Part II: Boss Hogg just fucked up.
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Part II: Boss Hogg just fucked up.
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>When it's never infringed
Goodluck niggers
looks like the hog just got ... oinked
Part I
Please don't ever threaten this faggots life. They will use it in the mainstream media talking points to garner sympathy from normies. "The Evil Alrt-Right Threatened my life."
let's just go to sleep guys, long day tomorrow, you all must be very sleepy by now
The only people that would do that are the Mossad shills and JIDF shills
>tfw the next mass shooting is a group volley firing .45-70 trapdoor springfield's.
Hope a crazy kid with a gun kills him
>The only people that would do that are the Mossad shills and JIDF shills
Its an FBI tactic as well. They will make a veiled threat and they will allow you to comment into it, and commit a crime.
Don't be that guy.
or pic related
Insta-kills too rather than a chance you might live by being hit with a varmint round.
FYI it seems like Reddit isn’t blocking all of them yet. Someone mentioned they were in the other thread
if anyone has fucking plebbit account please help this get to the top of T_D:
FBI knows this shit is satire
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand David Hogg.The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also David Hoggs' nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike David Hogg truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Davids' existential catchphrase “I AM NOT AN ACTOR,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as David Hoggs' genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a David Hogg tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
What is the 111 for in his twitter handle?
Have faith in GOD, and fear not the evils in government. DO NOT hand in your guns in the upcoming days. There will be a war soon on our great soil.
>At 100 yards, volley fire!
jidf that used to browse pol
>the "I'm a student and I have a plan to fix the topical problem of the month but figure out the details later" starters pack
>Those rules
Absolutely fuck that shit is tyrannical oh my god. We have pretty strict laws here but that shit is next level. Not firing on your own land, prohibiting private bullet production, no magazines fuck this guy holy shit.
I'm FBI, and this is my false flag.
I work here with with my mexican dyke, and my son, Big Hogg.
Everything in the US can be subverted... for a price.
One thing I've learned after 21 years; you never know what is gonna be on that script.
This is the class president retard kid plan for guns
This just proves kids are not to be trusted with important things.
When you see even Crocodile NoGunDee even shit on gun control, you know they fucked up.
thanks user
tip proudly
>its not the cop's fault that he had a gun but sat with his thumb up his ass while my classmates were getting wasted
>boycott fucking FedEx because of a shooting
>this beyond absolute retard tier gun control plan
>people are taking this dumbass teenager seriously
>saw this image on /k/
>Tought it was some 9yo gun law suggestion
>Mfw it was big man hogg
>Ask Hogg if he's ever driven or traveled by car
>he is personally responsible for deepwater horizon disaster
>ask if he's ever traveled by airplane
>he doesn't care about victims of 9/11
fuck this faggot
No, I just know their tactics.
>FBI knows this shit is satire
I would think after a kid threatened to shoot up school and they didn't do shit that they may be a bit more prone to arrest people.
I think they would love to bait some poltards into saying something improper.....(((They))) would love to bust some crazy alt-righter at this point, because it would be the only thing that fit their agenda.
Don't do or say anything foolish, and figure they are here at all times.
Not down for me
Works fine.
Just checked. It's not down.
>No concealed carry, the gun must be open carried with some form of identifying badge like a cop has
Gee, I wonder who else decided to hand out badges to a certain type of people in the past
that post seems to have died
this one is surging:
Your shithole country is blocking it.
guess it passed, /k/ just a thread claiming it was down for US users.
Highly underrated post. Have a ((()))
Does he mean Russian soil then?
Let's organize and get to the bottom of this. Tired of these things going nowhere. We still don't even have justice for Seth Rich...
Join up:
https:// discord gg/FYaYegS
i shot Seth Rich, AMA.
holy shit i wish i wasn't a poorfag so that i could buy a gun while i still can
>Tactical Sleep Mask
set your alarms for 5:11
i bet someone could calculate how many kids died while the cops stood outside
I literally don't see what's wrong with this. All you need is a double barrel shotgun and 2 birdshot shells to defend your home. If you have to kill someone they can give you a new supply of 2 shells. Can't mass murder children with 2 shells. Perfect
CNN rentboy
ironically, a revolver and a shotgun are all i ever wanted gun-wise anyway, so i mean whatever
you niggers with the ARs are fucked though
>Part II: Boss Hogg just fucked up.
