Fall 2017
Imoto Sae Ireba Ii (A Sister's All You Need)
Is this the Oreimo killer?
Oreimo was the Oreimo killer.
>Haganai author
>but Kantoku art
I'm expecting the anime design will similar with HenNeko or One Room. From the PV I'm disappointed.
not at all what I was expecting, thanks for nothing Oonuma
Another overused incest trash.
Anime like this deserves the
Imouto in the title is just a bait fyi
Probably the worst adaption of Kantoku designs i've seen. Sasuga Silver Link.
>yet another wacky Shinbo's right hand hack romcom
Fuck it. I'm in. Too into that shit to ever get tired of it.
Silver best girl.
Is there incest?
Is it BR or NBR?
So it's Eromanga.
But in college?
Another cardboard copy.
>Thinking that NBR shit is even comparable.
The brown haired girl is the NBR imoutoSilver hair is main girl
Mc only likes imoutos in fiction
The imouto theme as well as the entire title is a joke. It's basically the author taking a jab at imouto-centric LNs for shits and giggles. But let's be honest here, it's hard to tell these days whether this shit is being ironic or not.
Will we get an Oreimo every second season now?
Oreimo killed itself.
I wonder if she learned anything from writing Haganai.
I forgot this was a Shin Onuma show. It looks strangely bland for something he's directing.
Maybe he's not actually directing it
Really? What about the A-1 movie that looks nothing like his original designs?
What is up with all this Imouto loving shit happening in Anime? Is the Japanese Deepstate trying to cause imbreeding in order to kill off the native Japanese population through retardation and birth defects in order to conform to the NWO?
we're only on the third installment of the sisterfucking cinematic universe though
Not really, people think Imouto is MC's brother. Imouto is a brocon, silver and brown girls like MC. MC's best friend falling in love with brown girl in the volume 2, they even have a date in the volume 5. MC and silver are dating from volume 6.
What a shameless ripoff. To think I respected Kantoku's work.
>Haganai author
>Kantoku art
>No loli
What a god damned shame.
The fuck is a cardboard copy?
I bet it is NBR shit.
I'm not into BR, but it actually grinds my gears when there's NBR shit because now I can't even take solace in the fact that BRfags will get enjoyment. All bad for everyone.
It's not like there's a huge NBR audience that loves when they're just step-siblings. These fuckers need to go in heavy or not at all.
Damn, she sure is thirsty.
I like her already
>protag is 20 years old
>voiced by Subaru
What's the point
Looks boring, will be boring. Dropped before picking up.
So imouto is a cuck? Would have never happened with a onee-san.
No incest, it´s comedy about "my brocon sister", if you are expecting Yosuga no Sora or Wixoss-tier incest, you are wrong
>" In the span of five years, he has published 20 books, some of which have ranked in the top 10 weekly rankings for light novels on Oricon."
I dont understand how japan is obsessed with prolific writers
So how far does the reverse trap joke go? Does he realize pretty early on or does he still not know?
Also how much does that other girl want to fuck the sister?
>This is the story about the daily life of a young siscon novelist, Itsuki Hashima with his perfect little sister Chihiro, the genius illustrator Nayuta Kani, his best friend Miyako Shirakawa and some insane partners from his publishers.
is this literally eromanga 2.0?
Are they actual gonna fug in this one?
When are the official translations coming up?
fantl mediafire.com
/u/ invasion when?
Choose one
Silver seems pretty good on her own and also has the added bonus of being down to fuck the other girls, the choice is easy.
Reminder that Seventhstyle hated Kantoku's design for this series.
I need some uncensor/nude filters here
How many times did the guy say "Imoto"?
Oonuma's just supervising director apparently. Series director is Jin Tamamura (Rakudai).
>just 20 in five years
He's a hack
This is so fucking ugly, holy shit. They should have had the One Room team animate it instead.
Why is the brown haired girl wearing a weightlifting belt?
Silver hair best girl
Its a seasonal Silver link QUALITY show
>I dont understand how japan is obsessed with prolific writers
LN author like to have LN author as their MC, they can self insert easier and it's literally the only thing they know.
>no hips
Zero. He said imouto.
It doesn't look anything like Kantoku's style, I'm not watching this shit.
>those pathetic hips and toothpick legs
>in proportion to the boobs
Who the fuck likes Kantoku's art again?
Meme artist
Silver absolute best.
Deserves to win.
She has a nice ass
Is shitty mass produced incest anime going to replace the seasonal battle academy?
>silver hair
>huge tits
Automatically best girl.
>Light Novel
Getting real tired of this bullshit
>3 girls
>all have cowtits
Who approved this?
Fucking boo. No wonder it has no flair then.
>Tomoki Kikuya (The "Hentai" Prince and the Stony Cat.) is composing the music.
This is pretty hype at least.
He draws great hips sometimes, like left. They're not meme "thicc" hips but they're hips.
Enjoy your flop then
>Hanneko's 2 main girls were both FLAT
>it was a masterpiece
Those are the same size, though. They just make sense in terms of actual human proportions here.
Guess he only knows how to draw lolis/JC's properly.
That's true, I much prefer his JCs and I find the boobs in this show kind of odd. They're also far too round and balloon-ey.
How's that second season going?
Come back when you big tittied whores make it onto a national American talkshow.
>45 year old man voices teenager
Who cares what (((American))) media thinks
They'd look fine on a girl with some bodyfat otherwise, but chubby girls aren't as "cute and sexy" or whatever. Huge, massive tits on an otherwise slim and slender body just look unnatural. Overboard
IS BR animu still illegal in Japan?
Stay salty
Way to shoot yourself in the foot, shitposter.
So is this really bad or really fucking bad?
>haganai author
We're beyond dumpster fire
He's an adult in a shocking turn of events
Kantoku's art is fucking awful when he's not drawing little girls or pre-teens.
It's gonna be great.
>haganai author
Can't throw it into the trash fast enough
>haganai author
>people still butthurt over haganai
Wow those are the most fake pair of tits I've ever seen. Were they literally photoshoped on after the fact?
>Nose is an almost invisible dot
Noses are not kawaii.
You are not kawaii.
Is this the Eromanga Sensei of our lifetime?
I downloaded that but am I really going to work up the interest to read it?
I guess its a weak excuse to how the characters can afford to live that way without the audience questioning who is paying the bills for all the crazy shit that might happens
Why not?
If she doesn't like the short black haired girl, I'm taking her.
Way to shoot yourself in the dick, cuck.
Way to shoot yourself in the foot, dumb crossboarder.