Post the red pill or a similiar one and share your story
What red pill changed you the most?
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That white countries are literally the only countries that need diversity
Give me a detailed explanation on why you think that
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
>muh Jews
>how come smart, great men of history centuries apart didn't like them? Hitler, Ford, Voltaire, Luther, Romans etc
>how come they got kicked out of so many countries, so many times, unlike any other race?
>discover protocols
>sleepless night reading it
>tfw suddenly realise it's all fucking true, Jews really are trying to destroy the goyim and they have a very thorough, detailed plan to do so, and are already doing it
>it's worse than I ever imagined
>even after Sup Forums
>here forever
The christ-pill
Story? Details?
>be a typical conservative normie
>trump runs for president
>become "deep state" pilled
>le soros pilled
>begin to lurk on Sup Forums
>come across a "maybe Hitler was right" meme
>debated some random fuck on the internet on who Nazis really were
>begin to research
>maybe Hitler was right after all
>watch the greatest story never told
>since then 2 years later have been reading literature from evola to Plato to for my legionnaires.
I will never see things as I did before but that's the reality of knowing the truth
Probably women as its the constantly reappearing red pill that you see destroys mens lives more than anything else since I could remember.
For me, I’ve always been a traditional conservative. Always been a proud Texan, American, Southerner. Raised around guns and in a Christian home.
>High School
In high school when I started understanding liberals and King Nigger, I found it crazy that people wanted to ban guns (things that literally made the US and Texas through armed revolutions).
I also hated Communists with a passion. However I wasn’t anti lgbt. I was the kind of cuckservative that just wanted people to be happy. You wanna smoke weed? Do it, I’m not. You want to be gay? Fine, whatever, I’ll laugh at you but won’t take away your right to be happy. I was also taught, like most, to not be racist. I saw everyone equal.
However, more and more through high school I started to see people as hypocrites and how niggers had everything handed to them yet still chimp out. Feminism pissed me off more and more as I started loosing lady friends to it. Gay shit started to be shown everywhere. I was under attack for being a Christian, gun owner, and white.
>Fast forward to 2015
All the confederate flag being offensive crap pissed me off because muh heritage and muh free speech. Me n my buddies flew em from our trucks like most did during 2015.
>Early 2016
Became a Correctional Officer. That alone redpilled me more on niggers and spics.
2016 is when I found out about Sup Forums. It was thanks to the March 4 Trump Battle of Berkeley. I started researching the alt-right, browsing Sup Forums, watching ANTIFA getting knocked out in YouTube, heard about Sup Forums vs HWNDU.
After awhile I found it about (((their))) anti white agenda. Also found out more n more about multiculturalism and hated it. Now all I see is how whites should die, and are to blame for everything. Now I’m even more pissed.
Thanks to Sup Forums and the SIG that used to be plentiful here, I stopped being lazy, started reading, learning more about anything I can. Ended toxic relationships. Quit the low paying CO job, learned a trade.
I was part of a false war-religion and never really believed in it, smoked weed, chased women.. then one day I had a big accident and a girl died and my body was destroyed
That changed me, that made me think how I wasted my life and I began searching for the truth. And at last, I found it. I found the way, the truth and the life.
No... The fact that that idea is being pushed. Lightbulb went on when I realized that all other countries that are not white don't have diversity pushed on them
Shut the fuck up you stupid German faggot, you're probably the same little bitch who was saying the Fibonacci sequence proves the existence of god. Fuckin' retarded motherfucker.
The propaganda surrounding your mama Merkel's mass immigration indigenous German replacement plan
Done ordered a copy so I can read it.
*accident in which a girl died and my body was destroyed
Protocols is fiction
The real Jews are two groups one supports Israel and one wants to destroy the West but protocols is and will always be fake
When my whole class + 10 other classes from different schools was forced to watch Schindlers list so that we could write and talk about Jews for 1 week.
you sound fat.
Not an argument, pussy.
Stop reposting this.
The is the post modern world retard. Everything is fake and broken, literally not one single insitution is the west is currently functioning and that means that some serious shit has been happening for a long time in the background hidden from sight.
Some things are less fake then others.
I will read the 'fake' book first it first then read the fake counter arguments then make my own decision.
Why are you so mad? Either contribute, or get out. Don't waste your time
>about personal life
That I am my own wolf
>about society
The fucking Jews
I remember that! Me and my friends laughed at the bodies of the joos. Man i wonder when i started it honestly had to be before i was in middle school.
wasted quads, anarchist pretends he doesn't know about postmodernism or evaluating a strategy on its own without autistically discrediting the author.
Explain why he killed people who weren't jews then? Flag related
I was deeply blue pilled through college. My favorite shows to watch were CNN, Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert.
