Antifa BTFO once again in Greece

Greek RWDS attacked an antifa squat and beat everyone down, 5 antifas in hospital. At the same time there was a smaller attack in another squat.


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Keep it up. Good work.


fuck yes! the jew fears the Athenian!
any webms? footage yet? love tactical play by plays.

Greece is the whitest country in Europe, prove me wrong.

Debnts paid

>At the same time there was a smaller attack in another squat.

Not the whitest but they have based RWDS and are the home of European civilisation.

>not burning the place down or destroying walls and windows with sledgehammers


>the nazis hit indiscriminately anyone and anything was in front of them for a few minutes, leaving five people injured, while they left chanting the fascist slogan “blood honor golden dawn”
That's all we know, our only info comes from antifa and """Greek""" (((media))) so it's pretty blurry.

Why don’t set it on fire when they are inside ? You could start race war

We don't have race related problems here except if you count Albanians which whom we are distand cousins. Our problem is antifa and left terrorism.

I love you guys. Keep fire rising.

lol is their squat named Favela?

can't wait for antifaggots retaliating and killing someone, they said something about it in (((indymedia)))
dead GD apes and unwashed subhumans would be the best easter ever

well they're dirt-poor drug addicts so it fits nicely

Keep up the good work.

They make that threat every fucking time, nothing will happen. And be sure that they weren't GD members but rogue nationalists. They are just try to blame GD because of the new polls.

Based Malakas!

hunt down bolchewism

b™ is a krautchan™ equal opportunity employer - get the fukk inn™

(b™ & get the fukk inn™ are trade marks of the IG Farben

>According to witnesses, the nazis hit indiscriminately anyone and anything was in front of them for a few minutes, leaving five people injured, while they left chanting the fascist slogan “blood honor golden dawn”, their signature on the fascist crime.
whens the next flight to greece

They unironically believe that they are some exotic utopias in Brazil ruled with direct democraty. They've made similar analysis about pirates and samurais.

Doesn't really matter. Didn't say antifaggots will go after the people that did it, they'll just go after GD
which is fine in my books, trash taking other trash out, everybody wins

>new polls
link nig

too much fapping over subcomandante marcos' pics probably

>5 antifas in hospital
There's your first mistake. Antifa wouldn't hesitate to put you in the morgue, so why you're restraining yourselves is beyond me. Kill the commie bastards.

>being in the right side makes you have more sex
>the left discriminates sexuality and making babies
>the left wants to reduce birth rates
Seems that Hitler was right once again.

I only heard about the peireaus happening. I didnt heard about koukaki. Niiice
Meenwhile leftists threw a grenade at a police station in kaisariani. I dont realy care about the (((police))) bug imagine the media going wild if such firepower was in autonomous nationalists hands

Just lock them in buddy

btw albos aren't our cousins, they're our nephews

next time use guns

Starting fires is not SAFE! Sup Forums is a fire prevention board of peace.


>trash taking other trash out, everybody wins
Who are the good guys in Greece according to you? ND?

Good work anons.

>We don't have race related problems here
Arent islands like Lesbos still being flooded with migrants?

People that hate
a) muslims (in general)
b) turks
c) germans (and other subhuman "europeans" in general)

also all our political parties are traitors (each one on their own way but they all are) so I'm not judging by vote

Kek I predicted correctly, they did fell (GD)
they were polling around 10-11% before
they might actually go below 6% this time

>ND ahead of Syriza
damn who could've seen that coming

Oh no that suuuuucks

Not race/identity problem. They are immigrands that wan't to go to Europe, they don't wan't to kill whitey.

second what said

the only problems with shitskins we had so far was an antifa chick getting raped which isn't basically a problem because she technically volunteered to get raped
also deserved it

no murders/terror attacks whatsoever

Nah, about 7-8% except if a new happening fucks them again (like the killing of Fyssas).

you misunderstood
they were polling around 9-12% a couple years back and got 6.9% which became 6.2% in the actual elections
with only 9,4% (and in other polls 8.7 or 8.8%) they're not going past 6.5% for absolutely no reason
just look at KKE with 7%, in reality they barely get 5% (they got 4.5% once lmao)

>they're not going past 6.5% for absolutely no reason
they're not going past 6.5%*
dunno why I added the last part kek

α ναι, «για kανένα λόγο»

Isnt China colonizing you as we speak? Do the Antifa/Syriza/KKE/other communists like Chinese investment?

>Greek RWDS
Who exactly? Golden Dawn?

>Do the Antifa/Syriza/KKE/other communists like Chinese investment?

Antifaggots no (muh imperialist/capitalist China)
Syriza yes (new jobs, gibs, makes them look good)
KKE no (muh imperialist/ex-comrade hence traitor China)
and we don't have any other commies I think

ND likes them too for the same reason Syriza does (and I like them as well. Fuck europe)

Do they think squatting is sticking it to all those fascist property owners or something?

Does GD like the Chinese?

Yes i don't trust polls either but i believe that right now, with the Macedonia issue and Erdo, their numbers have slightly rise. Of course they are not even close to taking any real power.
100% no, probably some kids we have over here who LARPs as C18.


