China Redpills

I can't in deep details but I work in a lab with this Chinese higher up. We are both in the same field of study. The guy is obviously a immigrant or is studying abroad. The guy sounds very hostile to Americans and only seems to be cool with other Chinese. I know that the guy personally hate my guts because he never approves of my work for minimal reasons, and berates me every time I do something wrong. He does this with a lot of of others in the lab and it really got me thinking about the implication of hb1 bill and the rowing tension between forefingers and natives. We are both people in a familiar field,and only one of us has a diversity edge. Maybe unintentionally or not the foreigners are being hostile because they see Americans as competition. The Chinese must be aware of how capable they are with fucking with and replacing Americans on the business level. There are tons of conspiracy theories that claim that the Chinese have been plotting for years on taking over America. What is their endgame? How am I supposed to deal with this situation?

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If you can, show him you aren't a bitch. Chink males are usually bitches.

I know this info isn't helpful. But if he's acting like a fucking ass, call him out on it.

china is a complex nation in and out of itself and the western public doesn't know much because unless you speak chinese yourself you're not really going to understand much of anything coming out of there

from what I can tell in this chinese colony known as """british""" columbia, they have disdain for the west because our society has shifted towards fostering the 白左 - a word they invented to literally describe SJWs, "white leftists". So while China, itself a confused synthesis between communism, capitalism, and national socialism, is growing in power and expanding, its citizens are free to rape and pillage the west because we're doing the functional equivalent of bending over and spreading our ass cheeks for the entire rest of the world to give us AIDS

Nothing in the universe is infinite. Even souls are finite. There’s only so much soul to be divided among mankind. China has so many """people""" that there aren’t enough souls for everyone. In fact, the vast majority of Chinese don’t have a soul at all. That is why the Chinese are so susceptible to sudden deaths and mass genocides by famine, disease, disaster, and enslavement. They’re literally a counterfeit people whose lives have no value. They’re the fake watches and illegal DVDs of the human race. They’re not even eligible for heaven or hell or reincarnation.

>implying China would be colonizing the planet without the help of US and Nixon/R'feller since the 70s
Rockefeller/Nixon literally created superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
would china be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology?

US is China's greatest ally. if it was not for the US, China would still be a country based on subsistence farming.
US literally created superpower China...
Nixon/Rockefeller birthed superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
china would not be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology

China's rise was due to a transfer of wealth from the west.

>murica transfer of wealth/technology/industry to poor rural china
>murica create power strong china
>murica claim a strong china a problem
>murica plans on fighting strong china with totalitarian TTP eroding more citizen rights
>not creating a scapegoat to implement totalitarianism

the power brokers transferred:
-literally all the financial funds of US workers to China,
-transferred technology and jobs to China
-hyperinflated the housing so that only the Chinese (recipients of western funds) could afford the housing

the transfer of funds was done involuntarily without the consent of the owners of the funds
the power brokers took western funds sitting in banks and invested all of that in China.

all that wealth transfer was from your pockets. the private funds in bank accounts, the housing assets, the jobs, all transferred by corporate USA without your agreement...

By about the year 2000 Communist China will be a “superpower” built by American technology and skill
-Sutton 1980

"America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones"

h1bs are gibs by soros and multinational organizations to further their race replacement agenda

the whole H1B pyramid scam was devised by globalists as part of their race replacement scheme, it has nothing to do with worker shortage, skills shortage, or other smoke screen excuses

it is a corporate migrant smuggling scheme, as implemented with the migrant refugee scheme

and the poos/chinks/locusts are building an empire on top of the rotting west

I don't want to spam so I'm going to bump this thread with a red pill every time it reaches page 8.

This is just your threadly reminder that all chinks are racially self-serving insects that will do everything in their power to subvert your country and loot it for the chink motherland:

>Chinese immigrant and Naval officer was arrested for spying on the US for China.

>Chinese immigrants are systematically spying on western companies that employ them.

>Chinese corporate espionage costs the US hundreds of billions of dollars a year.

>Chinese are buying up massive amounts of US real estate and subtly colonizing the US.

