You can't keep us down forever you old fucks

You can't keep us down forever you old fucks.

The next generation of the proletariat will be awake. The demographic clock is ticking. Tick tock drumpfies. Tick tock.

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Based Gen Z.

why do leafs always think that american politics is also their business

It was CNN using the "think of the children" trick.

The weak minded ate it.

you forgot to add the record attendance at the Florida gunshow and your retarded prime minister making a fool of himself.

They've had a rough week after the india debacle, they need to create victories

Gonna be a new race.
Kids are gonna start it up.

The students didn't do any of this.

No one gives a fuck if a bunch of kids walk out of public school

That's your foreign press saying that. The press here was very positive on his visit, and the guy who got invited to the event is well-regarded in punjab (where he was visiting).

He was clearly trying to send a positive message to Sikhs, and it succeeded. Hindus got butt blasted but that's their natural reaction to everything

Just to let you know, they always kill the useful idiots first.....

Useful Idiots

America makes everyone else's internal affairs their business, so now it IS our business. Based Russia gave the US its own medicine.

You'd know exactly what I'm talking about, Brit.
JK we're on good terms with those british lads.

All you had to do was shoot 17 of your own cunts to achieve it.

LMAO go away Trudeau

The NRA talked about a Bump Stock Ban the week of the Vegas shooting.

>forced CNN town hall

Lol, CNN organised the whole thing

yeah but a recent ex-student was also the killer. Don't blame us, blame yourselves. But it's always someone else's fault, isn't it..

If trump invades Canada, this timeline will reach optimum levels

You will be hanged by those niggers first, for being too rich

You’re right, democracy will end soon

>middle class kids

>It's been 9 days.
Since what? Only losers remember shit

CNN controls the kids, not the other way around. These students are pawns being used to drive the liberals agenda.

And in a few more days they'll be back to eating detergent pods.

>trying to ban bump stocks again after Vegas, not even used in the topical event
>scapegoating NRA when quite literally everyone other major player was at fault, from the FBI to the cops jerking off outside the tragedy
>attempting to stop spring breakers, an economic boom to local businesses and an easy vacation for people who'd normally be influential and sympathetic till you fucked their plans up
as a libfag this makes me scream

sweet christ I wish my (((team))) could make a move that doesn't attempt to violently lynch themselves and waste effort

>forced CNN town hall
Yes, like Anderson Cooper is forced to suck dicks

Did he poo in the loo while he was there?

>America makes everyone else's internal affairs their business
Yeah and if we fucking don't people screech all the same about us "not caring" and being "nationalistic" and shit
There is no winning

They’ll be back to eating dirt like they deserve kek

>tick tock drumpfies
Nice bait but gen Z is going to be the most conservative in a while

>The next generation of the proletariat will be awake.
You mean the guys demanding to take away guns from the proles, the very same guys?

>The kids did this
lol, that's a new one



>The bright young minds of tomorrow

>forced CNN town hall

Had to practically drag poor ol' CNN out to shill against our rights.

She is so god damn annoying. What a perfect fucking stand in for the left, she's literally (((their))) ideal form.

Hey Raj how have you been

Haven't seen your flag in a while.

>No one gives a fuck if a bunch of kids walk out of public school

You underestimate how retarded the average person is.

Yeah I'll give you that

Well gun stocks have been down so I can't deny that dyke and her CIA pet have done quite the damage.
Usually guns spike up then stabilize on mass shootings. This time their spiked then went fucking down.

It's 'tic-toc'...

Down to the previous levels?

Oh man, I can't wait to lose more rights and give the government more control over me. You go, man. Fight the power.

The market knows what is coming.

Im to scroll through all your posts here and fire an indian on a visa for each negative comment you make about the US.


That spic cunt deserves to be savagely raped

George Soros funded operation, it raised nothing, soros just gave them money.

You will hang from a lamp post, you dirty fucking Communist faggot.

Students have
>Been useful idiots for 9 days
>Secured no concrete policy changes


>" proletariat"

commie scumbag your heading head first into a rope