As in Combat 18? I thought they were a merkin group

So, is Golden Dawn a meme by now? Is there any actual legit far-right alternative to them?

>Fuck europe
you can leave the EU anytime, dude. its not like giving money to greece (banks) is very popular here.

>tfw you only got bailed out because EU leaders are afraid of china

They are some LARPing kids who think they are some underground terrorist organitation but they handle antifa pretty well. No connections to the actual C18.

We are just waiting for the right moment, EU will colapse anytime soon anyway.

My Greek Rhodesian mother would be proud. In the next 10 years I will be bringing business to Greece.

doubt it

was just calculating based on the (((eternal polls)))
which basically means that sub-10% parties get 2 to 3.5% than what they poll at

sadly no

you're free to kick us out
otherwise we'll just keep leeching off you and flood you (well not you, germany france and sweden mostly) with niggers that will outbreed you (-//-) in 20 years

they don't consider them a threat
that's why they've inflitrated so far
we also shill for them

>get 2 to 3.5%
get 2 to 3.5% less*

if italy uncucks itself that'd be super nice for a potential alliance backed by china

Trust me on this, GD are Russiaboos and likely get funded by them. Their views on China and everything geopolitical depends on Putin.

Fascists attacking anti-fascists huh .. different side of the same coin really

Interresting, i heard that the Rhodesians brought a lot of Greek people to Rhodesia to farm.
I thought that was a joke, also heard that most of the Rhodesian farmers towards the end of Rhodesia where Greek.

>t. retard

Greeks are fucking Alphas!
Way to go my MedBros

Yes, they were between Greece and Rhodesia. The loved Rhodesia. I'd love to take her to visit one day. Their story is very interesting.

if only you meds werent so omega when it comes to finances.

>muh finance

Maybe if you nords were not so jew infested....

Pay denbts

YES! I remember the thread about the first attack. Glad to see the flame is still being kept alive.

Maybe, but someone has to bring the fight to the organized army that is European Antifa. They live in squats and travel around Europe to riot..Someone has to do something.

I visited greece. Bunch of lazy europeans. Basically light skin semetic middle easterners larping as white eurpeans and marble statues while eating gyros and other middle eastern foods. Visted all the famous spots, the Island areas were pretty nice. but white nationalism in Greece is like white nationalism in India. Maybe hundreds of fucking years ago.

Eh, no?

Pls you have to

el goblino?

but the omegas are the omegas of finances

Come on now, Achmed, she is pretty cute

no actually it isnt.

El mostruo



Too bad the retarded Golden Dawn decided to model their flags around the Nazis instead of making a real Greek nationalist party with imagery from the rich history of Greece. It would have probably been at around 20% right now.

Is Golden Dawn controlled opposition?


aggressive shitskin
you were never in Greece

Your shitty meme does not work. la creatura

Mjög sæt

Having shitty economies actually protected most of us from the muslim hordes since we don't give them any gibs
just look at germany and sweden, muttified, islamized and lost all within 5 YEARS
but hey, you can keep your money
we'll keep our lowest suicide rates in Europe and ride on

If I took that flag off, would you die?

>checked and kek'd

They never even dreamed of becoming an actual political party, let alone the 3d party in parliament. They used to be a skinhead gang from the 80's and now they are stuck with that legacy.

Veit, en ég verð samt að vera tryggur.

i'm afraid so
it's funny because 7/10 Greeks hate jews and diversity yet GD never got past 7% (which is basically lower, not everyone votes) and they were around 0.1-0.2% pre-crisis

Albos are illyriroids rape babies, not greeks.

This! I call bullshit, propably was red flag for attention...

This girl says there are multiple Greek islands that are completely overrun and when she was planning on going back to whatever Island it is she goes to every year, the Greeks told her not to because it's not Greece anymore.

So dunno how protected you've been.

Getting BTFO in italy aswell as by fascists,nationalists and police after they've(Antifa+students) been chimping out over next weeks elections latest polling putting the Nationalist Coalition on 38% of the vote and fascists on 3.4%

Yeah that is what I thought
>complete economical collapse
>millions of migrants streaming over your borders
Any country like that should be having a nationalist party right now reaching maybe #1 in polls. Even fucking Germany has a decent "nationalist" party polling higher than Golden Dawn.

They were squatters they didn't own the place, maybe the owners of the places tipped the RWDS of the whereabouts of the pinkos.

I throat fucked a trap that looks just like her, swear to god.

Illyrians got conquered and expelled by Greeks
those areas were occupied during the Roman and Byzantine empire and even before that (with many of them becoming ports)

nowadays albanians are less illyrian than nowadays turks are chinese

That girl is a leaf

yes, lesbos and 1-2 other islands have a major problem because all the migrants arrive there
but they don't stay. She implied that they stay here
in reality there are more "refugees" in Canada than in here (most go to germany tho)

1.5 million arrivals since 2013-2014
40k remain here now
so yeah, we're protected as fuck. Also no attacks and rapes (which I assume you know a thing or two about)

i know a russian
90% same face
blonde though