>Chinese Born New Zealand Minister found to have studied and trained Chinese spies at Chinese spy school.
Kill them all or drive them out of your countries before it's too late, all Chinese immigrants are the vanguard of further Chinese colonization. The only good chink is a dead one.

>Found the Zhou. You hate us because we are you competitors. Don't try and side-step the truth by claming it's because we hate liberals too".

Chinks are born liars and deceivers.

>Who was really behind the CPC?

Stop blaming communism for all of China's problems.

>There are tons of conspiracy theories that claim that the Chinese have been plotting for years on taking over America

Pic related.

>How am I supposed to deal with this situation?

Spread racial awareness/redpill enough people to the point where we can start the race war and clean them out from our countries.

This is a battle that will have to be fought on a larger scale than simple individual actions at this point. Chinks need to be ethnically cleansed,

The root problem lies with the Chinese themselves.

Yes we Chinamen want to succeed and if others get in the way we will destroy them. Survival of the fittest. A concept you whites don't have anymore since you open your borders to non-whites.

Every Chinese I have ever encountered is a pathological lair and completely predatory sociopath, even towards other Chinks (but ESPECIALLY towards non-Chinese)

Without the CCP, they would turn on each-other in a heart beat.

Survival of the fittest.

This chink gets it. Time to purge the yellow goblins from our countries, and then the world.

>Genghis Khan


You have to understand, Chinese grow up being taught that for a thousand years they were they pinnacle of culture and civilization, which obviously contrasts with the modern world and the relatively recent supremacy of the west.

To them there should be no logical reason why we are better than them, and yet they en masse come here to our universities, our societies, enjoying our consumer products/tech/freedom/whatever. When this image of themselves that they cultivate from a young age gets curb stomped by reality they get fantastically butthurt - especially in the case of the men, who feel a greater need to "save face" and maintain some semblance of public self-respect.

Deep down they know that they would trade places with any of us in a heartbeat, but not a single one of us would make the same switch.

That's why he's a dick to you

The Chinese have historically been enslaved repeatedly by the horse-riding nomads of the north. It's their destiny to be conquered and ruled by outsiders *hint*hint*

Some of them are alright, a majority of them look down upon service and hospitality workers because in their country, you're considered human trash.

Hong Kong is totally different, I found generally most of them to be friendly, even when I was staying in places that Whites rarely go.
It's strange how 100 years of British rule can change a people.

Also, generally Americans are hated everywhere, I found that until people realised I was Australian, they were quite hostile or didn't want to interact. This was the same in Japan too.

It all comes down to places with high population, and especially high population densities don't value human life. It's so common to them that to a degree, they themselves realise that they are bug-people. Resources are scarce and must be fought over, empathy and mercy are things that will get you killed. "Nice" people die young. I think it's true of russians too, though as much about scarce resources than as pop density.

Yep and may the best race win. We will destroy btw. You American whites especially deserve it, for pandering to niggers and fighting for Israel.

Genghis looks is a gook to me batty boy. Have fun getting rekt by the Chinamane.

The Chinese are cowards by nature and always rely on numbers.

Stop pretending you're not a chink, Zhou.

Lmao and at present in 2018, the horse nomads are enslaved by the Chinaman. You going to do something about us Chinamane occupying inner mongolia?

You yellow goblins will get annihilated. Especially in the US, and then Canada when we come to annex.

>we will destroy you
Hah, if you can get organised and stop fighting with yourselves long enough maybe, but then you'll just stab each other in the back so many times you'll do our job for us

Chinks won't last a second in a race war if it takes place in the US or Canada.

>Americans are hated everywhere

Haha no. Americans are loved because of our tipping culture and friendliness. Aussies and especially Brits are definitely the most hated tourists by far because youre all a bunch of alcoholic obnoxious idiots and complain about a few extra currency notes as a tip to someone who provided good service. Gtfo of here with your outdated "obnoxious Americans" 90's stereotype. Over half of Japans culture is fucking American for fucks sake, you dont see them playing Cricket or Rugby do you? No, they play baseball and American football, you stupid bogan idiot.

