Question for non Aussies.
What do you hate the most about us Australians?
Question for non Aussies.
What do you hate the most about us Australians?
Peter Scully and that whore that let industries ruind the great reefs
>inb4 stoopid
The Chappell brothers.
Chinese coal?
Reefs are being destroyed by carbon dioxide being absorbed by the oceans which raises ocean acidification. The greatest co2 producer, especially on the pacific, is China.
We can both agree on that now one is commentating
I had drinks with a lady earlier today and she said that bush/bull bars are banned? Also rain covers for windows like on driver side and passenger side windows because that stuff is dangerous.
Literal shit posting
>The Chappell Bros
>when underhanded takes on a whole new dimension
Uhh well my in laws live in Australia, and honestly, i think the people are pretty decent. Some assholes though. I only hate the fact that you are fucking Americanized. Hungry Jack's is burger king my friend. Too many American shows on TV.
its bollocks. there was apush to ban them in the cities tho... no one outside the burbs wouldn't have a bull bar on their 80 series
Answer me this Aussie's, are kangaroos based? Also, why are there so many deadly creatures on your island?
>there was apush to ban them in the cities tho.
because they contributed to the road death toll
That leftniggers use your gun control laws as arguments.
Homegrown Aussie here, but this guy. And basically the entire virtue-signalling media
I'm not even going to pretend to understand
This circles back to why I hate Australia, fucking nanny state.
Canada is America-lite compared to you guys and the UK
The endless shitposts
accent kinda ironic
Australian feminists. They are a special kind.
precisely. thats why i dont live in a city any more
Kangaroos are stupid faggots who love to jump in front of cars. Fuck kangaroos
What is there to hate about Australia?
Anons only hate on Germany and Poland.
enjoy sahib
Pretty based
Did she steal that tacky golden dog on a pedestal that also has a clock on its chest. Or did she buy it with her socialism gibs. Is she going to sell it ? Or perhaps display it in her beer can littered gib me dat home.
>Are kangaroos based?
Fucking kek
the fact that towlhead slag who talked shit about Anzac day and kept bringing up mannus island has moved over here and talked shit on remembrance day. Beyond that your all top cunts
it's a donation box for guide dog charity
You try hitting a roo/deer/cow/camel at 100+kmh without a bullbar lol
the fact that i nearly gave myself testicular tortion this morning and that i got faceblasted with Slim Dusty when my Alarm clock radio went of.
You act like niggers overseas.
>Canada is less of a nany sate
i like Aussies quite a bit other than all retarded micks that live there
No, we get drunk and be mad cunts, no acting needed.
You defeated us at 2003 WC final. That's truly the biggest childhood heartbreak to me and I'd never forget that.
No, mad cunts meaning acting like white trash uncivilized bogans?
when we see alcohol that isn't insanely expensive, something snaps inside of us. you wouldn't understand
Look, we just understand that you and Hong Kong are but upper-class versions of Bali.
I fail to see the cucks lad
Best anglos
Fuck off chink
Aussies are cool
maldraw is that you?
i fucking hate you mike
This is what we call "larrikinism". It's a value most sought after and respected in Australia.
stop watching it and let nature take its course
New Zealand is a far better country with far better people*
Disclaimer: not from NZ
You have extraordinarely many gays
we're sorry. i feel deep cringe whenever they point to us as a good example of gun control on tv
PS bryant didn't do it
>orders 200 hash browns out of spite
whats the matter with you Singapore
>orders 200 hash browns out of spite
top kek
one of ussss
also checked
I got nothing. You fags are alright.
Australia is a shithole.
Your ancestors were convicts, criminals, rapists.
those inferior, pathetic, criminal genes are ingrained inside you.
It is better to be dead in the shittiest european country, than alive in Australia. How in the world can you be happy with your life in that shithole, you inferior aussie cunt.
On behalf of the rest of the world, we hope your country gets nuked, and to you personally, i hope your mother gets cancer.
show your flag sweden
They bring too much grog to share at parties,
And their laughs are a little TOO hearty.
