Typical "White Left" and his wife. English volunteer teaching in asian countries,a new strategy of leftist
Typical "White Left" and his wife. English volunteer teaching in asian countries,a new strategy of leftist
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How do you know he isn't alt right??
el gollum
she's pretty hot, would bang
because he calling Vietnamese people are crazy nationalists. He is most hated from Vietnam. Communists want shot him and Nationalists want stab him.
she's 3/10 btw pretty average
Any real white nationalist would actually respect their Asian nationalist counterparts and wouldn't sexpat in an Asian country.
Unless you're (((alt-right)))
This girl is 6/10 (extra gift) btw
>Plz staph bleachng k thx bye
You're just sad this soyboy's cucking the men in your country. You've been C O L O N I Z E D.
nah,he can't do shit and that thot is ugly dude lmfao
Except he's got one of your women.
why do I care about 1 ugly thot when we have 48 millions women in Vietnam,that so insecure bro
If she is hot to you, go to Vietnam, that is below average for their women....
>posts what he things is an exceptionally beautiful woman
>fat nose
>flat cheeks
>tiny mouth
Ugly as fuck.
Is how vietnamese looks like? I thought you used rice runes like japs or chinese
that's why she is 6/10
>being so out of touch
they were colonized by the french and so use Phoenician alphabet with tone accents.
They used chinese writing until the french though...
Also "Rice Runes", thank you I am using that now.
She is objectively beautiful. Fuck off nigger scum
7/10 btw
cyrillic is potato runes
Why are you all immigrating to our country? Is there any specific reason why do you out of all Europeans countries pick ours?
maybe they're liberal or communist. Gas them jk
Shes not even pretty dont stress man. Their sex would be so autistic with far too much smiling.
Good movie kek
Are you vietnamese? Showing everybody your women doesn't look normal for this place
he look like a hapa tho
He's probably a sexpat desu
the amount of twinks who have a thing for Nazis is kinda surprising
we're flattered, but no thanks
Any other real reason besides that? On a serious note.
Vietnam is actually a good example of how an ethnostate actually works, cuz they even made Communism work for them. I'm intereseted in who this is and why you're doxxing him...
the more you fight back the more it turns me on
that's pretty normal for me haha. If you want i show my gf too lol my rate 7/10 btw
reply to this. What did this guy do, exactly?
Ho Chi Minh was Vietnam first, Communist 2nd, his policies and party reflected that.
Le Duan could have easily gone full communist and killed everyone that collaborated with the US but they just jailed them.
Tens of thousands of Vietnamese migrated to eastern European countries during cold war
We have 50k Vietnamese in Poland
Wh*Te liberal male in Vietnam that doesn’t like how they’re more nationalist than communists, who are particularly mad he married Vietnamese women.
I would understandably be mad too, but I’m confused why he would moved there off all places
Because he's getting pussy.
Hope they're happy.
>trying hard as fuck to look like a white woman
I love polish people btw, if Vietnamese follow Poland rule keep them, if they are not deported them. I know most polish are white nationalist but don't bully innocent hardworking vietnamese bro
Communism was a really strange thing
Poland was a communist country with borderline nationalist education system
Every child HAD to know dozens of patriotic songs in order to pass to another class
Polish communists also supported ethnonationalism and they deported every non-pole from Poland, including Jews
hmmm Vietnamese 80% population have double eyelid bro. We are not Japanese or Korean.....
5/10 at best on a great day
How do you know this about him? I'd like to see some proof cuz I'm curious. Vietnamese are nationalistic. I love getting in arguments with liberals over here and point out that they're in a nationalistic ethnostate, they're always stumped. Dudes bitching about Trump being racist and I'm like, would Vietnam kick you out if you overstayed your visa? Etc. Fucking imbecils. Mostly liberals come here too obviously.
he insulted filthy general Giap of communists and he spit into our culture as well,that's why Vietnamese nationalists hate this POS too.
We wuz german
Both communist and nationalist hate that bald trash too lol
that will be -9000/10
Staunch Right Ultra Conservatives have more children on average the retarded libshits do, who are trending towards having no kids at all so they don't contribute to the "whiteness problem." Kill yourself
maybe he's jew. cause that bald bitch just look like alot and his idol is filthy kike H3H3production
>they're always stumped
Apparently you don't know what their propaganda tells them. White/Europan = racist; bad; terrible; eternal victimizer. Non-white = can do no wrong; always have the best intentions; always victimized by whites. When they look at you, they see someone who's a victim of white supremacy, who never has a bad intention, and whose misfortunes are entirely the fault of white men. You're to praise them for being the white man who self-loathingly despises his culture and people and comes to your aid, as the eternal victim of the eternal victiminzer the white man.
