Where exactly did they come from?
Aboriginal Australians
Other urls found in this thread:
The Dreamtime, cunt
The anglo fears the true Australian
A little village on the South-Western coast of India.
Picked up by the Sea Kings (Phoenicians) as slave labor for their mines (of Solomon) in Australia and left here when their global empire collapsed.
We probably came from Papua New Guinea
But yeah
Dreamtime cunt.
original post best post
Petrol station
Coles car park in Kununurra.
Read your title. Words have meanings.
down syndrome babies who were thrown out to sea by new guineans but washed ashore on autralia and somehow survived enough to inbreed to what they are today
I want Abos to breed with Africans
for science
>Where exactly did they come from?
dey com from a land down under
Middle Earth.
The sea
>t. Butthurt mutt.
whitey brought them here on slave ships
You, I like you.
whiter than you achmed
sad that you classified them as humans. It would have been fun to mess with the local fauna.
>circle of life starts playing
lol. how many kilomemes wide is your nose?
It's sad that we were butchered and genocided against yet we are still here.
That pic is based as fuck
That rage is dangerous and real
Way far wide mate, I'm so black I fart soot, I'm blue black.
>the race whomst forgot how to make fire
It's funny that you can write and read
Boo Hoo I'm Canadian Killing Natives is in my Blood. you can only genocide human races of which you are not. Now lets go mates we have some hunting to do
Lol, where did you hear that? We know how to make fire.
I always wondered this but was too lazy to look up theories.
They’re obviously too stupid to build a boat. A thousand abbos working for a thousand years couldn’t put together a boat with instructions and materials.
So that basically means they either swam, or they’ve been on Australia since the days of Pangea, or someone else physically put them there. Only three possibilities.
A seal and a piece of spaghetti walk into a bar, it says "anything but a Canadian club" and the spaghetti says "I'm straight till I get wet"
"The bartender says "get the fuck out"
Tasmanians forgot how, no?
That aside,
>abo "culture"
>The Arrernte word for subincision is arilta, and occurs as a rite of passage ritual for adolescent boys.[1] It was given to the Arrernte by Mangar-kunjer-kunja, a lizard-man spirit being from the Dreamtime. A subincised penis is thought to resemble a vulva, and the bleeding is likened to menstruation.[2] This type of modification of the penis was also traditionally performed by the Lardil people of Mornington Island, Queensland. The young men who chose to endure this custom were the only ones to learn a simple ceremonial language, Damin. In later ceremonies, repeated throughout adult life, the subincised penis would be used as a site for ritual bloodletting. According to Ken Hale, who studied Damin, no ritual initiations have been carried out in the Gulf of Carpentaria for half a century, and hence the language has also died out.
Nice trips, but we got boats mate.
Why do people think we didn't have anything, we were nomads, you have to be to survive in Australia, 90% of our time is wandering from place to place looking for food and water while trying to to be killed by the animals or the weather.
You can't build a city in Australia with stone age tech.
you're so black that light can't escape the surface of your skin.
They're dumb and functionally illiterate.
I’m convinced you’re only LARPing as an abbo. There’s no fucking way an abbo knows what the internet is. I literally don’t believe it.
>Where exactly did they come from?
Alice Springs, mate.
Oi cunts make an aus/pol/
Can't really build a city anywhere with stone age tech. Even the Brits needed the Romans to show them how to make mortar from limestone.
Why are people who literally have no idea about Aboriginals nor ever seen them chiming in here about the state of Aboriginals?
more precisely INDIA. indians are part of the greater papua race (australoids) that once was unified all the way to australia
Wiser than you senpai
Same reason anyone anywhere thinks their opinion on anything matters mate.
Right. Sup Forums has such an infantile understanding of history and society that they think if they just insert a culturally "naked" group of "intelligent" people on an island, in fifty years they will have sprung up a metropolis.
I've seen them on the tram here in pozzbourne, always drunk and mumbling and stink like a fat woman's cunt
liar, there are almost no real aboriginals in Melbourne
Look at that pussy ass cop he cannot do shit against a powerful Black man. No matter how many ar15s him and his goons get- they will still tremble in fear, look to the ground and start mumbling when a true brother like this shows up
But the abos had 60,000 years and all they managed to invent was sticks.
Got a source on the fire thing?
I can't find anything.
As for the culture thing, yeah we were savages back then, all of us were at some point, that is what living in the fourth world does to you.
no other race can be that ugly
Probably less obnoxious then those roaming the streets after visiting revolver. Albiet not as pretty.
Hes sick of them meddling with his senpai so now he is sticking it to the man.
>Got a source on the fire thing?
No, I could be wrong about it.
Pretty much man.
I'm guessing birdsville, alcohol has ruined my people more than any of your genocides ever have.
