Is it degenerate to give money to random beggars asking for money?
Is it degenerate to give money to random beggars asking for money?
Give them the look and move on with your day.
>is charity degenerate
No, it's also not degenerate to tell them no.
Only if they aren't white
>not helping out your fellow white man
Fuck nigger beggars tho.
Yes, you're just supporting their drug habit.
If they’re white and thin I’ll give them food only. Fatties and nonwhites get nothing.
Is there a type of beggar that really gets at you? Mine is the 'poor mother with a baby in her arm while holding a sign'. It's like really, condoms and birth control are not that hard to get.
Giving money to beggars just makes people beg more and more.
try giving them a food item, then you'll see how desperate they are
Is amazing how much beggars can be found on vancouver streets. Some of them are very funny, I remember one of those who wrote a sign that says that his parents were killed by ninjas so he needs money for karate le$$0n$. So, most of the time I gave money to them, mostly if they are just honest and ask money to buy weed.
That homeless guy has better clothes than me, no way I'm giving him any money until he looks the part.
Offer them food, but never money. Giving them money may not be degenerate, but what they do with the money you gave them most likely will be.
lol hands him a single quarter, "buy a gumball fatass"
Make them EARN MONEY.
for 10 bux
It works
Try giving a homeless guy food and you'll get cussed out because he doesn't want your food, he gets that for free anyway, what he wants is money for his habit.
Yes, they're poor because they're sinners and giving them money is against God's will
it depends. some homeless are that way due to poor health. Contrary to popular belief the mainstream medicine industry isnt very good at dealing with chronic health issues. Its all about making money selling any drug they can get away with.
So if i see someone who looks like they ae struggling health wise ill give them some money because i know they probably got fucked over.
on the other hand we have kids here who make a living going from town to town seeing music festivals etc and they sit on the street and socialize and ask for handouts with shit eating grins on their faces. Fuck those guys.
Exactly, ignore filthy crack baboons, and if the white guy doesn't look like a junkie then give him a few cents
Yes, there's a probability that 98% of them are libtards, and they want everything without having to work, and no, cleaning your mirror is not working
>a few cents
That's a one way ticket to being yelled at by a bum
Make them do something.
>Is it degenerate to give money to random beggars asking for money?
You aren't helping them, user.
the ones claiming to be hungry are hustlers. its hard to avoid free food if youre homeless. its being thrown at you.
No entitled white nigger bum is getting money off me in thw first place, only the guys who look like homeless vets or older dudes
>be me
>volunteer at numerous soup kitchen and shelters
>95% of homeless coming thru are raging alcoholics or on hard drugs
Don't give them your money. Volunteer your time, give them actual food or a gift card to fast food.
lol!!!! xD
If you're going to give them money then give them like 1000 dollars, that way there is at least a decent chance they'll overdose.
A few days ago a guy asked me for some change toward gas "so that he could get home". I grabbed some change from my car, about 75 cents and gave it to him. She shook my hand and seemed really grateful. I'm not street smart at all so I'm not sure if I was hustled or not. I want to believe he really needed help.
>if the white guy doesn't look like a junkie
The only white homeless that aren't junkies are retarded (i.e. just as genetically subhuman as a nigger)
Not if they look like they actually need it. It's a good thing.
Give them something they earned, or nothing. The kindest thing you can do for these people who probably have made a huge amount of mistakes in their life is to "teach a man to fish". Two bucks doesent mean shit and he will try and swoon peoples money from their sympathies. Theres not much you can do to help them, but if theres a chance to offer them work, thats the only kindness worth showing.
>christians should support the mediocre
Kill yourself muhammed, you are like them, you want special treatment and welfare
Of course it is a German.
>a year ago
>go shopping
>beggar asks me for money
>truthfully say I have no cash on me
>return to my car 20 minutes later
>he's still loitering around
>give him a tenner since I'm a nice guy
>he thanks me and leaves in a hurry
>discover he keyed my car
Only idiots give money to beggars. Try being white in Africa. Every single motherfucker you see outside will eventually ask you for money.
The trick is to flat out ignore them. What are they gonna do? Call me names? Lol
>give money to drug addict
>spends it on drugs
Congrats. You just facilitated the sinning of someone
Give them food, no money.
>Is it degenerate to give money to random beggars
In the age of technology , no.
>i'm a snowflake
No, your bible commands it, your GOD COMMANDS it.
Give money to the addicts, and the schizos, and the layabouts, and the hustlers.
