Nazis fuck off
Hardcore straightedge doesn’t tolerate any of your fucking nazi bigot bullshit
If I see any of you bigots on the street or at a show, my crew is going to give you a fucking beat down.
Straight edge is life bigots
Nazis fuck off
Hardcore straightedge doesn’t tolerate any of your fucking nazi bigot bullshit
If I see any of you bigots on the street or at a show, my crew is going to give you a fucking beat down.
Straight edge is life bigots
Is that your boyfriend in the picture with you?
Jesus! I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight...I'm gonna go call my mom I'm scared!
I've seen a few of these fuckers around, basically antifa without the drugs, but just as idiotic.
shut the fuck up faggot
normal people in Poland are nazis by your retarded standards and I have absolutely nothing but contempt for your life
>not even using the NatSoc swastika.
Not that it means anything, but.. I was a hardcore kid back in the late 90's early 00's. Wasn't a fag weirdo like most of them, just a normal dude that enjoyed hardcore music and going to shows. The straight edge cats were always the fucking wildest. Smashing everything and everyone.. legit hardcore. So, they're probably serious and though they don't look like much they do indeed do damage.
But now I'm old and I'll just shoot them.
straight edge in the 90's was actually violent
straight edge today is just nu-males awkwardly forcing themselves to try and be violent and then stopping after they've embarassed themselves
No matter how long you grow your hair you will still look like mark cuckerburg. If a nazi ever wanted to go near your safespace he would certainly be able to defend himself against however many little faggots you can convince standing around sober listening to low context bitch rock is a good night out.
OP is a stupid faggot
bigots = Democrats twisting the Truth about the Anti-Slavery Republican party, or it's proxy supporters. Kys, and sage
This is now temporarily a name my band thread.
I'm rolling for Simone and Cuckfunkel
Why y'all so mad at Indians for?
Trapped Under Cock
Anus Burns Red
Is this one of those name my band threads?
I hope your "crew" is tougher than the two tranny fags in your pic OP. Somehow, I doubt it.
is that what that disgusting thing is?
straight edgers today are the biggest faggots in the entire music scene
at least in the UK, they stand in the back and sides hugging the walls, getting kicked elbowed and punched by those of us who are drunk/on speed, and actually having fun. OP's pic is a prime example, they're just pussy nerds who latch onto both hardcore music and straight edge to attempt to absolve themselves of their beta status
My Sides, they will be missed.
Syndrome of a downs
Grugs and noses
BullCock for my Valentine
Stray from the drumpf
Male pattern baldness and the send bobs
Whatever. Gimme some free shit or gtfo commie scum.
This has to be the least threatening pair of manlets I've ever seen. The one on the left is going bald like aids skrillex. Wearing baggy sweaters to hide their twig ands and soda bellies. Their posture screams of a lack of confidence, guy on left clasping his hands together anxiously, guy on the right looks completely apathetic and devoid of passion.
These guys aren't knocking anybody out.
Johnny Androgeny and the Mutt
Soy Cuckbuster and the Fantastic 4
Low-test titties and the brown butt boy
Hahaha, a faggot jew and a midget shitskin. How scary.
is that zuckerberg?
zuckerburg before facebook
he was hardcore
But how do you spot a nazi? If he wears a MAGA baseball hat or what? Also go back to plebbit
lol those skins would be the first ones to get gassed
Bigot is such an annoying word. Shut the fuck up cunt.
Kang 9? That guy with the grey hoodie was raped 9 times by Kang on the right?
He looks like a faggot... I can't stopp laughing shill.
Don’t Fuck with the zuck
These guys look pretty hardcore. I bet they're the toughest guys at youth group.
I'll see you at a XXstr8_edgeXX show anytime faggot and I'll kick your fucking teeth in
look at this beast
Bald Boy and the Toilet Witches
t> Spastic
I would kick the shit out of both of you. With ease. Fucking faggots.
You can be ns straight edge. Plenty of them honestly
Beef Vag Brides
Panic At The Dickhole
Green Dick
Bitch 182
Goy Charlotte
Linkin Parkland
Limp Dickzit
el goblino...
New Brown Glory
what's on the board
You guys aren't the least bit scary or tough lookin'. You may not like it, but its the hard truth.
I have seen feminist freak girls who are scarier and tougher looking than you soyboys.
Fucking based
Nah, these guys are useful for pushing back against migrant gangs and setting tenement blocks full of shitskins on fire. Try somewhere else moishe.
spoken like a true kike.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I hope they meet some Hammerskins.