Chinks are hate everywhere, actually.

Only Pakistanis are dumb enough to love you.

I unironically believe this.

From what I've observed, you white Americans are subhuman and pander to feral niggers and Jews. With that, you have zero chance against the Chinamane.

Yea we probably would destroy other races in an actual race war. We will outsmart you brainlets and turn your plans against you. It's like intergalactic mahjong.

100% Euro White

>this angers the 56%er
Their culture is Japanese, two sports is not a culture m8.

Paki's get spat on here, nobody wants shitskins in their countries.

>when Sup Forums is done with jews, another smart, cunning enemy appears.
The ride never ends

chinks are the closest you can get to being white, whiter than 56%ers thats for sure

You won't outsmart shit. You are only in this country because of the Jews. You are like an opportunistic infection in and AIDs victim.

>when Sup Forums is done with jews

Sup Forums is never done with the Jews, what are you getting at Goldberg?

>T. Zhang

daily reminder that leafs are all racist chinks spies trying to replace white men in their own countries.

This Jap get's it.

Honorary Aryans.

I'm 100 percent confident in my race to outsmart you brainlets. With people like Trudeau, Trump, and Merkel in charge of white countries. It's gonna be a piece of cake for us Chinamane to play 4D mahjong against you morons.

Correct survival of the fittest.

H1b was started for things like a rare professor in a specialized field. Not for undercutting wages.

Pic also related.

Honorary aryans means we Japanese get to bang your white women. A white pussy buffet. If not we are going to ally with other Asians to destroy you.

How much property do you own and force leafs to pay rent for, Chinamen?

That was the excuse the gave, but their is always a real reason for it that the masses aren't lead onto.

>T. Xiao pretending to be a Jap.

Look to the city of Vancouver. We own it pretty much. We need to expand to Calgary and crush those subhuman whites, natives, and Pajets living there.

That's the danger of chinks. They breed like spics, they deal like jews, they treat each other like niggers, and they can get white collar jobs. Also they're fucking commies.

Also they're already fucking everywhere. How often do you hear about the CIA catching Chinese moles?

People think "oh its just some harmless dumb chink." but really he's stealing something. China is the thief kingdom.

Japs and Chinamen are both Asian.

I'm an Asian supremacist.

>he believes in souls
Grow up mutt

>China is the thief kingdom.


has anyone got the one about them selling human meat?

No wonder I dream about raping tight little chink girls.
Man that would be so much fun, communicating to them in a way they could understand.
This is powerful, this is cross-cultural. This is tolerance.

I'm enlightened and brought the awareness of soulless human sociopaths to chans. Antisocial MUCH? I maybe respect 1 chink male. That culture was founded by aryans, idk where bugmen came from.

Japan not doing so well chink

No, but here's one about virgin boy eggs:

Meant for:

That's not that bad, but boiling destroys nutrients. Stove god play clever tricks.. I'd probably eat some. Sages used to put dried dates up virgin cunts. Mmm..

but then whose inventions will you copy?

This is what chinks really think of you.


The sickening truth about Chinese "culture" and cuisine...

>white is suck on fighting
chinese is suck on speaking

These are the animals we are letting into our countries folks.

The true past of the Chinese will shock you... spread the word.

China has only had money and business for 2 generations. There are basically no laws, which is why everything is so cheap.

It's a giant criminal empire and it has 2 front men serving it's garbage to the world: Taiwan and South Korea. Every major company has ties back into the lawless void in the mainland.

The worst part is I used to love China. I can't even go to any good immigrant run gyoza places anymore I am so redpilled on this shit. Once you get a sense of how bottomless that void is, even just a little bit, you can't go back.

Plus they're basically reaponsible for opiate crisis in the US and a ton of other trafficking. Priority number 1 is China.

Chinese, how dare you pretend that you are a child of the sun?

And also fighting.

Han Chinese have been slaves to Mongols, Manchus, and now the CCP Mafia for centuries. All while being out-numbered by as much 1000-1.

To be fair though, we in the west are in a similar situation with der Juden.

The Chinese are experts at sugarcoating their past... the truth will be revealed though.

are you ethnic japanese or white beta looking for waifu?