It is your duty as a good Christian goy.
t. cucked Hanz
I give money to beggers, even if its just a few cents, half the time i see them getting food later that night. theyre probably on welfare too, but they probably have a pretty hard life, why not make it a little easier?
not all homeless are drug addicts/alcoholics.
the ausie is right.
Then why are they homeless?
Absolutely, always show disdain for the cunts cause they're using it for booze and ciggies, occasionally other drugs
i don't care it's their life. nobody talks to them like people so the least you can do is give them a dollar and be nice
There are few more evil than begging for money that doesn't go anywhere but to your alcohol fund.
oh man.
I have never seen a beggar in Norway, so I don't know. I know they probably have them in Oslo, but I never go there. I woulnd't give any money to them tho, I don't see a reason why. the government takes care of our poor, so if I saw a beggar, I'd pretty much know it was someone from some other country that was in an organized begging gang.
No it's Godly
Fucking meme flag. Fuck being nice. Fuck them for not using literally HUNDREDS of programs designed to keep them off the street. They all refuse these programs. Fucking turboniggers are sleeping on the fucking sidewalk in New Orleans RIGHT THE FUCK NOW. They are scaring away our tourism. I fucking hate them.
As someone from a third world country, I feel disgusted by faggot begars in a developed one, I mean, if I can have a good living in fucking Mexico you can stop being a waste for society, just more your fucking ass
homeless = lack of home
there's a finer line between having a home and not, many reasons can make one homeless.
Depends on your area I suppose.
If you are in any city or decently sized town then you should not give them any money directly. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or donate to a church that helps them. Beggars and the homeless have tons of help offered to them.
Churches, charities and even businesses that have jobs that require no skill all offer them help.
>Need a place to sleep?
A church will give you a bed.
>Need 3 meals a day?
A charity will feed you.
>Need to make some money?
There is a factory that will let you work and pay you in cash at the end of the day.
In any decently populated area there is abundant help for these people.
So why are they on the streets?
In most cases it is simply because they refuse to follow the rules set by the people helping them. The church will offer them shelter and a bed to sleep in, but won't let you in at night if they smell the alcohol on your breath. Things like this.
The church, their fellow countrymen, and the American economy all offer them opportunity to help themselves.
>What if they aren't in a city or large town?
Then it's okay to buy them a fucking bus ticket.
They're like pigeons. Keep feeding them and they'll just hang around and fuck up the area. Stop feeding them and maybe they'll actually go take the necessary steps to get help and get off the streets.
Fuck your Jew God, you insufferable cunt. It's fuckers like you that enable this shit. They need to be beaten with chains until they leave the city.
Every corner near me (The Plaza/Paseo in Kansas City) there's beggars. They all leave signs hidden under rocks, behind poles, etc that they seem to share with each other. Always the same rotating stock of 4/5 different bums too.
The worst are the niggers that walk up to you while you pump gas asking for bus fare. Like, seriously, fuck off.
Nobody talks to them because they're fucking losers especially in Aus and Nz where they have so many fucking supporting systems. If you fall through the cracks of society in nz and aus then it is your own fault
Yes. They're asking for money to buy booze and pills. Fuck anyone that enables that garbage.
Those wjo begs for money are degenerate. But those who gives them money is basically cucked
Well, here in America, we have halfway houses, sobriety houses, group houses, financial aide, social assistance, government funded shelters, welfare to work programs, privately operated recovery housing, that will actually assist you in finding employment if you are unemployed at the time of moving in.... We have too many pros to have cons shitting on our street corners and fucking up our city.
the homeless should be slaughtered
Yes! Dont be cold like niggers. Our empathy is what separates us from the animals.
I think it's strange that more Asians than 'whites' understand this, I always see tourists in asian countries giving money to beggars and the asians telling them they are being scammed or tricked but the process always repeats itself.
Begging needs to be outlawed, there are already systems in place in every fuckin western country to stop the need for begging
fair enough! thanks for the info, friend :)
No not really. I mean I do.
Around the local city which started getting really bad with homeless camps under all the bridges (all of a sudden a Brit can't get social housing for some UNKOWN reason) police posters went up ordering me not to give money to the desperate as they all spend it on drugs. Instead I was to give to the big business that are modern charities.
I don't carry change and it piles up at home so now when I remember to I gather a pocketful to hand out to anyone that asks.
Fuck this stupid gubmint of evil and fuck their clown shoes brown shirts telling me what to do with my cash. I don't care if they spend it on drugs although I don't suppose most do.
