Why is Ryan Faulk/TheAlternativeHypothesis right about everything?

Why is Ryan Faulk/TheAlternativeHypothesis right about everything?


His videos are extremely entertaining and informative.

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I just watched the latest where he btfo'd the liberalisation faggots

I know, he's fucking great.

I love this guy.


He's mostly irish

also you're Australian, you are anglo

He's legit smart.
He's one of the only dudes who actually picks up on almost all their mistakes and logical fallacies and explains why they're wrong correctly and coherently.
(by "they" I mean whoever he is critiquing in his video)

Just a bit homo though.

>He's one of the only dudes who actually picks up on almost all their mistakes and logical fallacies and explains why they're wrong correctly and coherently.

The world would be a much better place if everyone did this.
Everyone should question their own beliefs and try to improve them.

Ryan is so fucking based because of this and nobody can fuck with him.

He has the critical thinking skills of a GOD.

I can do it pretty well myself which is why it's such a relief to see him actually voicing it publicly - I go mad when I watch any kind of debate or discourse because I keep picking up on disingenuous arguments that no one calls them out on and I have to pause the video and walk around the house for 10 minutes arguing with myself about what someone should have said.

Perhaps I need to sort myself out and make my own videos, even if no one watches them it would at least be therapeutic.....

Probably the child of Med immigrants

Get out of my country, wog

Psychoanalyzing Sonic the Headgehog is his masterwork


Because he's autistic. He's wrong about Jews though

what does he say about jews

>Ryan Faulk/TheAlternativeHypothesis
quit shilling your channel youtubenigger

his most recent video is FUCKING perfection.

go to bed ryan its late

Nah he's a wog clearly.

Only Americans could be dumb enough to not follow his well laid out explanations.

You might be autistic m8. I know because I do the same thing.

Yeah I think he's the only Holocaust sceptic in existence that thinks the Jews aren't an issue

holy fuck I know

it was amazing

He has those superior 145 IQ genes

that picture makes me so fucking mad

>gay voice
>talks like an insecure beta
>want's to abbandon the land his ancestors conquered to go live in a white reserve

He's a fucking coward

He's truly one glorious autismo. Love him no homo.

>not an argument
>not an argument
>not an argument
Nobody actually has moved to distant ethnostates. It's only an idea, but we have to keep discussing to make it clear that whites have a right. If Americans keep the demands modest, the discussion can't be easily derailed into ''b-but niggers were brought into America by force!'', so it becomes a debate over ''Do whites have a right to exist'', a debate where we have the obvious moral high-ground and our enemies will pull themselves into a knot trying to justify white genocide.

If Americans had one white ethnostate, nothing would stop them from soon having 50 ethnostates. We need to change culture a fuckton before that.

because he's not fucking retarded. notice that the smarter WN all ignore the jq simply because its for conspiratard and is the #1 hindrance for WN to be mainstream

I was just making observations. So it's just a tactic then? I don't see how winning the "whites have a right to exist argument" will further our goals. (((They))) don't care about our legal philosophy finbro.

He probably doesn't get into them that much cause a lot of the conspiracy zog shit people believe is cartoonish and absolutist not the way real life works (statistics and shades of grey)

He's smart as fuck and I always enjoy listening to him speak. He's also one of the few people that acknowledges their confirmation bias as human nature and makes a rational argument whereas tons of 'personalities' on the alt right just bluster and repeat memes and think they're just 'not being autistic' when they're actually just dumb

Is he a Holocaust skeptic? It seems like he's avoided the whole issue like most intelligent people . Once you realize 99% of the Holohoax memes are just made up shit it's hard to shill for this stuff in good faith

>Holocaust skeptic
when he said that, he meant he doesnt know if it happened or not. he doesnt mean he think its fake. he also said several times that he doesn't care and it doesn't matter

His brain is big

Alt-Hype site and videos are both great

I don't think he's an opticscuck, he just genuinely doesn't think they're an issue
He's mostly focused on race realism at the moment but from memory he believes most of the documentation of the holocaust was fabricated or coerced

apparently there's a vid of him fapping out there

>I don't think he's an opticscuck
of course he is, just like anyone with a brain

We should be encouraging the peaceful application of eugenics, like paying people to have smart kids with sperm from intelligent sperm donors. Ethno-nationalism is a dead end.
Sperm genetically modifies humans, and is abundant, and so it can be scaled up to the entire world's population. And as more smart people are born, there is more sperm that can be used, so the effect builds upon itself.

