ITT: anime adaptions that are better than their manga
ITT: anime adaptions that are better than their manga
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Lucky Star
1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th stage of Initial D
Mob Psycho, fuckin obviously.
Also HunterxHunter because Togashi draws like cow shit
All of them, because having color and sound and motion is better than not having them.
Have you read Jojo Part 4 and seen the anime?
Shit had some good parts but the intensity and pace of the fights was better in the manga by far.
Also have you read One Piece and seen the anime? One Piece in itself is not that great but the manga at least is not THAT shitty.
Yu Yu Hakusho is fucking great why doesnt it get talked about more?
Its funny you mention JoJo. I always felt that the Jotaro vs Dio fight in Part 3 is a much better experience, if you read it in the manga then watch either the OVA or Anime.
To name a few: FMA:B, Shiki, Rakugo Shinjuu, Mushishi.
Literally every single one because comics are a tedious and entirely unenjoyable medium of entertainment.
>having ADHD
Does anyone find action manga kind of just boring as shit?
The thing that makes good action, to me at least, almost entirely hinges on sound, editing, and pacing. When you read a manga, no matter how well drawn it is, it'll always miss a pivotal intensity.
It has it's own quality to it that sound and film don't capture as well, and pacing works differently between the two mediums as well. The really good action manga have a sort of pacing to them that feels similar to the pace of film based media but in execution works very differently, it's tough to describe. Both have their merits but you really need to consume a lot of both to be able to pick out what each one has to offer and what they do better than one another. I prefer manga but anime but certain types of action work better in anime and some in manga.
There are certainly things I think manga can handle better. Horror can be incredibly gripping, whereas I've yet to see too many strong examples on the anime front, with a few exceptions.
That said, manga action has never made me as emotionally invested as some of the animated scenes I've seen played out.
Music, voice acting, sound design, smart editing, can do absolutely amazing things. When someone is stunned by a punch, and you see that second or two where they stumble back, disorientated, that's something I don't think can be as strongly replicated on a page.
I hate to break the news but pretty much all of them with no exception. When you're reading a manga you're mainly using your imagination while looking at a few still pictures while with anime you get music, voice actors, animation and everything that comes with it. If you enjoy looking at pictures and reading that's one thing but it's factually not better than the actual anime because if an anime wanted to it could show a black and white picture every thirty or so seconds with words and replicate a LN or manga almost exactly while a manga/LN could never replicate an anime.
Also, let it be known that it is a FACT that the English dub is even better than the Japanese one in here.
English dub of YYH anime > YYH anime >> YYH manga
Trips of the truth
>inb4 using your imagination is better
An anime can make you use your imagination just the same and has many more options in how to do it.
I agree, although I dont mind looking at action manga
Something that manga never does well in my opinion: high speed action. I never go "woah!" when I see multiple-image-on-a-single-page thing like in Berserk, for example
There's a reason it's "anime and manga" instead of "manga and anime" guys.
you ain't never lied
problem with togashi is he can draw really good, most of the time he just chooses not to
what about series that don't get decent adaptations? I'd rather the Negima anime didn't exist. Both of them
the other problem is he can write really good, sometimes he just chooses not to
>Yu YU Hakusho is great
you just answered your own question
its old
Kids prefer moeshit now, market purposes.
It's outdated.
People always have. Don't be stupid.
ten years later I still dont have a straight answer what exactly that is.
Best opening coming through
Why is it the best english opening anons?
You posted the wrong one.
You kids better go to school.
thats not english
Yea, but it's going to be stuck in your head now. You won't admit it but it will.
It's out of the age range of most people on the board. Dragonball is about as early as most people get. It's like trying to talk about Lupin.
Here's an easy one.
>YYH in the OP
>thread is full of Sup Forums newfags complaining about moe, praising english dubs, posting getshit, and wondering why people don't talk about older shows
If you're so old why don't you just die already.
If you're so underage why are you on Sup Forums?
I'm not.
Stop replying to me, kid.
I want to be that straw
I'm not your kid buddy.
Nice spacing, dubfag.
You literally speak in dub.
Why are there so many Kurama x Botan doujins, they never even interact?
>I was born after 1999
idiot, manga better
Onegai teacher.
The One Piece anime is so fucking atrocious I don't understand how that got so many people into it
I guess its true that millennials really don't know how to read.
t. 15 year old
You've already lost your critical thinking skills in your old age. He wouldn't be able to use this site or type what he did if that was the case.
They barely have the attention span to watch entire vine or snapchat clips, you think they are going to sit down and read something?
t. 48 year old
Vine is gone and the only reason people use Snapchat is for nudes and they do in fact watch the entire thing gramps.
hi I'm mr strawman here to refute your posts did you know that people who read manga are bald obese midgets?
You're too old to be discussing anime on the internet. Go camping and make some dad jokes.
Wasn't it on cartoon network during the 2000's?
Pic unrelated.
don't forget it also had a fucking terrific English dub
Well the manga was an adaptation of the anime, not the other way around.
It can be done really well. Last weeks chapter of my hero academia was really fucking cool.
>implying Togashi likes to draw period
The only thing Togashi likes to do is play Dragon Quest.
Yu Yu Hakusho ended years ago. What else is there to discuss?
what a fugin slob.
>Togashi draws like cow shit
Joke post?
You could probably pick better examples to illustrate your point than that image.
That is kinda bland looking.
Togashi CAN draw well when he wants to.
But so often, he doesn't.
I don't think so, it's energetic, fun and easy on the eyes.
The epilogue of Greed Island
It's not an adaptation of a manga though. NHK is a light novel adaptation.
fuck off fedoralord
back to
Either way, I felt his work was much more consistent in Yuyu Hakasho.
At least until after the Sensui arc which was all forced on him.
Oh, that surely takes away all of his merits as an artist.
I agree.
If I was a nip, I would watch YYH dub with subs
>newfags complaining about moe
I think you are newfag if you think complaining about moe is only done by newfags
Assassination Classroom is obvious enough.