One of the shootings happened, I forget which one, but I decided 'enough was enough.' I wanted to learned everything about guns and the operation of guns so I could debate people about why they were so bad.
Annnnnnnnd holy shit when you actually research guns you realize that gun control is fucking retarded and the media is lying about everything about them.
That became my 'HMMMMM' moment, where I thought, 'If they are lying this blatantly about something, what else are they lying about?'
Went down the rabbit hole and haven't looked back.
Got evidence for that claim? Why would he do that?
Probably living in a city centre for a year. Real eye opener as to how people behave and then why society is as it is.
this is pretty clearly opposition research bait. Don't share real personal anecdotes on Sup Forums I say dump actual redpills or gtfo.
I remember watching that movie and that scene specifically, was fucking crazy. I laughed at how nonchalant it was.
You know it was produced by tsarists in Russia but of course it has some truth.
I took black pills long time ago. I cant even remember my first red pill.
Sure np. Do that if you don't feel comfortable sharing your story
Can you help research this? I'm currently under the "guns are baddd" thing but I'd like a different perspective
>Be me
>Hate the Soviet Union
>Engage in an argument with your typical Russian dindu
>Russian dindus keep crying about muh fascism
>Watch Stalingrad (1993)
>Become a Wehraboo
>Become an Ironic Holocaust Denier
>Go on Sup Forums
>Become a Holocaust Justifier
Evidence for what?
My grand-grandfather was killed by nazis. And my family ain't Jewish.
Congrats on finding to god and RIP to that women. Did youyou feel your whole body surrounded by love on that day or another day? Hard to put into words, but please describe it vetter if that or something similiar happened to you
Did he live in Germany or during the war?
that is an omega-3 pill
taking the fishpill
No, he lived in Serbia, obviously. But does it matter which country it was as long as people weren't jewish? Did he thrive to cleanse Germany of jews, or to cleanse all of the goyim?
The cost of living rises after there are wide tax cuts in any bracket, and all the money essentially flows back to the same multinational conglomerates, even with small business because the products they resell come from those large companies. Large corporations operate pseudo monopolies even when they aren't breaking the law, since they can afford to operate at a loss temporarily because they have national/international control over mass production labor and technology so they can afford to undercut competition.
>Got evidence for that claim? Why would he do that?
>Glorious Wehrmacht must kill children in order to instill fear into population
No better than Boko Haram niggers
Sorry but that is bullshit. Think logically into what Hitler promoted. How is that compatible with that? Additionally Hitler believed in god, so he wouldn't promote something like that
What book is this?
John 8:37-47
37 I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.
38 I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.
39 They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.
40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.
41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.
42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?
47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.
i'd say the biggest one that blew my mind and led me down the rabbit's hole was jewish involvement in pushing for multiculturalism
Then it was agenda 21 and the UNCHR's aggressive "encouragement" for refugee quota's, then seeing who in australia was connected. fucking leaches.
Did he die during the war?
Realising that wh*Tes aren't humans.
Ass > tits
Eating ass > eating pussy
Ayyyyo brotha was popin?
mein kampf my dude.
Murdoch Murdoch.
that the bible isn't the complete and infallible word of God. That little paper idol and the heresy of paul was standing between me and God.
Not saying H. himself came and shot all those kids, but his army did.
Failure to control your force in victory is still a failure.
He promoted German supremacy, obviously that isn't compatible with other nationalistic views of other countries (even if it was a multi ethnic monarchy like Yugoslavia was), so therefore it is compatible with his ideology.
That is not something a huwhite would or should say
Thanks this is a good one
Jews are our betters and keeping Israel safe is the purpose of America. Trump taught me this. He is so wise and such a good defender of Israel.
mate, why are you retarded?
read what I wrote
That is not the case, think of him like Trump. He was germany first.
Human trafficking is organized and committed entirely by sapient house pets for profit
>prove me wrong
You cant
I did, you could have just stated that he died there, but you did not
Congrats user, enjoy the read. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders. I'll still warn you like I wish someone warned me... After reading the Protocols, you will not see the world the same way ever again.
>fake! Forgery! Fiction!
To all those who shill against the Protocols, I say this.
Nobody can deny they were written over a hundred years ago.
Take a look at the modern world around you now, read the protocols, and tell me how "fake" they are. Truth is, everything is going according to plan. The plan outlined in great detail in the Protocols.
The Tsar gave copies of the protocols to other European monarchs. He exposed the Jews. That is imho one of the main reasons why the (((Bolsheviks))) brutally murdered him and his family.
people can just read them online if they have some time
>Be sorta kinda socialist democrat, hate the dem party.
>Watch "Collapse" in 2014
>Figure out we're pretty much fucked if we blow the chances the industrial revolution has given us
>Notice we're fucking blowing them left and right and nobody really cares.
