We need to raise the voting age to 30 years old. Get life experience. Struggle. Find out how the world works.Then contribute to the country with your vote.

In 1950, 18 meant you were adult aged and ready to do adult shit. Now it's like the beginning of your second adolescence. We don't need kids who don't contribute to the country voting.

Other urls found in this thread:

30 years old plus 3rd generation.
and bump.

I like that addition. and thanks for the bump friend

If something must be done about voting that will certainly draw the Left's ire why not go all the way and make it a privilege that only family men who earn their own living should have?

That 'd definitely take care of the Left once and for all.

I don't necessarily disagree, but in this era of MUH WOMEN CAN DO ANYTHING and MUH EQUALITY I doubt we'd be able to pull that off

The Right Wing doesn't have enough political capital to even pull off this year's budget let alone anything meaningful.

You burgers better get your shit together, because if you fall to leftism, there's no hope for the rest of us.

might as well set the bar high and achieve along that path. Especially if some country like Poland or Hungary can pull it off.

You’re mad. Voting age should be lowered and anyone over 60 should not vote as they are no longer part of the future.

I'm not mad. Society has changed. People under 25 rarely have their shit together in this country

I like it.

t. guy who would be able to vote


you are all dumb as shit, sortition is the method to elect representatives, voting only benefits the $ruling class

>should not vote as they are no longer part of the future.
2nd generation immigrant detected.

Why should voting age be different from the draft and the age of adult criminal responsibility?

>Implying voting gives you any control over what happens with those who govern you

That’s not true. Most have jobs and plan their future.

And you’re a soyboy.

This or 25 with a minimum 8 years of military service

time doesn't mean shit
if you raise the age because you expect people to do certain things in that time, then you are better off making the requirement to have done certain things before voting instead of just age

employment, ownership of lands or goods, being married and having children, passing literacy test, a politics awareness test or having a degree are all examples of what could be used to separate between what would be conscious voters and human cattle herded to support an agenda.

democracy was a mistake.

Should include being married with kids
> 3rd generation
That's good too

good point. 30 years old 3rd generation OR greater than or equal to drafting age AND active military service.

it might temper these socialist candidates that seem to be growing in popularity

I like this solution

>democracy was a mistake.
Yeah. Sounds like the chant of losers.

shhh subhuman, people are talking.

needs refinement tho. Military should probably only accept people that are at least 2nd generation as well.

i like the other alternative which is making schools less terrible.

tell me how different it is giving authority to an ignorant and selfish individual to giving it to an ignorant and selfish people.

yeah I don't really know how to do that reasonably. seems to be lefty cesspool now

My sense is that a large percentage of young people will always be attracted to liberalism, maybe more so if its directly taught against.

No need. 18 years old + taxpayer. The mentally ill, the convicted criminals (+ released if more than 2 years inside) and the elderly with dementia not allowed to vote either.

Not necessary. Mandate the requirement of photo ID across all states.
Require proof of residency, and only allow voters to vote within the state they live.

Watch democates never win a majority for the rest of time.

It needs to be 35 in Sweden. Also, we need to make tests to prove that people are qualified. If not, they will be put into workcamps to make food/clothes for their beloved sandniggers, and ofc we must sterilize them.

This too.

Voting age was 21 up until 1971 in the USA. It dropped to 18 because of Vietnam. 18 years olds were being drafted to go die but couldn't vote.

Voting should only be reserved to white male land owners aged 21 and over.

4 consecutive years of being a tax payer and not on any welfare. That would be enough.
I would also consider removing voting rights for civil servants as they have an incentive to vote for more state money and more dollares to public programs.

Education systems in America largely favor Liberalism. It's ridiculous.

35 is silly. The majority of absolute garbage people you see controlling media are middle-aged soygoblins and dried tumblrinas, so the age isn't the issue.
I think 4 years is too high. Election cycles start more or less one year before election date, so 1 year of being a taxpayer should suffice in order for the powers that be are not recruiting an army of voters.

but even when they didn't, young people were still attracted to liberalism.
I think schools should be apolitical. I also think that until actual life experience has set in people will generally vote based on what 'feels right' as opposed to what actually makes sense.
>the majority of absolute garbage people you see controlling media are middle-aged soygoblins and dried tumblrinas, so the age isn't the issue.
Well arguably that's the JQ right there no?

I agree, but this people are usually those making rounds spending their early years being degenerates and only get jobs much later. Making voting linked to taxes would weed out a lot of the commies, the SJWs, the brainded, the ignorant, etc. And since right-wing people tend to be more conscientious, then the amount of people weeded out by that rule would favor them. Hardworking respectable people are like that most of their lives. Removing valuable votes because of age after high-school is dumb.

I'm 18 and I work 70 hour weeks supporting myself and going to college, I work harder than the 30 year old man children at my job, voting should be based on a certain amount of taxes paid if it were to be fair.

I think what you're doing is admirable user but I also think you're a rarity in today's society

because there are plenty of 30+ years old manchildren leeches

heres a better solution: only people that pay a net income tax should be allowed to vote.this ensures only the contributing members of society have a say on how the contry is run, excluding children, criminals, the mentally ill, and anyone else not responsibel enough to hold a job

Hey, if you're a workaholic, good for you and good if you enjoy it. But with your suggested metric, someone who works 40 hours per week and e.g. volunteers 30 hours on the side... which technically would put them above you on the moronic "deserve" scale... would get shafted. And that's not even counting the type of job, a food service or salesman don't do jobs as important as a doctor