I once pecked a real auzzie, I mean a real dame right. She blew me so deep mate my shaft was down her throat an she licked my balls clean. She had a great big bush though. Nothing against it, just thought I'd let you know. Guess the bad part is realizing I'll never get head like that again in my life.
her name was neville, wasnt it
I see the EuroUnion is at its ANGER stage of the grief cycle. A collapse is always a difficult thing to manage.
Cheer up,
You are 100% right mate. Australia is an absolute shit hole. Be sure to tell everybody you know. This place really sucks massive balls. I wish I could leave this hell hole but I cant. It is a really terrible place to live.
Nothing, really. Always wanted to visit. If I had to pick something, I saw a reality show filmed in Australia, and a teen girl was involved in a cat fight with another girl, and then she said -
"You're cruisin' for a bruisin' "
I thought it was friggin' hilarious, that Australians are still using slang from 1950s/1960s America...surely they can't be that far behind? lol
Naw, Cassandra. I can't understand what the hell you guys are saying too. It's like english but really fast
Unfortunately for some reason I can’t say anything bad while the words for Canada would fill a full book with the title “Ramblings of a Faggot: Full Retard”.
That you let this smug little toad out so he could come here and shit up everything he's in. Odious twat.
Ok so Australians
I miss the time when you guys where kings of shitposts and banter on Sup Forums, you guys where fun and generated meme energy.
>Now Canadians are kings of shitposts
>And they are just faggots
fuck that one legged poofter
>What do you hate the most about us Australians?
I hate your nigger dick posting. Fucking cunts. Other than that I love you guys. :3
Not much Aussies are bros generally. Your environment is too fuckin hot. Also too boring - nanny state style.
I don't hate you cunts. I just hate your cucked gun laws and I hate that you stopped producing muscle cars.
Don't even compare Australia to Cold Australia. Don't you even -- I'll fucking compare you to South America before burying you in a rose garden you cunt, and we'll see how you mouth off then.
> Please send all your niggers to prison America
> We're mates, mate
NQ master race detected
Anyone else got some australian guy memes? This shit is hilarious.
Adelaide. Yes, I know.
hahahah grew up there. got out asap
I know that the brash, loud appearance is there only to cover up that fact that Austailans are empty and depressed deep down.
Still don't hold a candle to the English.
Triple J
Holy shit this station has turned from a gem into a pathetic soyboy/hipster haven. My god. Its so fucking bad. I would rather listen to nothing than have that on in the background.
>"cause that's a real thing" *laughs*
Low key telling us that Australia day should not be a thing.
Have you ever been to a third world nation?
Christ, your lack of self awareness is sickening.
Just be grateful you dont have to worry about all your shit being stolen in the middle of the night and having no recourse.
Be grateful to have running water, electricity and a social welfware system.
Be grateful you have a world leading medical system and some sort of functioning public school system.
You absolute parasite.
And where'd the rest of the CO2 come from?
Who's oil were they burning?
Looking at you Norfag.
Yes it is burger king and would be called it but it was already trademarked in Adelaide to they had to choose a new name.
As an Australian, I hate the way tradie types act like niggers. I hate urban trendies too, but I think the working class in Australia have turned into this Untermensch breed of mongrelized niggers who act like mindless animals and have no higher values beyond their own immediate pleasure. The only way to solve this problem is to bring corporal punishment and prayer back to public schools.
You'll go full commie before we do, we'll pull up once you expose the degenerate depths that lie before us.
we just say whatever sounds the funniest
it's a youth station mate, notice how they explain the absolute basics of political situations for teenagers to understand.
and nobody there actually likes the aussie hip hop, it's required that they play as much australian music as possible
Everyone at Triple J needs a healthy fucking headbutt to the throat
hahahaha jesus christ so that's what happens when you let a bunch of criminals inbreed.
can somebody be a mate and post the "attention grabbing image" image where it is just text and rainbow colour? ta
Was not aware we are supposed to hate you.
>Australian man orders 200 hash browns out of spite
This should be a fucking banner
Abbos and Asians
>spite browns
A little ice never hurt anyone
only good aussie hiphop i ever heard was bumblebeez - those wiggers from the adelaide hills can suck my dick - fuck those TDC wannabees
>smashes up a perfectly good windscreen