A former manager at the Foreign department of the so-called «Agency for Internet research», aka the «troll factory» Agata Burdonova has moved to the US. She wrote about this on her page on the Russian social network Vkontakte.
A former manager at the Foreign department of the so-called «Agency for Internet research», aka the «troll factory» Agata Burdonova has moved to the US. She wrote about this on her page on the Russian social network Vkontakte.
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Либepaшкa, хвaтит зaвидoвaть. Я зoвy кoллeг.
Ha хyй oтcюдa пopaшнoe быдлo
+15 rub
Russian paid trolls is not exists.
Aхaхaхaхa пopaшникy нe пpиятнo чтo ктo-тo cвaлил в CШA a oн нeт
Go bak ruski.
A вoт и oльгинcкиe пидopы пpocнyлиcь. Чтo, cтpaшнo, чтo вac пидopнyт oбpaтнo в cкpeпнyю пeдepaцию?
I dosn't understand you. Use english moron.
UN of A, you should understand. You fight corruption and annointing in your circles. Because considering it another way it would be as democratic party invited all loyal and popular people to them. There's people that did damage to russian honest politic flow, and they come to you.
Putin is an saviour of white rase.
Welcome. Enjoy your stay to the Russian...
We are all Russian bots now.
That is what they call Patriotic American's these days, they being the American hating Left Wing media, that is.
first they decide how you vote, and then come to you to live on your money
>Putin is an saviour of white rase.
ahaha oh you! he is a dwarf, a height of 160. and a bald, botox madcap who ditched the country
Preferred way of loving Russia is doing it from afar. Idelly as a citizen of wealty country.
>"Russian bots influenced American voters"
Pfhahahah yeah right. They'd be billionaires right now if they knew how to wield that kind of influence. Every Jew and their uncle has been trying to influence the American elections and you think some 3rd rate Russians managed to pull it off? Bitch please
Best relatives are those you never see.
Your board is captured by Putin's trolls, whose owners now come to live in the US.
>first they decide how you vote, and then come to you to live on your money
Cuckold nation.
Excuse respectable anonyms, that on your board the liberal-Russophobe from the board 2ch has made his way. Just ignore this madman.
Э пopaшник, a нy пoшли oбpaтнo. Пoигpaлcя тeпepь oбpaтнo нa пopaшy.
It's unfortunate how much credit our media gives you guys
Man, sorry, but most americans are pretty straight forward and predictable. It's kind of "american way" how you do everything. Not excluded, that any other intelligence influence your choice.
To beat world, you ought to at least stop eating sugar packed food.
you got your 15 rubles? how can you treat a person who first pours water on another country with dirt, and then at the first opportunity jumps on the dick to go there?
That explains all the new American flags suddenly fluent in slavic moon runes
Cyka blyat
Together we could rule the Galaxy, Russia.
Hello. Where 15 roubles
This guy used to brag about tipping the election in JFK's favor but nobody cared because he was a good president
Пиздyй cocaть кypaтopy, лaхтoблядь cpaнaя.
This guy kill your president
So, a foreign anonymous author you should know that this thread was created by a liberal from the site 2h. Who are they? On the site 2h they are called "Porashniki", they hate Russia and they want it to split into small weak states, they want the Russian nation destroyed. Also, "Porashniki" refers to you as Sup Forums-scum. These are the real leftists in all negative senses.
Ceйчac пopaшник я paccкaжy cyть ПO. Tы двaй пpинимaй тaблeтки и oьpaтнo нa пopaшy
Yeah, but by killing him he managed to ensure he would have a great legacy. He was pretty mediocre otherwise
Thanks for the heads up Ivan
/po/rasha leaking again? I thought you got enough piss on your faces after roublethread migration attempt. Seems it were not enough.
Pidorashka saves the russia, lol.
Hello, American comrades.
Nothing interesting ITT, absolutely no paid russian trolls here. We, patriotic citizens of the Russian Federation, recommend you to close the tread and scroll further.
Your poor English says they do exist.
I don't hate Russia, I hate people like you. How you can knew my Pol opinion? I only say, that girl from op post is a Pol whore. It's all. But you stupid faggot, translate the topic of conversation. It's "Olgono" stratagy
What is the url and why does your government allow that site to exist?
t. Agata Burdonova
New Rodchenkov was born. Olgino and Lahta, prepare your anus.
great this Soros paid shill again.
Honeypot for dissidents. Shitty one.
By the way anonas - This Russian leftist calls me "Pidorashka."
What is "Pidorashka"?
Pidor is a fagot.
Rashka is Russia.
That is, this person thus offends his homeland and compatriots. Do yourself a conclusion about this man ...
The CIA is trying to get into Russia but they can't find someone who has Russian characteristics.
They adopt a kid at birth and teach him how to drink Vodka by the gallon play the Russian guitar and speak with a perfect accent.
The child grows up and travels to Russia one day where he goes to a bar.
He speaks to the bartender in a wonderful accent.
The bartender says you have a wonderful accent but your not Russian.
Outraged he says of course I'm and he gets out his guitar and plays it beautifully.
The bar tender says again your a great guitar player but your not Russian.
Not happy he starts ordering Vodka by the gallon and chugs it.
The barman surprised but not convinced says I know your not Russian because no Russians are black.
We didn't went full gulag. Yet. All the "MUH REVOLUTION!!"-posters are most likely being monitored though.
It's funny that pol-tards consider a "cuck" to be the worst insult there is and yet they dont mind letting a Putin's shill in their country whose job is literally to pour shit on them non-stop at every corner. The difinition of cuckery.
it's under control government. But they can see whot who want
>What is the url and why does your government allow that site to exist?
