What does Sup Forums think of this?
I was 'almost' a school shooter
So the cure to school shootings is make kids so fat they can't do them? It's fucking genius
Sup Forums here, the guy is a hero
He tried to but he couldn't fit through the door
Probably should have eaten less than oneless.
wtf, we paid for his healthcare, what more does he want?
i almost picked the winning powerball numbers
should have just killed yourself you fat mess
the absolute state of americand
He wanted to be a school shooter but he ate all the kids before he could shoot them.
>be fat retard without any life
>basement dweller
>go on YouTube to tell people you are important'n'shieet
>muh authority
>I could kill everyone if I wanted cut I'm so powerful
>some people really thinks that such a beta could kill someone.
I sure would not say such things publicly
>mfw CNN encourages mentally ill people's negative attention seeking behavior, facilitating these people's public humilation and further isolation
Pretty depressing, desu. It's funny how parasitic virtue signaling actually is. As soon as this news cycle ends this fat fuck won't be able to get a job again because he's now one google search away from being tagged as a potential school shooter (i.e. someone with extreme mental illness).
Beautiful show of multiculturalism. That's the one time I like it!
had to screencap!
I fucking hate Kyle Clark. Such a smarmy little shit
This is just further evidence that leftists are mentally ill.
he must've had a blood sugar spike and had to sit down for a while
>pic related
Fucking el he steals out memes too. Fuck off
Good to hear now what's your point
I was almost an ethiopian astronaut.
Metal detectors really do save lives. Fatty couldn't fit through them
>I didn't carry out anything
except for a dozen extra servings from the cafeteria. Good thing he's not Muslim, or he'd plow people down with a mobility scooter of peace.