>Try to figure out how to fix it
>Globalism? Communism?
>Realize that blacks, indians, chinese, jews, etc. aren't going to save us and don't even really care.
>"Whose shoulders would I lay the fate of the human race on?"
And that's how I became a Nazi.
>Overwhelming evidence of Himmler and others colluding to hide Wehrmacht's warcrimes from Hitler
>That is not the case
Learn your own history, bro. Not saying I wouldn't support a modern version of A.H. but you can't say no innocent person was killed by Germans during WWII.
Share your story and explain your belief
Awesome, thanks user
I know my history very well, especially about WW2. History is written by the winners, never forget that
just admit you killed the jews, we did it to serbs because we wanted to and to kikes bcs you ordered us
Also, I would gladly stand by a German/Crobro and defend what's left of Europe than bow down to shitskin horde, but we do have to put things in perspective, just to be sure it doesn't happen again (and again... and...again)
Yeah np, I actually like slavs very well, I just hate communism.
Logically speaking that makes no sense. Why would you kill them, if you could use them for labour?
I think he's interested in being realistic about the historical failings of hitler, since he emphasized how failing to control your army or subordinates is still a failure, while you insisted that germany generally had a very harsh attitudes towards 'war crimes' committed by their soldiers. It's not that serbs were massacred for lebensraum, more that shit happened while foreign occupation produced 'resistance' and such. If the orders didn't come from the top then not even pragmatism needs to be defended, only the responsibility of failing to put proper officers on the ground. I'd say that's a fair standard to set for a leader, but he should also listen to your point about 'germany first' not implying 'massacre the slavs'.
Great post. My point is, that no german who liked Hitler would ever do such a thing, because it goes against what Hitler teached. The moral compass was so high, jewish prisoners were not even raped or used for sexual favours. One jewish prisoners (female) even complained about that in her diary
The guy who made this appeared in a thread 2 weeks ago. Shit was legendary
After learning about the JQ, everything clicked together. The reason behind all these fucked wars, debt slavery, (((fake news))), social engineering via (((hollywood)))
you can just listen to The Protocols online user
$50 for 9.5 gram silver half-shekel
> The protocols are fiction goy
> just ignore ALL the (((coincidences)))
Yes this can be gleaned from the writings of hitler and higher officials, but since the specter of 'propaganda' will NEVER leave the 20th century, it seems important to be clear about where we stand. I think if you respond to references to massacres by saying "well shit happens and anyway hitler would not have approved" then you don't properly address the REAL GRIEVANCE a slav might have about the history. If you're gonna aim at being a noble creature defending a noble leader, then you have to willingly admit wrongdoing and failure when faced with honest grievance. This is bad form in a democratic era but proper honorable conduct, even towards a defeated enemy. It seems to me that most slavs do not really resent hitler so much anymore, especially after learning history, but they did suffer deaths to germany so it's important to have a clear story about them. Unfortunately there's the modern cancer of crying outrage over human rights violations born of pure (hitler) evil without a sense of proportion of reality of war, but since we're on Sup Forums we can be straight with each other.
Had to research for a paper on child abuse. Discovered ritual child abuse. It's been all uphill from there
9/11 was my big red pill then shortly after it was the holohoax!
Whatch this user.
Very good statistical analysis on gun control
Yes he is one of (((them))). but his analysis in this video is very good.
Give me your best material. I'm ready
To follow up research crime stats of UK and Australia after gun bans. All it did was take away good peoples ability to defend themselves. Crimes didnt hand in their guns LOL
>Deep State
Fucking this I just pulled up some articles and essays up last night and this is currently the biggest "Holy shit it's real" moment I've had so far. Anyone that is interested in this check this link out:
This was a good one. I remember my normie friend bringing this up in casual conversation. We need to meme this again.
Women lack moral compass and honor, and their only worth is to put out children so the species doesn't die off.
Love where your head is at user. Phone phagging at the moment. Research Satanic Ritual Abuse for starters
You can push any agenda on the internet so long as you somehow involve the nobility and struggles of the Jewish people in the argument, and nobody will be able to fucking touch you.
Race realism-Jared Taylor
No that is the light red pill, after you reach that step you have to go to the final pill. Women should be used for their advantages in society, like compassion and tolerance, however we have to keep families together in the way god intended. Without women, men wouldn't have the ambition to go through the pain in order to archieve greatness
I like that you hold people to a high standard, however I did not do of what you accuse me of. Serb user claimed Germans genocided Serbs in order to install fear into them, which I doubt happendthat. It might be true, such people however did not believe in Hitler and were likely just called into the draft.
There even exists evidence of civilians, that state that the germans treated them much nicer and gave them gifts, where the russians did not and even raped local women
Childless women over 30 literally need to be executed