Isolating certain human races in geographic locations in order to defend their racial purity is absolutely insane!

Wrong, wrong, wrong. I don't think people will go for your sperm donation memes (if they do, I volunteer as a donor). Also ethno-nationalism is making a comeback

Nah, Ryan strikes me as honest in his beliefs.

Wish he'd write more long form essays.

I'd like to have long video sundays back. Although I get it, there's only so much material one guy can produce, and AH is already putting in a lot of work. Maybe he could do a long video sunday series on the fundamentals of race realism, hopefully it wouldn't be too much work since he already knows all of that stuff

You play with far too many unknowns when you attempt social engineering like that, especially when it comes to controlling reproduction. For example, what if high IQ people are less likely to want to produce offspring, what if they're more likely to have mental problems like autism or sociopathy, what if by focusing on intelligence you start breeding out social traits that used to be a necessity for finding a mate (this is what I think happened to Indians with all the arranged marriages, probably why they're all so terrible with women). The list is endless, not that I'm against it per se but you've got be very careful

My solution is to ignore the family unit altogether and let corporations create and raise children for us.

You mean Destiny?

Why would corps favour breeding the most intelligent? There's plenty of other traits they'd select for before intelligence, you only really need that for the higher up position, the other 90% of the company you only need drones that efficiently complete menial tasks

I can't tell if you're being srs

>I don't see how winning the "whites have a right to exist argument" will further our goals
it's a 'first principles' argument that is unassailable, which is why it's ignored. if it's denied, then it must be denied to other races, and ethnostates.

okay, lets break it down.

Decent at research, il give him that. But to be honest, him repeating other peoples work and research is not overly impressive. It only indicates he spends time reading. (but apparently not reading any studies that counter his arguments - intellectually dishonest)

He is not strong at debate and comes off as a terrible communicator with other people. This is actually a detriment to the alt right movement as anyone who is "on the fence" will see him as disingenuous and smug.

he thinks he is smarter than he is.

cherry picks facts, and again. Anyone well researched in these topics will notice this and view these omissions as intellectually dishonest.

straw-mans other peoples arguments regularly, but then calls out straw-man arguments from other people. Cat respect this tactic. Kind of thing i expect from SJW's.

Cannot take criticism without getting over emotional, this looks extremely immature.

kind of laughable that people take him seriously.

Actual intellectuals exist in the alt right. Jared Taylor for example is 100x more important than this guy. The elevation of these fake intellectuals will not serve the alt right well.

>Decent at research, il give him that. But to be honest, him repeating other peoples work and research is not overly impressive. It only indicates he spends time reading. (but apparently not reading any studies that counter his arguments - intellectually dishonest)
>cherry picks facts, and again. Anyone well researched in these topics will notice this and view these omissions as intellectually dishonest.
He has rebutted every counter-argument that has been thrown at him. Shitlibs got nothing on this guy. If you'd know anything about the subject, you'd agree with him

That's just not something I worry about, man. The potential positives far outweigh any imagined hypothetical negatives. The vast majority of humans on this planet are stupid and defective in some way. Corps would only 'invest' in quality.

Soros shills will deny all race-rights for the sake of argument. But I see your point, it will have it's uses in winning over some anti-sjw's and resentfull normies.