Thanks for clarification, I'm guessing I'm part pajeet,
Yeah, 60,000 years living in a desolate wasteland with next to nothing to eat and next to no water. I'd like to see any other race try.
Right, how could they? If there also any real need? Modern Europe has a long history of interactions with the Near East and beyond. Trades, different ways of thinking, threats of war, etc. Europe as we know it today was born from the Industrial revolution,something relatively not very distant in time. Before that, many parts of Asia were better suited for human life.
>Where exactly did they come from?
USA, judging by their facial features and color of skin
business idea: australian aboriginal porn
>white australians bow to Aboriginals
>In contact with the rainbow serpent
>Possess boomerang throwing abilities
>Control arnhem land with an iron but fair stick
>Own bark huts & billabongs globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient Abo blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Digeridoograd will be be the first city)
>rob 99% of liquor stores in Darwin
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be half breed abo qt babbys
>Abos said to have just below 65 IQs, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in the dream times.
>Ancient rock drawings tell of wicked WHOITE FULLA British settlers who will descend upon Australia and will bring an era of tyrannical enlightenment and unprecedentedly evil technological progress with them
>They own native title in just about every Australian terrotiry
>You're likely on Aboriginal land right now
>The abos are in regular communication with tribal elder FLUBBAWUBBAJUBBANOONGA, forwarding the word of the rainbow serpent to the Yolnu tribe. Who do you think set up the meeting between benelong & governor phillip? (First meeting between Abos and outside world in over 40,000 years) and arranged the british leader’s first trip to hobart in history literally a few days later to the Abo bunker in van diemens land?
>They learned fluent Pitjantjatjara in under a week
>NT state government entrust their petrol reserves with the Abos.
>The abos are about 40,000 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base abo currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of the dreamtimes and space from NANA'S HEADGASKET GONE BANG to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings
denisovan DNA.
They are the original Australians. The white Australians are British dirtbags exiled to the land of Australia. Pretty much, all Australians are either worthless scum offspring or subhuman Abo's.
Your people did the same thing.
I don't think you understand that we were living in the fourth world at the time, that text is not indicative of what we are like today.
(Although I know some crazy cunts who have probably done shut just as bad)
that cop should be allowed to shoot subhumans like that, would be doing EVERYONE a favor.
>Yeah, 60,000 years living in a desolate wasteland with next to nothing to eat and next to no water.
>I'd like to see any other race try.
Are you fucking shitting me cunt?
>white fella can't handle my black magic.
>black fella can't handle white diseases.
It was most likely a combination of boats and sea levels were lower so the islands weren't as far away from each other and Australia was larger.
Evolutionary Anthropology is fascinating and I think Sup Forums would be interested. It would be scary to encounter all the racists using genetic history as the foundation of their racist views.
OK, name me a successful culture that lived in a desolate wasteland with no contact and started in the stone age.
>inb4 Arabs
Arabs had contact with other tribes who gave them metal and produce.
I've always thought they must have come from sri lanka, or from those people, as they look very similar to some of the full monkey sri lankans that are blacker than niggers with that monster head syndrome. And their language sounds and looks (when written) very similar too
fuck they are stupid mate. haha welshmen and convicts turned it into a Thriving nation and for the first time united the continent.
More like Broome or Derby.
They have to go back.
Boring, name it Oz/pol/
the language sounds slurred like lazy pronunciation
>Where exactly did they come from?
South India. Without contact with regular Indians and Chinks, they degraded to full-on animal status.
Persians created almost everything in a dry shithole.
make a cuck/pol/ for germany
that is true friendo
You'd be super surprised how big Polynesian cultures boats got.
We never did that cause we didn't really need to and working with eucalyptus is hard as fuck, you'd be lucky to find a straight foot of wood in the whole tree.
Especially with stone adzes
>Where exactly did they come from?
you first abo.
Before you can claim an entire race of people are inherently inferior, you have to create a society in which they have access to and connection to all the institutions that your race does.
After you've done that, not only do you have the evidence to make your claim, but you've also probably learned a little about yourself and no longer care.
Mate you serious? Persia was the trading hub of the entire world,
We had literally no contact.
try again.
Wtf you bots talking about
Also, some of them seem to have had some kind of fucked up written language, as they would send "message sticks" en.wikipedia.org
>wikipedia as a source
>citing cursaders under siege and starving who resort to cannibalism.
>thinks that's the same as the shit abos do.
Neck yourself cunt. Lay off the damn petrol you noonga boonga
we meaning you have blonde hair and blue eyes but say you're aboriginal for the benefits right?
They evolved from the apes.
You're only here because we spared you from complete genocide, be lucky you can still take a trip to liquorland.
Most of us were nomadic, when you spend decades traveling around before you get back to a place you recognize, no real reason to write, also once again, we were in the stone age, written language didn't exist in any cultures stone age.
they are apes that appropriate white trash culture.