why don't we bring it to the next level?
It's okay to be
Do you not already have a problem with your white women having sex with these men?
fuck off kike
I want to see these signs go up on a college campus. The outcry about it would be wonderful to watch.
They were never theirs in the first place
There is no next level
Its really not.
It wouldn’t be worth it. Putting up those signs would just give the left a fuck ton of propaganda. They would go on forever about how racists we still are putting up signs like that.
You have a problem to solve too, Pajeet.
Build some fucking toilets or have consensual marriage and/or sex with your women.
this is great, do it anons
the (((MSM))) are going to keep spewing the same shit anyway
It's okay to have guns
there is no next level
if you're tall and handsome white boy niggers with shitskins aren't really competitors for you.
>associating whiteness with the word nigger
Some of you guys are seriously breathtakingly stupid.
Why? What's the point?
But it's not though.
Fuck off shill.
>why don't we bring it to the next level?
Are you a concerned citizen?
At least the flag checks out.
way to go commie faggot.. the gas chamber awaits you.
> as though Sup Forums is a community that acts in it's self interest.
WOAH!!! settle down!
we got a fucking revolutionary over here.
>reddit flag
>Nigger LOL amiright dudes?
please leave