There's no need to turn the entire human race into crypto-Asians, there's enough around as it is

Indeed. It might seem petty but these people win by piling a hundred small lies on each other under their pile of lies is higher than truth. You have to be petty with these people.


mfw Althyp is an American
KYS rice nigger

jared taylor's contribution
>guys, did you know blacks commit more crime???
holy fuck mind = blown

Has he ever argued with someone who isn't a pseudo-intellectual eceleb?

Who would you have him argue against?

Destiny, lol

>someone who isn't a pseudo-intellectual eceleb
Besides didn't Alt-Hype already debate him?

I didn't say i disagreed with him on everything he presents. But i claimed he was intellectually dishonest, on many studies he refers to he presents outcomes as 100% fact, when in actuality many of these studies show only indication. This fact alone shows that there are still many unknowns in the studies and subject and that further serious research is required. If this was presented like this then i could view his work as an honest presentation. At the moment it seems like his work is a biased propaganda outlet.

Someone impressive

Name some examples. All of his claims have been on point and very well sourced

Well, he actually did and got BTFO-ed by Ryan pretty hard. The question is, whom would you consider not be "a pseudo-intellectual eceleb"? Some kind of a political figure? Someone from academia of government?

>Soros shills will deny all race-rights
this bolsters the argument, e.g. blacks do NOT have a right to exist. it's a classic double bind.

He had a debate with a phD scientist a fair while back, can't recall her name

That's because most of the people in these debates are entertainers of their own making and not intellects of any real magnitude. AH is the best and JF is fine though less of a fighter. AH and JF are the only people involved in all this shit whose IQs I'd safely bet are 140 or higher (JF has already implied his is and I believe him though he holds a lot back in conversations which tells me he's used to communicating down).

I love Ryan’s videos because I independently agreed with most everything he says, he just can explain it much more eloquently than I. Things that I could never put into words, but sort of just came to believe over time, he can express in a clear, evidence backed manner. Can you guys understand all his videos no problem? I have a B.s in biology so I wonder if I can digest what he says easier, or is he concise enough that it makes sense to you too?

Yeah but blacks (as a race) not having a right to exist doesn't hurt their position at all in most cases. We win nothing if they drop BLM, which they still don't have to do if they weasle a bit (it's just a slogan blah blah).

to be fair you have to have a really high IQ to understand Ryan Faulk

Here doesn't use overuse jargon and simplifies or makes analogies for most of the concepts he discusses so it's not difficult to follow what he's saying

Was that a serious comment or were you insulting me in a “yeah duuuude you’re so smart” way? Hard to tell over type

It wasn't much of a debate, it looked more like a lecture. Destiny couldn't keep up with the data by using his measly google-fu.

almost all of his videos have some kind of omission, or obvious bias.
Im not going to go through his hours of content to list out specific examples. Im not an obsessive.

I get it, you seem to be the kind of person who has their viewpoint already decided.
You enjoy this guys content and are a "supporter" lets say.
That's fine. Its just not my thing. I put the emphasis on the facts.
Let the facts stand by themselves, and give the whole picture. When he presents details with such an obvious bias then he sounds like an ideology fanboy.

if no race has a right to exist, then they're all fair game and anything goes. if they do have a right to exist, it follows that whites do too. it's a perfect argument, that's why sargoy, et al. won't address it and will claim whiteness can't be defined.

Yea, I wasn’t trying to brag about how smart I was and could you plebs even compete? I just was wondering if my background helped or if he is good enough to be comprehendible by the average person

this guy is a fucking stupid fuck, he was debating sargon and he didn't know that the soviet union fucking collasped. i fucking laughed my ass off as sargon and VEE had to inform this dumbass that the soviet union collasped.

if u watch this guy you are dumb

I'm sure Sarcuck thinks blacks arent fair game because of Lokian individual natural rights. Not because they have a right to exist as members of the black collective. Most libs will argue that they don't care about any race as they have often done.

