Wtf America...
Wtf America
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no they fucking didn't
Back in the good ole days
Obviously a gimmick game, but I see no problem with this.
>Australian bantz causes America to collapse into a race war
What timeline is this?
Not sure if real
If it is real, fucking kek
Since it’s probably overexaggerated and fake news (never stated they were actually toddlers) and this was more than likely a private event catering to a specific group of people, kill your self
My grandma used to call macadamia nuts Nigger toes.
There's a federally funded nigger baby holocaust going on in the abortion clinics right now that started as the "negro project" but we need to worry about this picture of people being mean.
Thanks Vicky. I'm gonna resurrect that game!
you grandma was cool. Mine did too.
Kek, meanwhile we give millions of dollars to feed the niggers that don’t get aborted
And then those niggers have more niggers and more niggers and more niggers
Don’t you get it yet? They want to have a subservient race that votes for them every time without question, as soon as they use this to eliminate the white race, they’ll just put them back to slavery and let the rest starve and descend into chaos
Top Keks in my underpants
You shut the fuck up; you want MORE niggers in this country? Holy shit abortion is a soft form of eugenics and the best thing to happen
>only millions
You're off by a few orders of magnitude there.
>$443 billion on other welfare
Even if they only got an even split (heh) that would still be over $50 billion annually.
Sounds fun tbqh
Thanks for educating me man
The nigga-caust
Niggers play the same game amongst themselves today, they just changed the name to "abortion".
These days we have a game called... ban the Jewish shill. Pretty soon it will be, kill the Jewish shill. We're already playing
Mine does that,too.I also use that term when we buy chocolate covered macadamia nuts.She also had a black cat named Nigger.Told me she planned on getting another black cat just to do it again.My neighborhood is majority white with only one neighbor being middle-class working Negroes,and one other being a Puerto Rican that's a thief,his daughter is also a wannabe gang member and a massive whore single mother with 3 kids.Her mother obviously had an affair with someone with dark skin because the daughter is dark,looks like she's mixed with nigger while both parents are white skinned.Not even tanned like you'd expect from island beaners.
Wtf? I love America now!