He is a white manchild, look at his face, that lives in Vietnam and knows the language. He is the effifany of white liberals. Weak and interested in Asian culture, so much and so he married Asian women because muh asian gf.
Now I know how Japanese feel when weebs come there looking for Asian gf
If you didn’t understand that, here’s the tdlr. He’s a massive fucking faggot
He got an ugly one.
I wasn't talking about the reasoning behind their mass imigration. Since their country is a shittole, they are leaving in masses, I get it.. I was more interested in knowing why did they chose the Czech Republic as their destination, since we got one of the largest Vietnamese minorities in Europe
if you respect our culture you'll be fine man but their liberals never respect anyone culture,that's problem.... Asian people don't hate white people man but we really don't like "baizuo" haha
We don’t hate them, but that certainly doesn’t mean we trust them.
I kinda hate them and don’t trust them but I think that’s Sup Forums memes at work
of course dude, he fail at white dude hunting asian women hahaha don't worry Vietnamese people are not insecure like those asian american from USA. There are many Vietnamese girls only insecure loser can't get his women btw
>taught English to Japanese for about 15 years. Started in 1987, stopped in 2002
>over the years, fucked a ton of women without protection
>know for a fact I got a few of them pregnant
>none of them came forward
>never got in trouble
>moved back into the US in 2005
>instant regret
>want to move back to Japan to teach English again but things have changed a lot
I miss those days. And the arcades were good shit.
If white liberals come here and respect our culture then we're fine with it but they're not. They always bring human rights and multiculturalism to poison our people......
Her skin looks bleached and she has many field gook features, upper class Viets have pale skin and 1-2 niggerish features.
Viet models are a bad example, you can see much more attractive women walking around, especially if they're 1/2 to 1/4 French.
Trump needs to pressure an end to this. Fucking why cant gooks just teach english. Literally just stealing jobs.
We were more successful than other commie countries.
And the Viets that come here now come because of the large Viet minority here.
vietnams future (: . Maybe in 100 years. Every white "country" is fucked now, soon, or later. I expect the same for asians next.
White men and Asian men tend to have far different taste in women. Asians like tall, super super slim women with narrow faces. Theyre pretty too, but most white guys wont drool over that. We like big tits and especially a fat ass which Asian men tend to hate.
Id take the 6/10 over that 7/10 easily.
El gookblino
Liking ass is a nigger characteristic. Every african country prefers ass over tits.
Do asian guys seriously even fucking care if their women date white guys? I mean there's way more asians in the world than white people. I know that when i see a white girl with an asian dude, i at least respect her a lot more than a coal burner.
>Liking ass is a nigger characteristic.
So you don't like a womans soft jiggly ass? Are you a fucking faggot?
I just got into a fight with a stupid Aussie tourist IRL over here in the US for the same exact reason- coming to my country and talking shit about Trump, American patriotism and our country's laws. The guy was such a fucking idiot, and was acting like such a drunken asshole. These white liberals need to be fucking gassed. I'll even take a nigger's side over a white, multiculti, globalist Leftie any day of the week. These people are cancer and spread their bullshit garbage wherever they go, fuck them and fuck Australia, bunch of blue pilled fucking faggots.
Tits have far more functionality for your kids faggot. Enjoy your malnourished underdeveloped kid you fucking nigger
El Grande Queso...
So you prefer jiggly ass over jiggly tits? You are a nigger.
Well if you fuck a chinese woman you are cucking like 200.000 chinks out of a girlfriend
>getting this triggered cus i like female butts
i like both u stupid faggot
he went to Asia because he couldn't get laid here.
Bump because i depise this tactic
>he went to Asia because he couldn't get laid here.
Don't even know if I could get laid in the west, desu. Happened a few times when I was younger by accident but never really went through all the strategies required.
But after I went to Asia, and had 9s and 10s hitting on me daily, I knew one thing for sure, that I didn't care. Who the fuck cares if fat western hogs will put out after I jump through a million hoops? I can get quality pussy just for being a 7/10 white dude in the right place. Save the fat white chicks, they're all yours, friendos.
Repulsive nose
Not fat
Qt eyes