Don't know if bait or an appropriate IQ for a commie.

kys faggot

You're the one who's full of shit here. You can't even name a single example. Not a single one. I didn't ask you to watch all of his content, just name one flaw. If the flaws are as common as you think they are, then it should be easy. But you can't do that because you're wrong and you know it

ethno-nationalism is known to be retarded, yet you all are for it.
In an ethno nationalist state you'd have to ban inter-racial marriage, force people to have more children than they want, have ridiculously strict borders, as well as be undemocratic to maintain a single race. And as history as taught us, it leads to constant conflict, war, and genocide.
My position is to simply say fuck it and let the power of selective breeding, and the abundance and scalability of sperm, work together to create a super race of humans that will conquer the world gradually through sperm donation hybridization.

>Most libs will argue that they don't care about any race as they have often done.
this is patently false.

What is this supposed to prove? They claim is usually that they care about helping people they perceive as discriminated against unfairly.

Also I agree that most do care about racial politics. But they will almost never admit that openly, especially in a debate with white nationalists.

I wated the video on the heritability of IQ...it was mildly interesting.

>ethno-nationalism is known to be retarded
It's also known to have worked perfectly before the 60s.
Your post is also full of strawmanning of what "should" be done in an ethnostate, with no argumental support whatsoever. Mantaining a single-race supermajority is in no way difficult with proper immigration policies, a lot easier than paying women to bear kids from unknown "intellectuals".

In an ethnat state you wouldn't have to ban inermarriage because there'd be no one there to intermarry with
The second point is just unfounded, and the nature of evolution is the the people who produce the most succesful offspring pass on more of their genes than those who don't, low birth rates is a self-correcting problem, no force required
You only need strict enough borders to stop immigration from different peoples, it's not hard
I'm not pro-democracy in the first place so I don't see that as a criticism, but if you want can control people through media and manufacture consent in the exact same democracy has always been done
History teaches us that every single country on the face of the Earth was ethno-nationalist for the majority of it's history, multiracial states are a blip on the radar unless you think colonial imperialism and modern day multiracialism are the same (they're not).

Meant for

>What is this supposed to prove?
I gave you hundreds of examples of racial advocacy groups, most supported or founded by liberal organizations. you really have to be trolling if you believe liberals don't care about race or that they don't openly speak about it.

They advocate for the right of black individuals. Not for the right of the black race as a whole (in the open). Have you ever even argued with a lib you brainlett?

>Have you ever even argued with a lib
I'm arguing with one now.

I advocate for the right of white individuals

Know your enemy

Wow did you donate to Milo Yiannopoulis privilege fund too? Based user.

Advocating for the white race is advocating for white individuals. Your argument against using "whites have a right to exist" seems to be "but leftists will be disingenuous and argue in bad faith", name any argument they wouldn't do that to though, I don't understand what point you're trying to make or what alternative you're offering

what a sperg, i love him thought

>Know your enemy
I do, I spotted your faggot ass from a mile away.
Post a pic of your arm, nigger.

If we don't abandon tribalism, humans will never evolve beyond what we are now, because the philosophy of ethno-nationalism and racial struggle is too destructive with our current weapons. We will destroy ourselves!

Previous versions of humans wiped each other out, and we homosapians, all of us, are the super humans that emerged from that racial struggle.

We are now smart enough, or should be smart enough, to realize that benign and voluntary selective breeding is preferable to a racial struggle to create the next generation of super humans that will replace us.

With CRISPR we can just edit any genes we want, no need for selective breeding. As for conflict, it's always going to happen. I wouldn't want societies organized around social darwinism, but it's nevertheless a force that's always going to be present

Not arguing with leftists within their framework at all. Attack their core values and mock their optics for now. This is still the guerilla fase of the metapolitical conflict. If we go mainstream to quickly we will be absorbed. Look at all the people itt, wanting to let go of the JQ and basically only wanting strict borders. That is a movement not long for this world, we must remain radical and fight only where we can win.


Always loved him