We do not have such a totalitarian regime, as the media and our Russian leftist people tell us. I think that there should not be censorship, but Russia is going to this.
Because LE 56% FACE.
Russian jokes are best.
>LE 56% FACE
Russia is kinda shitty, Putin is a race traitor Eurasianisr shitheel, the Russian troll menace petered out in 2015 after the Ukrainians stopped their invasion at Mariupol, and there was negligible Russian influence in the 2016 election (name your Pokémon after dead niggers lol).
the guy defending putinlet in this thread is an obvious shill though. he even uses shill words like Russo-phobe.
>russian troll factory
same group that brought us SPACE, LAKES, and TIGERS?
Putin`s propaganda example. Translate pls.
Sounds like something a russophobe would say
>Translate pls
Right. That they are.
Great analitics, but all is much more simple: you suck putin's dick for 15 roubles and sold future of russia and russian people. Couse you are pidorashka. Fucking hóngweìbīng.
Isn't she supposed to be under sanctions?
Pretty sure 2ch and krautchan are different from fancy bear.
Oh look the shitlibs learned how proxies work. Have fun larping your conspiratard fantasies sweeties
But why? JFK wanted to splinter CIA into 1000 pieces and end space race to work cooperatively with SU in S-P-A-C-E??!!
>this is what pidorashka actually believes
You have really low opinion of America. If you think that some russian agency can decide fir whole USA.
putin homo detected
this is all a psyop to steer anyone that saw the yuri bezmenov videos into hating the current population of russia
and NOT hating communists!
>Everyone is in on it
Alex Jones shows more stability than you commie faggots
Could be. Russians are too entertaining to get angry about though. They remind me of us - a nation of idiots and extremists.
BTW the best path for Ukraine is a strong independent state allied with the United States instead of EU faggotry or Asiatic Russian domination.
>and end space race to work cooperatively with SU in S-P-A-C-E??!!
We could have had TIGERS in space together, murrica... But got the worst timeline instead
Unrelated, but I’d be super-interested in a translation of this meme warfare book. I don’t think such a translation exists.
Putin is a closet communist faggot. just look at all the shit he does and the people he supports. look at how he supports the communist DPR. He was a KGB member for Christ's sake. Every old faggot in Russia is a communist of some sort.
Ukraine on the other hand is nationalist as hell. A country defending itself from the Russian internationalist hordes. It is beautiful.
We'll put the tigers on Mars, Ivan.
One day.
Fuck navalny and fuck all these liberals. Also fuck putin and vatniks. 2 types of shit
Dear American people! Destroy Kremlin and all mansions putin`s elite has! Free us from FSB pedophiles and sadists!
Shouldn't Putin be your god emperorer?
Not so much, but yes, partly different. All those shitty memes becomes from "troll factory" commonly, 2ch and kraut aren't even imagine how to make that kind of shit. So, if you see something really disgusting you know wherefrom this.
Ps sorry for my English, it's difficult to converse since me about without any practise in you language.
Just Russian leftist from the board 2sr is very happy with some troubles happening in Russia. Recently, an An-148 aircraft dropped down in Russia, and so the "Porashniki" were very happy about the death of these people who died in the plane crash. The plane was flown by ordinary people, and this Russian leftist laughed at their death.
Here is a typical post- No. 26770219
"It's a very good day this year, I hope this year will continue to be as rich in events.
I'm going to open the bottle and celebrate. "
You can read it yourself through google translate- arhivach.org
Boт кинyл им тpeды кoгдa вы paдoвaлиcь cмepти людeй. Дaвaй eщё пиши либepaшкa
Only thing we can do is make the oligarchs and putin angry with sanctions and they'll just fuck over the people even more or just find more corrupt puppets for the government.
So essentially more focused places that aim to cause chaos and happenings and not arms of the government? Or are they interchangeable depending on how much pressure and money is offered? Your english is fine btw, better than my nonexistent shitty Russian.
> about 5 years
So bad for me. Wanna practice more than just watching few eng bloggers on Youtube but other ways are so difficult to find for Russians.
>Ukraine on the other hand is nationalist as hell. A country defending itself from the Russian internationalist hordes. It is beautiful.
Yet it is ruled by jews. This war is just a bunch of jews, fighting over gas pipe by throwing degenerates at each other.
And lakes!
He is really fucked up Russia after this bullshit with Ukraine and Syria. Everything got 2 times more expensive
mandatory webm
Declare war on Putinia. Your military forces are far superior than putin`s army. If you will not liberate us, u will get just more agression from FSB dictator.
It takes quite a bit of dosh to live there.
I would've translated this shit but i dont have a keyboard, lol.
Ha, we'd both end up as charred grounds for chinese colonists.
>make the oligarchs and putin angry with sanctions
An idea is to make russians to overthrow the government with shitty living conditions, most likely.
It is about 700 dead westerns who died in Syria. And how Merkel and Makron called Putin to stop killing their soldiers
You burgers are idiots indeed, how can you allow every libtarded neobolshevik come to your country and live there...
>So essentially more focused places that aim to cause chaos and happenings and not arms of the government?
Nope. It is arms of the government, that's why they are shit at work.
>implying it was not hohols and kremlin trolls
It is about huge military losses of Anti-Assad Coalition inflicted by Russian air forces in Ghouta.
Fake as hell
>implying Putin will not be arrested and gifted to your forces on golden dish to appease you not to take over mansions in Nice and London.
Dude, you are dealing with a bunch of thugs and thieves, not some sort of fanatics.