Piece of shit.
>you need guns to fight against a tyrannical government? That's a conspiratard fantasy and you're a paranoid nutjob
it means he's currently a marine
Assault rifles were banned more than 30 years ago, the right to defend life, liberty, and property is not a conservative value, it's an American value. On an unrelated note, the question of reproductive rights is made irrelevant by contraception
You don't just stop being a marine.
Go back to COD, kiddo. Adults are speaking about serious things here.
Well, too bad you didnt catch a bullet to the dome you sack of shit. Tell me. Those desolate shitholes you were romping through, were the citizens of those countries allowed to arm themselves?
Why should I rely on the govt to protect me? I have a RIGHT to protect myself and my family. I have the RIGHT to stand up to the opperessive govt that is being faintly held back by trump. You cannot control a country with tank and f35s. You need boots on the ground. You also need a dissarmed populace. Get fucked jarhead.
Hopefully you have written down somewhere that you do not want a military funeral.
Whelp someone’s a POG who’s never been to Iraq or Afghan
>muh right to gun control
Please show where in the constitution were this is a right.
If you're not here for a political discussion then what are you doing on a political discussion board? Idiot.
Saged. Kill yourself.
You truly are a stupid. I mean that in the most objective way possible. I bet you didnt even need to wear a helmet. You know why jarhead? Because you there was nothing to protect.
>Donald Trump is a fascist literally Hitler
>we need to take guns so we can't fight a fascist government
Leftists are legitimately retarded. Pick one and only one and stick to it you fucking dumb shit for brains
assault rifles are already illegal faggot
Remember to sage shit threads
Hello? Jarhead? Are you going to respond? Youre not having a flashback of digging latrines at some FOB, are you?
The OP is Schlomo. Bottom line.
Sorry, but from family to stranger, never met a "former" marine.
>the founding fathers had no concept of technological progress
You are so full of shit.
I hate people like this poster.
I like how they claim the right to speak for everyone.
the only guns I'll ever need are the ones ripping out of my sleeveless shirts
and the only rifle I'll ever need is the one in my pants
I hate whiny little shits like you. Go back where you came from, cum slurping double nigger
I hate anime loving faggots like you. KYS already you degenerate scum.
you wanna get on bottom? you know that's the point you wanna be
Do not give them an inch. Fucking shoot them if they come for you. Don't let your country surrender it's rights like mine did when I was only 4. If you don't feel this way, you are a disgrace to everything humanity has ever accomplished.
>paranoid fantasies
Overthrowing the government is literally the basis of the country. Non whites wouldn't understand.
Yeah, but that was a long time ago, they used to burn witches and have slaves back then as well. The government has nukes and drones now, and the 2nd Amendment ("well regulated"!!!) was written for muskets.
Get a grip, racist gun nuts.
Define "Assault Rifle" faggot.
Be specific.
Oh wait, you can't. Because there's literally no such thing.
Sage in all fields.
Sage these faggot shills
ask mcCain about that
To a Russian, the Bolshevik revolution was not a fantasy.
To a Chechen, the Russian invasion was not a fantasy.
To an Afghan, the Anglo invasion was not a fantasy.
To a Vietnamese, the US invasion was not a fantasy.
So yes, my right to defend myself from tyranny DOES trump your "right" to indulge in moral narcissism and sanctimonious posturing.
We will sell treacherous faggots like you to our enemies.
Great thread OP
Actually they a history book....all gun grabbers are bootlickers for the corporate globalist powers...1st amendment and 2nd amendment will never change...fuck you
The recent era of prosperity was preceded by constant conflict against tyranical goverments...the only buffer is a polite armed society
Yeah it literally does faggot. If you don't want the right to protect yourself that's fine but you don't have the right to remove my right to defend myself and property.
Shill thread, here we go. :
There are 30,000 gun related deaths per year by firearms, and this number is not disputed. U.S. population 324,059,091 as of Wednesday, June 22, 2016. Do the math: 0.000000925% of the population dies from gun related actions each year. Statistically speaking, this is insignificant! What is never told, however, is a breakdown of those 30,000 deaths, to put them in perspective as compared to other causes of death:
• 65% of those deaths are by suicide which would never be prevented by gun laws
• 15% are by law enforcement in the line of duty and justified
• 17% are through criminal activity, gang and drug related or mentally ill persons – gun violence
• 3% are accidental discharge deaths
So technically, "gun violence" is not 30,000 annually, but drops to 5,100. Still too many? Well, first, how are those deaths spanned across the nation?
• 480 homicides (9.4%) were in Chicago
• 344 homicides (6.7%) were in Baltimore
• 333 homicides (6.5%) were in Detroit
• 119 homicides (2.3%) were in Washington D.C. (a 54% increase over prior years)
So basically, 25% of all gun crime happens in just 4 cities. All 4 of those cities have strict gun laws, so it is not the lack of law that is the root cause.
This basically leaves 3,825 for the entire rest of the nation, or about 75 deaths per state. That is an average because some States have much higher rates than others. For example, California had 1,169 and Alabama had 1.
Pic related...Your logic retard
Then why don’t you just shoot them at a gun range? Assault rifles are used to mow people down. Why the fuck would you want the average fuckwit to have access to that?