How would you run your civilization, Sup Forums?
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First I would hang that faggot. Then I would give you shock therapy.
I'd kill everyone who spams threads 24/7 promoting "literally what" agendas
Traps will be handed out as wives to virgins like you
>I would hang that faggot.
Each man gets a wife, and a trap.
how can that be a trap
Not a trap, jus' phat vagina.
it's not, the panty and bulge are shooped over her bare vagen
>I would grant more legal protectons for LGBTQIA+ people and protect their rights
>I would make sure abortion is safe and legal
>I would pass universal healthcare
>I would pass new laws protecting the climate
>I would raise taxes on the wealthy and guarantee a livable wage
>I would provide affordable housing
>I would pass strict gun regulations
>I would fund public education
>I would protect the righhts of minorities and women
>I would allow in all immigrants and refugees
>I would allow for soft drugs like marijuana to be legal
>I would abolish capital punishment and emphasize rehabilitation over punishment
>I would emphasize service including military service but not nationalism or militarism
>I would call for a reduction in nuclear arms worldwide
>I would take a strong stance against nations that did not respect human rights or international law
>I would sign new trade agreements
sure it's not the other way round?
the other one has like a million entries on google reverse search whereas your pic comes up only one place
>I would allow for soft drugs like marijuana to be legal
I really hate that this has become a leftist talking point. I just want to get faded without some fundie retard telling me to go to jail.
I actually have no idea, I just have the pics on hand.
goodnight alt left
thats not how vaginas look in real life user
not unless its like a 3 year old
gas the following:
>Constitutional Monarchy Minarchy with a bit of Fascism/Traditionalism
>Constitution is as short and simple as it can be.
>Ethnic Nationalism
>Communities have a population limit of 300 (Localism/Communitarianism)
>"Cities" are only places where people congregate, tourism, business, citizens don't live there only work.
>anti Subversion law, no spreading of propaganda against the nation, no marxism etc. Punishable by deportation
>Only laws regarding production is that there is no negative effects from it to the local environment, nation, people, consumer and worker. Worker must be payed fairly.
>The ruler deals with national problems and organises meetings with elected leaders from each community and deals with international relationships.
>No army, but a militia and ICBMs here and there.
>National tax goes to supporting the militia, ICBMs and connecting of utilities/roads between communities, community "tax" only goes to whatever the family is using, roads utilities(unless utility is private like water tanks, power generators and they hire someone to refill water etc)
>"school" is sex specific, females are taught how to take care of the household and manage it etc, males are taught how to manage a family and are introduced to the workforce at the age of 10 where they learn on the job. Basics are taught to both like language maths etc. This is to set them up for marriage as soon as possible.
>One vote per head of family (with children, after a certain age?)
>Communities vote on their own decisions that affect them. The communities can decide how theirs is run as well, the can elect one leader to run everything in it if they want.
>Business stuff:
Any citizen is allowed to produce whatever product they want with the aformentioned laws regarding production.
If there isn't any local business in an industry that is needed in the nation (where importation is needed) then the products in those industry have an extra tariff that is put towarsd the developement of a national business in that industry/sector.
When a national industry is formed an aspiring citizen can purchase a part of it and begin a private business in that sector with those resources/equiptment.
If the citizen cannot pay upfront he can set aside profits that the soon to be private business receives until he pays it off. (Bonds???)
Without Jews, Saracens, and you, op.
But you won't. Aha gotcha there.
You can see the sneaky nutsack
thats the shopped version kiddo
Nazi germany to the letter
no, it's a model going by Sofy B.
fuck. why live?
Thank fuck
benis :DDDD
Keep telling yourself that, faggot.
concentration camps when?
I would have slight tweaks but even as a Jew,it is hard to come up with a better system,
>LGBT flag
>digits are 64
so when you started to identify as an Apache Attack Helicopter?
What are your correct pronouns?
Presumably ‘my landing gear, their landing gear, stop ogling my rotors faggot’
>His (Death From Above)
>Him (Death From Above)
>Your Majesty Lord of the Skies & Brapper of Infidels
>Lord General Regent of Free Heli Rides for Commies
>Saint Pinochet's Ultimate Fun Ride.
Take Your Pick
Don't be Rotarphobic or Heliphobic.
My sides, they will be missed.
>make a society where the only way to buy a house is a two person income where both people work full time
>instill a pedo scare where people are scared to death of letting their children go outside, encouraging children to stay inside to get raised by screens
>while parents are at work, raise the children to become degenerates through the public school system and through screens via the internet
>rub my hands together as within 30 years the country has gone to shit
You made this thread just to post this huh nigger
even if that's a boy with a penis I'd probably smash because it's so fucking hot
I would outlaw fossil fuels, alcohol, and tobacco. I would require that all goods and services be sold at marginal cost, no more and no less. Prostitution will be legal, and there will be state issued wives. We will have open borders, but it won't matter politically because no one will vote. We will be a hereditary dictatorship. We will have a universal basic income and free housing so that no one will starve or be homeless. The government shall be funded by an estate tax and a value added tax. All pupils in public schools shall be taught probability and statistics, evolutionary biology, economics, and comparative religious studies.
i dont know whats real anymore
>blocks your path
There is a King. The King is a man of God. The King holds council with the high priests, and the philosophers. The high priests hold council with the priests, and the priests perform services for the people. The philosophers study, teach academics, and contemplate the law. The laws of God are handed down through the church to the king, and the king commands the laws upon the people. The people are guided toward a life of objective good, so that they may live in the grace of God. Through God's grace and mercy, the people are united and sanctified. The trades and markets are free so long as they remain just, and follow the laws of God. There are shelters for the homeless and sick, and programs to help those who wish to return to a state of self sufficiency, so that they might some day live in prosperity. The military commanders meet with the philosophers, high priests, and the king during special council meetings where matters concerning foreign policy and national security are discussed. Service in the military is mandatory for students below a certain level of scholarship. Those achievers who still wish to serve may do so if they please. Children are taught culture, mathematics, history, and religion, as well as grammar, logic, and rhetoric (the last three taught as one class). A great emphasis is put on physical fitness from a young age. Woman are taught home building skills such as knitting, cooking, etiquette, mothering, and boys are taught martial arts, tactical war combat training, and survival skills. Children are encouraged to develop passions for the arts, such as music, poetry, painting, writing, and acting. Girls may be married as young as sixteen with the blessing of their parents. Children's activities in school are heavily monitored and structured, leaving little room for deviancy from the word of god. Structured family life is taught through (continued)
church, and the media. Mothers help children with their homework, and so might the father if his time is available. Children are made to do chores including cleaning their room, doing the dishes, helping with laundry, chopping wood, cleaning the house, maintaining the yard, and learning to cook. Entertainment is available, but deviancy expressed in entertainment is strictly forbidden. Classical, jazz, folk, and singer song writer styles of music are encouraged for young listeners. Theater, dance, opera, and live music are venues of entertainment. Children and adults are encouraged to read novels, history, philosophy, scripture, and theology. Holidays are celebrated at town banquets, festivals, and marches. Athletic activities students may take part in include wrestling, track and field, swimming, soccer, paintball, and fencing. Trades are taught starting in middle school. Students are guided toward a trade suited toward a balance of their skills and preferences. Woman start careers later in life, and tend to produce a majority of music, writing, and poetry. Meat is rationed by family, as to promote self control and environmental good through deep ecology
State mandated gfs for all men
Age of consent 12
Only white men and women and only the most beautiful brown women
The OP has the real pic, that bitch has a dick. That pussy is photoshopped
> civilization
no i would prefer tribalism without jewish tricks.