Is Sup Forums mostly female?

Be honest user:

It would explain all the trap porn.

Other urls found in this thread:

That can't be right. Hard to believe.

It's because we all live in our moms basement. So it shows that we are using a woman's internet access.
Fucking stupid kike fag

You're probably reading the chart wrong. It's saying that the share of females that visit Sup Forums is bigger than the share of females on the rest of the internet.
Doesn't mean that there are more females than males here.

We're all little nazigirls now.

We're girls(male)


There are no girls on the internet

Oh come on, it's obviously wrong.

Don't be retarded.

We're all little girls here

What the fuck is going on with all the purple IDs in this thread.

ITs cause we're all girls, mate


Girl btw

pls be my sage gf

Hmmm.... I'm an attack helicopter, why is there no option for people like me?


>It would explain all the trap porn
You what mate?
Why would proud owners of actual vaginas like that?

Fuck my sweet girl ass

Because they have (feminine) penis envy

astute observation

It's true, here they are. hard at work.

They come here to laugh at you

buying gf

>A bunch of pink IDs

They go to /soc/ and /lgbt/ and other boards like that. There's more to Sup Forums than Sup Forums, retard.

shut up hun

How much you paying? I can make your kids' Ancestry report as coloured as a rainbow :)

>real women like traps



Come home Nordic man

sure im 35 f

Why would they go on /soc/, isn't that just where the horny guys go to try and get action?

Isn't /lgbt/ just where horny faggots go too???


Must be an East German then

your id says Vip lol

vip female user

They aren't saying women like traps, what they saying is that the people who pick female on the poll are traps and therefore like that degenerate shit.

3/4 of soc is fat girls looking for betas to tell them, they are hot.

whites only

jeg prover, men det er vanskelig

That's retarded, indio user.

No way, that just cannot be true. If I were a normie girl, I would stay way clear of Sup Forums; if I were a redpilled girl, I wouldn't be going on /soc/

Pink ID plz am grill

Because youre a beaner

fake news.. no source for OP and its been spammed here for weeks in bait threads just like this one. kys op

what we're doing this thread again?

brb killing myself

Ta med dig vapen om du kommer hit, vi har inga

>That's retarded, indio user.
I'm whiter than you, Tyrone.

idiots keep falling for it

You're replying to it. Idiot.

You do realize there is shit outside of Sup Forums? Sup Forums is the male containment board

Id check

Yeah Sup Forums threads have gone down in quality recently.
Who gives a fuck, there are no important threads on rn

I've had my dna tests, indio.

Not a drop of black blood.

Even the Jews acknowledge that.

femanon here

ah right fair play then

hau mani kinder?

Are you colour blind?

Yeah but what females would go on Sup Forums but not Sup Forums.

Normie-ettes will stay clear of Sup Forums, and the redpilled ones will mostly get sucked up into Sup Forums.


go take a look, /soc/ is very good for nopaf

just this one but he wont stay long

>32% of Sup Forums is females
I know you guys are trolling

The average "normie" girl is a filthy whore who sold her body on kik for homework questions, a filthy whore who sells her body on twich for money, has a tinder account and spends most of her time on tumblr/instagram complaining about sexism. Your version of "normie" doesn't exist anymore.

> make a bunch of simple polls with questions like "what is your gender?", "what city do you live in?" etc.
> collect data on anons
> sell data to JIDF
> ???
> profit

falska nyheter

woman detected. There are only three colors: cool, shitty and faggy

Eh, I'm not a cum-mobile. There's more to life than being livestock reared for pleasure.

That being said, Sup Forums probably isn't worth it recently either

>The average "normie" girl is a filthy whore who sold her body on kik for homework questions, a filthy whore who sells her body on twich for money, has a tinder account and spends most of her time on tumblr/instagram complaining about sexism. Your version of "normie" doesn't exist anymore.

You don't know any women do you user?

I'm a wahmens

>Wants to discuss colour shades
Into the list you go, baby girl

I'm pretty sure there are more Jews on Sup Forums than women. Like, very very sure.

>he's on to us
Try to make it here in time for the day of the moose brother

Tits or GTFO

I think he meant that it makes you dick shrivel.

Any girlls want to b my girlfren


I don't respect you

Oh right, his typo was meant to be nofap then.

ill do my best

depends, u play roblox?

Still, on no fap even total cows start to look semi attractive, so he was wrong anyway, lmao

Wait what the fuck, there is no way that /soc/ isn't just a bunch of creepy guys lifting pics from facebook.


There are only like 3 active boards on Sup Forums.

pol, b, and v.

The other boards only see like

Lol, was on nofap for about 3 weeks but failed yesterday after seeing a pretty spicy gif

yae, meant this

I don't respect you either sven.


we will see, we will see

But it cannot be real, it has to be creepy oldies from the Sup Forums days lifting images.

I mean look at this shit:


>tfw the cute guy I ERPd with could be a disgusting harpy
Wtf I feel violated

on no fap you can't even browse Sup Forums :(. CIA niggers post too many lewds.

Mien Frau Len

apart from nice eyes, she's average, bro

>tfw femanon
>noone ever believes me without posting tits

>see people talking in thread about /soc/
>never been on it, decide to check it out
>first thread is dick pictures
>second thread is trap pictures
>third thread is man ass
>fourth thread is some picture of some ugly fat cunt
yeah no thanks

>you need to post on pol to escape the conditioning

Post your IQ. Jk, post face. I love Russian women faces. I don't care about tits, baby.

The roastie menace seeks only to destroy what it can't have.