He should be president not Trump

He should be president not Trump.


he is in music and cant even sing dude

this nigga canadian

Canadian Jew and Black. incredible combo

I disagree.

He's Canadian and he doesn't want people knowing that his start was on Degrassi and that his real name is Aubrey Graham.

The fuck does Little Wayne know about running a country?

Since he’s Canadian and not a naturalized American citizen. This Canadian Cry baby cuck can wheel his ass into traffic

>a leaf

Thats Coolio, you retard

Last name walking

First name never

Who is that faggot?

Actually I'm pretty sure that's Kendrick Lamar.

Give the white kid his phone back noonga

No this guy should be president not Trump.

>He should be president not Trump.
Pic related.

>1 post by this ID
What threads are you sliding, faggot?

His first rap song was performed in the show. Probably how Li'l Wayne found out about him.

literally who?

Saged. Retard.

Shut the fuck up you fuckin' faggot, or I'll kill you.

What a train wreck human being.

> right wing death squad
> white man with a black woman

i'm sure he wishes his jaw looked that strong

I love Japan, good tastes.

this is what it actually looks like

nice beard though

You need a token "based black" that thinks calling everyone niggers and being in the party with klansmen is cool and hip.

His voice is the most annoying thing i've ever listened too. Fucking faggot from degrassi can't even rap at all. Has no flow, and yet he thinks he's da shit, just another piece of shit to come out of canada.