Exactly. Thank you, Tojo.
only if they're non-white
Literally just attention getting. Single whore mothers are eligible for so many gibs in America it’s not even funny
I'm not your fucking friend, niggerstrailian. I have grown weary of the filth and I work too hard to watch another fucking junkie, whip his dick out and piss all over a restaurant window at peak serving hours. All degenerates must fucking hang.
clucking for this?
They might make good slaves if you could break them
Round up some junkies with a pack of cigarettes and a van, sell them for monero
Don't feed stray dogs; they'll breed. That and McDonald's is always hiring.
I used to get that from a GF 'they are scamming' but it was just jealousy at seeing someone get something for nothing. The homeless don't need to suck my dick to get at small change was her problem with it.
Roma detected.
no worries buddy! have a great day pal :-)
I'm sure this has happened but I havent seen any of them be anything but grateful. Especially if it's a hot bag of mcdonald's
Yes. Shelters will house/feed/assist any homeless person as long as they're not abusing alcohol/drugs.
When you give them money you're either directly enabling their habit or getting taken advantage of by a professional. Literally. There are professional beggars.
Homeless people in NYC can pull 40k a year easy.
Yeah, they are.
I went to McDonald's today and got a Filet-O-Fish combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side. I was eating it in my vehicle in the parking lot and listening to an audiobook when I glanced up and saw the McDonald's worker I ordered outside having a cigarette.
She waved at me and I nodded and had to wait 7 minutes before she went back inside and I could eat in comfort again. I don't think that employees should be bothering or even trying to socialize with customers outside of the McDonald's restaurant or drive through, but that is another story.
I went to McDonald's for dinner tonight and got a McChicken combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side. As I was driving to the second window the same girl was still working. She was acting somewhat obsequious and attempting small talk when she asked, 'why don't you come eat inside instead of in the parking lot where it is cold'.
That really bothered me for many reasons. First of all, I don't want my routine or actions to be tracked by a fast food employee. Secondly, she should not try to tell me how I should live my life. I do not want to eat inside because I find it less comfortable and would much rather be inside my vehicle listening to an audiobook and enjoying myself and my privacy.
Overall, I think it was very unprofessional to bring this up. I should have a clean slate with each drive through visit, not have to get the third degree because I committed some sort of faux pas. Which I don't think I did, because I often see people eating in fast food parking lots. How does she know I am not busy going to work or somewhere in a rush?
How do you feel about eating in your vehicle in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant versus eating inside the restaurant?
They wouldn't make good slaves at all. They have given up on their selves. They have nothing to motivate them, but fear of death and pain. They are the most selfish fucking people I have ever had the displeasure of coming into contact with. I don't want my children to ever have to cross paths with a fucking degenerate street dweller. They are worse than drug dealers. At least drug dealers are motivated and want something out of life. Homeless people are walking corpses. They are human debris.
Screeched kraut, not realising how much he just embarrassed him self by trying to act like a good christian
Again, go fuck a koala, or import some more pakis. I don't care. Worry about your homeless niggers. Ours are just faking it.
thats a common misconception my friend, most are great guys and gals that are just down on their luck! :)
Refusing to help yer own people is degenerate.
woah there pal, take it easy! :) i serve the homeless soup on a Saturday night, they're a great bunch! next time you see a homeless person, just go and say hi :) itll make their day! haha okay see ya pal! :)
nice 56%, we don't import pakis mate :)
Fucking kill yourself. That is the answer to this issue you're having with people trying to interact with you. She might have been trying to give you some Pussy. Even if she is ugly, you are a miserable piece of shit for instantly going to that place in your mind. I am really having trouble seeing a future in which you survive. All outcomes point to you getting seriously fucked up by someone you are most likely going to offend, or self inflicted mortal wounds for being such a miserable cunt. Anyway, good luck with that.
They're not.
Trust me friend, i serve the homeless soup on a Saturday night, they're a great bunch! :)
haha okay see ya pal :)
*shakes you warmly by the hand*
are you sure about that? :)
I'm not saying hey to filth. I'm sure you are extra delighted to take care of retarded abos all day. Good for you. Over here, in the murder capital, you could serve soup to the same homeless person all week, and they would still cut your throat on a Sunday. We have murderers, rapists and thieves over here. It's a completely different world.
>Whole board filled with christcucks
>Don't give money to beggars
Really makes me think, the absolute state of this board.
Yes. Homeless people are homeless because they have systematically run everyone they know out of their lives.
Imagine being so shitty you wouldn't the have a place to go if you needed help for a little bit. Even your own family has to hate you. All your friends, neighbors, teachers, siblings... no one is willing to help you. Something has to be wrong with you.
>Yes. Homeless people are homeless because they have systematically run everyone they know out of their lives.