True Canadianess

Ethnic Canadians are from the British Isles and France

The rest of the World is not ethnically Canadian
Canada was built by the French and English
It was fought over by the French and English
Canadian's are French and English

Now of course, you might have a bit of admixture. But that's mostly Scandinavian and Germanic add mixture
A little bit of Ukrainian (mostly out West) and odd bits of Hungarian admixture here and there
The rest of the admixture from the rest of Europe is very very very low amounts.
Majority of Canadians DO NOT have native American admixture
Canadians (French and English) lived in towns and the natives lived in tents in the woods.
Every so often when the natives raided villages, they would just go around and kill people and grab stuff. The "White girl ends up captured by native tribes" stories were actually very rare occurrences. And all that admixture would simply end up growing in on the native end, not the white end. (Natives got less native and vast majority of whites stayed white). LOTS of white men banging native girls in early days but vast majority of that went into the natives and not back into the white gene pool. ***White man bangs native girls, ends up marrying white girl anyways***
Admixture does not end up into the white community
Understand what I'm trying to say?
Canadians are Very much white and in a lot of ways better whites than even what is left in Europe

Here's where this gets better:
I'm the descendant of the guy who conquered and colonized Canada
Your the descendant of the guy who stayed home
No offense here what so ever, but there's a reason why Canadians are known as being the nicest people...

Because we are literally the best stock of whites around
Literally. Prove me wrong
Genetically speaking, we are the best one can be

White Canadian is best Ethnicity on planet earth

I'm truly sincerely sorry if that makes others upset
The truth is: The biggest redpill is realizing that Canadians are the True Superior Race.

Self bump


The best Canadians are English and French. Even though I hate quebecois they fight the hardest for their values. Need to ditch the new flag and get a better anthem though.

"Old stock Canadian white master race reporting in from the nederlands"

Double self bump

There you go my fellow leaf. You understand the truth
For real, the more you think about it. The more you realize that Canadians are the best stock of whites around. We are literally the master race. The next Hitler will come out of Canada 100%. Why? Because WE are the master race and shall take back our lands along with all of our natural resources.

We will become a powerhouse once we take back control of this place.
Who could stop a Nationalist Canadian State?
For real? Other than America (Under Trump America wouldn't do it anyways and nor would the population of America ever go along with having war with Canada), Canada is well defended and has the what it needs to survive.

Beyond us being the Genetic master race, we have the best strategically placed Country on planet earth

We are literally the best positioned country in terms of potential in the world.
A nationalist Canada would literally become a world power. Legit.

This is a really gay thread Zhangpreet Sidhu.

You're fuckin' nothing, faggot.

You are in deep trouble lad. Canada may not even exist in the future. Not in a way you could relate to anyway

Maratimes/Quebec = English/French
Prairies = Germanic
Vancouver = Asians
Toronto = Mutts

Calm down Toronto is half white. The whites in Toronto are top tear whites. rich.

Don't worry the swing back against liberalism is already here.

Trudeau himself is the single biggest redpill Canadians have ever gotten. He's such an idiot, he's literally an instant redpill for most Canadians.

The back effect he's creating is literally like nothing else.
Imagine how redpilled your country would be if you had fag boy as your prime minister

Lol prairies are arabs and abbos. Jason Kenney eats young boys ass. Stop pretending Alberta is based. We all know rich saudis go there and fuck riggers daughters every weekend. Fucking homos.


>Because we are literally the best stock of whites around
no we are the most insecure, passive/passive-aggressive fucktarded whites on the planet that are prone to self dick sucking whether in the realm of leftist values or in threads like these as if a silent conservative majority still existed. if anything it's been whites in Canada who have propagated 'progressive' values in education, society and media. and have bought into hook, line and sinker the values of post nationalist (((nuCanada))). money grubbing chinks, pajeets, sand niggers and actual niggers have always been a political non-factor. they don't fuck us, we fuck ourselves.

At my work right now 4 blacks, 8 flips, 2 chicnks, 4 whites

Even if we are more pure as you say, were being displaced and recolonized so that won't matter when we don't have a home land

Your being pessimistic as if we couldn't just push our way back into control?
Were going to win this dude. There's absolutely no way things are going to just slide more and more left until were gone. A blow back is inevitable. And the more they push against, the bigger the backlash against it will be

Simple as that. Were not dying out here. Were taking this place back

Demographics are destiny. The swing back is too late.
Your right about Trudeau though.

French Canadians have to go, this has gone on far too long.

Dude your having tunnel vision. Focus on the big picture here

The swing back is not too late.
It's going to kick into full gear this year and next year it's going to hit next level

Canada will fix itself, the energy is here and it will become stronger than any of you can even begin to imagine. There's something BIG in store for Canada. We are going to take back control very very fast. None of you will even be able to comprehend what happened if you don't already understand what I'm trying to say.

Canada is like America just before Trump showed up on the scene
Think of it as Canada on the verge of politics being taken to a whole new level

>immigrants will save canada!
fuck off kike, the population isnt going to disappear because we arent having a busload of kids like the dindus in the south do

I thought that too, but fuck man... French breed attractive women, the guilt of wanting to fuck a franco is eating me alive but its hard to say no.
>tfw having a french qt
that arrogant self righteous attitude is exactly what you want, you have it and your future family can have it too

You can take back control but you can't stop the invasion, even if you prevent more of it their numbers are set to increase. Also modern liberal ideas are entrenched in all our institutions. All western countries are in the same position. The one thing you have to your advantage is space and there is a good chance they will use that against you. Seriously even with radical ideas what could be done for Canada or any of our countries to fix themselves?

>The swing back is not too late.

you have to figure out a way to add four and four in such a way as to not get 8.