>Nibiru is coming to destroy this world. Repent now before your inevitable death.
Nibiru is coming to destroy this world. Repent now before your inevitable death
>6 years later and still waiting
You shills are working overtime tonight. Must be getting desperate.
BTW... we are releasing all of you names and locations. Hopefully there will be a lot of Jewish funerals next week.
What the fuck that image looks 3d
Not this shit again.
Find me my true love and I'll make this kid into a 2nd moon
If not, i'll just thank him for deleting this planet for me
Nigaboo is coming?
all over yo gay mumma bubba
>>Nibiru is coming to destroy this world. Repent now before your inevitable death.
What'cha slidin' Schlomo?
When you see this star get brighter, then it will come.
big if true
If true love doesn't exist, then why save a planet just because beings here fear death? May as well just let you all die and learn why you should regret all your decisions
Problem, Kike boy?
Cant fucking wait
>all these normies who don't know shit about space
>All these nerds that act like space is more important than other stuff like making good choices in life
>more important than other stuff like making good choices in life
What the fuck are you talking about? What does this have to do with being able to see a planet sized object many times pluto's distance away and believe that can sneak up on earth?
But the earth is flat
Every year has been the year for nibiru to collide with earth. Every year without fail it missed it's collision. Why is it this year that it's going to happen?
Back to /x/ with your delusions granted the 5th element was good it was not a factual documentary
>nibiru will destroy the world in 2003
>lol that was a white lie
>actually it will destroy the world in 2012
>lol that was a white lie
Fuck off gay space world destroying nigger, we already have enough niggers, stand in line.
I saw this in my dream yesterday, a celestial body was getting closer and closer , the amount of fear I felt was unbelievable. However it felt good once I realized there is nothing to do. Shit was cash would dream again.
Nibiru according to wiki refers to equinox. Equinox is in beginnig of Libra and aries. I think therefore it refers to Eris planet ruling Libra. Libra is the Judgment. And this is the first decan of Age of Aquarius. Starts in 2160. But NT states many bad things will happen before that date.
Nibiru is pretty much planet 9 right?
I had a similar dream a while ago. I was surrounded by people in military uniforms with very sad and angry faces. It was dark as night but I knew it was the middle of the afternoon, so I looked upwards at the sky and instead of the sun I saw a large red celestial body in the sky and I felt completely overwhelmed by intense fear. I in fact woke up like that.
Months later I discovered in catholic prophecy the 3 days of darkness.
nibiru sriru kurwa
mine was along these lines too, I kinda remember seeing angry or sad faces and thinking , this is the future you chose as I woke up. Either they have meaning which I seriously doubt or Sup Forums is starting to influence our dreams.
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