Red Pilled Movies Thread
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Black panther if they just added a color filter (changes everyone to white)
Dude anything by Todd Solandz although Happiness for me was by far the hardest to get down, excellent movie though. Welcome to the Dollhouse is a good warmup to that.
All I remember of that movie when I saw it as a kid was some boy jacking off
say why
Here is a nice list.
actually very dull by my (today's) standard, like how "scary" movies from the '60s are spoopy at best.
Occult Forces
thank you
who is that
I guess you had to be there ;)
Can't believe I've never seen this posted in one of these threads.
This movie was weird. Very revealing of how Jews view goyim though
I was being partly serious (I like the film) and partly shitposting because Sup Forums hates "degeneracy". And the themes explored in Happiness are... well not the most wholesome.
In short it will red pill you on the secret drives that people have.
Was there ever a full set? I’ve only ever seen two?
What did you think of Palindromes?
I've always hated (((Coen))) brothers movies.
Interesting. Thanks.
I havent seen it yet, but "Brotherhood Of The Bell" is supposed to be similar.
Other good redpilled movies are
Network (1976)
9th Gate
They Live
Kek, thought this one would get mentioned. It's like Sup Forums made their movie
I've heard of that.
It's on the list to get round to watching one day.
Michael Tsarion mentioned it. He's someone you might like to watch on YouTube.
>It's like Sup Forums made their movie
Except the girl in it is obsessed with faggot rights.
Good movie and suggestion though.
That movie is bobcat goldthwait liberal propaganda shit
>Sup Forums
>debating on the homosexuality of traps
>not gay
It's literally a reddit movie.
Still has it's moments
yeah - Tsarion is great
Blue pill: the movie
A simple Beavis and Butthead would be more redpilled than that.
Is this red pilled?
There's some subtle circumcision propaganda in Fargo.
Watched yesterday. Greatest fun of the year.
Internet Explorer? In 2018?
The one and only
maybe it's some loophole so he can watch porn without registering with his local imam
I keep waiting for the dinosaurs with red capes. MFW they won't show up despite Tom promising me they would.
Kino coming through
>that giant honker and vegetarian teeth
I doubt it.
>Using X thing in current year?
Ask me how I know you're a reddit or neogaf refugee.
I know of none of this
I'm on my phone and it works fine.
Do you have a better suggestion?
nah, this was just pseudo-intellectual trash
The part where of the prostitutes is describing what the two guys look like. I'm paraphrasing but she's saying something like hair colour, height, uncircumcised and then sums up by saying, 'funny looking'. They don't have her explicitly say that an uncut dick is funny looking, but a contributing factor to someone who is funny looking.
where one of*
>literal right wing death squads
>written by John Milius
>WMAF relationship
The addition of the character Sunny was done at the suggestion of Eastwood, who reportedly received letters from women asking for "a female to hit on Harry" (not the other way around).[4]
then watch them dummy
This was marketed as a redpill Anita degeneracy shit but in reality it’s a liberal shitfest
If you ignore all the racemixing shit Get Out was redpilled on how unintentionally racist liberals are, & it practically takes place on a Democrat plantation
i think its pretty based
Demolition Man
This unironically.
Demo Man was great commentary on liberal hollywood for it's time. Sadly it was actually cautionary tale for our future.