No, you just don't know what he's doing. He attributed that gun control pan to Chuck rettig, a tax lawyer that Trump just appointed to the IRS.
What, a Trump appointee came up with that plan? Trump betrayed us!!! How could he do this to us?!?!
Is how we're supposed to react. However, Chuck Rettig had nothing to do with that plan. I couldn't find anywhere with any mention of him in connection with it. It's a photograph of a document with no letterhead. Rettig is a lawyer and a professional, if he would have fired off a correspondence, it would have had letterhead identifying that it came from him. Not only is there no letterhead, there's no signature.
This is middle school level trolling by the NWO handlers if this little Barney Fife motherfucker.
Are communists even human?
>Under this system
>start a gun range
>wait for guns to build up
>fake burning down. Jewish lightning
>Take all guns
Now that he's revealed himself as retarded, what's the next step of his master plan?
You don't even deserve a (you).
he's going to commit a school shooting.
>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand David Hogg.
Thanks for chiming in David. In addition to being retarded, you're a little 120 pound faggot and you'll never get laid. CNN is using you, so you should enjoy it while you can because after the initial wave you'll spend the rest of your life as a meme.
>IRS lawyer
>gun laws
That's the dumbest thing I've heard. Does he really think people will blame Trump for an alleged plan by a tax lawyer?
Dude it doesn't matter they want to run with someone threatened him they'll do it anyway even if nobody did
This kid needs to return to where he came from(commifornia).
So what if three people with hoodies break in?
NRA is still up and fully functioning and I know this because I just bought a two year membership,
Actually someone well practiced with two revolvers and speed loaders could get the same amount of shots out in just a little more time.and with a higher kill to wound ratio as by they time they would be good enough to make only torso center and head shots no random spray
I'm David. You don't need anything other than a single shot shotgun. And after your year long waiting period and investigation by a state licensed psychiatrist you can have a single shot shotgun and a life time supply of 2 shells to protect your home with and hunt food with as long as you're licenesd and wear a body camera with GPS while you have guns outside of your house. And when I said that you can carry open with a badge that is only for cops regular people can't find them. And also your single shot guns you have at home have ankle monitor type gps systems that you pay 120 dollars a month for plus your insurance that make sure they never leave your house and have an electric firing pin block for when the cops are there so you can't use your gun on them. it's common sense
Copy pasta. Replace David Hogg with "Big bang theory".
>Let's organize and get to the bottom of this. Tired of these things going nowhere. We still don't even have justice for Seth Rich...
>Join up:
>https:// discord gg/FYaYegS
another glowing cianigger trying to lure people to that honeypot.
shotgun shells are good to kill all 3 with one shell they have a spread dumbass
In the full shot of his twiter pic thats what it shows
if you can't afford a gun, you should do something to preserve your right to one so that once you have the funds, you'll still be able to. Join the NRA. it's only 30 bucks-
Dick Cheney's hunting partner proves otherwise. Birdshot is useless for home defense and patterns don't open up in typical distances you'd find in a home.
Literally shaking reading this fucking drivel
I want to fucking beat this kids face the fuck in
Don't forget the extremely thorough cavity searches to ensure no shell smuggling.
David Hogg needs to be killed
>That's the dumbest thing I've heard.
no shit. the kid is a fucking retard. This is why we keep winning.
They do that at the range where you store your bullets as a precaution but only if your bullets go missing.
bullshit shotguns are the most powerful gun on earth next to the ar-15
I dont want to get any more mail here then I need to but after I move into my own house, i'm renewing just for the theft insurance
Dude... Birdshot. Unless your barrel is in the guys mouth it's not going to incapacitate a motherfucker.
>I'm David. You don't need anything other than a single shot shotgun.
For you I don't need anything but the back of my hand.You're a little faggot, but we've already covered this.
Lol how do you expect me to be so stupid
Hogg is a total jawlet. Very low energy.
> Still thinks the FBI is competent
I hope this kid does not travel north of Vero Beach. The entire southeastern US will kick his ass on sight.
Lol thanks bruv
Oh no, having an opinion is illegal. Get over yourself you whiny faggot
Funnier than many wd realize.
Not sure this kid is aware how innefficient and incompetent bureaucracies are. Good luck enforcing this correctly haha oh boy.
>lets put all our ammo and guns in ine pace
Great idea....
Sine his dad is FBI. I’m pretty sure they have 24 hour security for him and his family.