Rice cookers were a mistake

>Plus they're basically reaponsible for opiate crisis in the US and a ton of other trafficking.

So they are carrying out soft-level genocide/eugenics of our most worthless members of society? Thanks China! Not really much of a revenge for the opium war if they are removing our human-garbage for us.

apparently they missed some (you)

Are you a liberal or something?

That genuinely sickens me. That has always been the greatest weapon of the Han Chinese: BREEDING. That was how they ultimately "defeated" their myriad of masters... not through might, but by breeding like locusts.

>Tang was started by northern Xianbei hybrid-chinks who had been thoroughly raped and mongrelized by the Xianbei, Turks and Wu Hu barbarians for hundreds of years and whose culture was heavily influenced by the northern and western barbarians, such as using chairs, lewd female clothing, etc. After the fall of Han, the chink ethnicity was thoroughly mongrelized by a crapload of different types of barbarians that came in wave after wave. People generally only know the Mongols and Manchus but they’re just the tip of the iceberg.

>the Xianbei were also orignally white Scythians, and suffered the same fate as the Xiongnu. Xianbei people were called "Bai Lu" means white invader (thief). And in the Great Work , I found the following story--The Emperor Of Eastern Jin, Jin Ming Di (Shima Shao), was with yellow beard and hair, because his mother was a Xianbei female. Once he went to inspect his troop without notice, And the warriors all considered him as Xianbei people, then chased him as enemy. The folk songs at that time said, "Huang tou Xianbei jin Luoyang"--Xianbei is with "yellow head", it is quite possible that "yellow head" referred to their yellow hair and beard. Later on the white Xianbei leading componenent, like the Xiongnu, got ethnically cleansed and replaced by mongoloid.



no just not subhuman like yourself

Thankfully, it's the destiny of the Chinese to be purged, periodically... However, this time it needs to be permanent and absolute...

earlier I said leafs are chink spies, but fuckton of usa flags, aus and kiwis are too. They infect this board worse than jews, they just haven't pulled focus yet.


really? usually chinkposting is very identifiable because of how comically bad the english is

"White is suck on fighting"

Yeah let them think that.


Those are cullings, not purges.
And mostly self-inflicted. Since the one child policy this kind of crude population control isn't necessary anymore.
At least not for the mainland. Maybe their experience will come in handy in their future African territories.

You had me at jews

>evidence Sup Forums post

Lol your retarded


Chinks gassed some Amerimutts in America, what's the problem?
It's everyone's duty to wipe Amerifats from the surface of this planet.

why would people bother joining the thread just to say things to the effect that China is a not a threat? Because that's how chinks work, its always the same story. They hide in plain sight.

Your English is just fine bro.

Yours too.

Can we agree square braces mean chink?
>[[[Asian Jew]]]

>Genghis looks is a gook to me batty boy.

Who do you think drew that picture?

Top tier trap

>tfw libtards call us evil for not wanting that in our countries

>Survival of the fittest.
>This chink gets it. Time to purge the yellow goblins from our countries, and then the world.
kek, do it then you butthurt faggot.
Oh wait, you're too busy getting fired for accidentally brushing a 6/10 girl's thigh with your knee was you walked past her 20 years ago.

The west has let it's women take over and is a sick, dying civilization. White leftists are aids, and are fueled by the white man's inability to hold his spoiled, fat women accountable for the screaming, disgusting, traitorous monsters they have become.

You won't do shit. Your time is over. Wouldn't be surprised if your next president is black and female in 2020.

That's clearly a CHINK hand.

Literally every Chinese thats come to the west after '89 is a PLA/party infiltrator. I have no idea how our govts have been so dumb.

>imagine living under the Nazis for 300 years...
I dream of it every single day

Yeah, Genghis Khan is Chinese for quite a while already. Kublai himself identified "Genghis Khan" as Chinese Emperor. Also China has far more "Mongolian minority" than entire population of Mongolia republic, who are mostly loyal Chinese citizens now.

You need to update your shitty "redpills" once for while, Americunt whi*teloid.