That feeling when medicaid is completely paying for my suboxone treatment

>that feeling when medicaid is completely paying for my suboxone treatment

how does it feel to be paying for my opiates, conservatards?

Fuckin loser

i don't know i think i may be the winner in this scenario

Feels like youre a leech

When you’re sucking herpes cock for your fix let me know.

>white supremacist
>clearly green

Keep thinking that. Loser

t. butthurted chump

wont need to m8 the government is buying my fix with your tax dollars

will do

fuckin loser

is that a sh**ty white supremacist frog on your page? stay away from me

>national SOCIALISM
or have you forgotten?
socialized medical care there you go

anyways if op is in extreme pain and needs those meds then whatever

its addiction recovery, like methadone sorta

I fucking hate it, alow me to share a story thats being repeated all over porfag country.
>brother is addicted to heroin
>goes to doctor
>”you have a disease that can only be cured with pharmaceuticals. No need to do anything silly like seek therapy and stop shooting up drugs. Just take this magic pill
>brother finds out if you snort or shoot it up you can get high
>starts shooting it up
>gets addicted
>he lives at home still at 29 despite having a daughter
>house is always trashed
>daughter has all types of emotional problems he beats her
>call CPS they do nothing.
>two years goes by of him getting 90 doses a month. The doctors tell him he’ll be on it for the rest of his life.
>he realizes he only really needs 50 a month so sells the additional 30 for 10 bucks a pop for gas/weed/food money
>mfw hes getting people who never did herion addicted to subs and hes not the only one
>mfw hes one of seven people i know personally thats doing this
>mfw the government is leterally funding a drug epidemic in my community and no authoritys wanna listen to what i have to say about how fuck up it is
>three years go by brother gets hepatitis b
>vains start to harden
>blood flow sucks
>gets mersa infection on his skin where he shoots up
>gets blood infection
>dies at home in his sleep.
>89 yo grandma now takes care of his daughter
>mfw shes gunna die soon and im going to have to take care of her.
>mfw it killed my brother ruined my nieces life and eventually mine when i have to shell out the average 36k a year it takes to rase a 12 yearold.

at least i can say that im using them responsibly.

sorry about your bro tho, bro

They get that stuff to take home? Here junkos have to drink every dose infront of the doc.

Die in a fire kike. You will meet your end soon enough.

>how does it feel to be paying for my opiates, conservatards?

great. Tke all the opiates there are and do it fast pls.

careful on those edges, son

>tfw ill just be revived by state funded narcan

feels REALLY good man

They are a gateway to suicide. Feels good that we are investing in speeding up the process.

How does it feel to live in a universe where is too scared to say shitty?

women and niggers coming online have turned it gay

your family sounds like shit. Your shitty brother is better off dead. Sell the nieces to the cartels for some money. The opiate crisis is a long needed eugenics program to cull the weak out.

>feels REALLY good man
great! Have one on me!

for fuck sake, heroin addicts need to be killed

you dont have to raise the kid, give it away some faggot liberal will want to raise it.

Meh, you'll probably OD soon. No worries from me.

thanks bro, im glad you understand my plight

and surely you guys understand that ill have to be taking drug tests right? im just getting my govt dope and not contributing to any other problems really

How does it feel losing in a legendary unbelievable fashion to the point people will still learn about it a 100 years later?
Democrats lost a election that was impossible to lose.
Democrats lost a election they themselves rigged they lost with the support of EVERYONE EVEN that has even the possibility of supporting democrats.
The actual reality is democrats had the biggest loss in US history.
The actual reality is President Donald Trump.

im a libertarian so i wouldn't know.

im flattered you tried to shitpost so hard at me though

yeah. usually they have to inform on someone to get their fill though, they just turn in someone they dont like very much. have a lot of friends sucking the same addiction cock op is. when they sell them, i inform. 1 down for felony trafficking charges, more to come. death or exile. od or get locked up. either way, wont be our problem for long.
catch up faggots.

you are ignorant, literally all you have to do is show up to the dr and pass their drug tests and attend therapy.

thinking you have to rat someone out to get suboxone is beyond retarded.

How much are you getting daily user.
I've got some here. It's pure bupe with none of that naloxwhatsit in, that stuff that blocks opioids that's mixed in with the stuff you get.
I'm not a heroin addict BTW everyone.
You can't mix opiates and pure bupe anyway, they cancel each other out so an addict will go into total withdrawal and because they last 24 hrs it would be hellish for you.

lolbertarian oh you are the ones that had one come together to listen to a fat naked dude screaming I remember that about lolbertarians in the last election.. but not much else.

So lolbertarian isn't a good lie lol but whatever you need to tell yourself so you can sleep at night.
It still wont change that you had the biggest loss in US history.

16mg daily, unfortunately i have to have to get the ones with naloxone.

and yeah i know all that stuff about the bupe, i've actually been using it for a while. except now im doing it legally so that ill be able to function without spending all of my money on dope.

i don't like the libertarian party, im honestly more mincap/ancap. i supported trump so i really don't know what your problem is, sperg

how does it feel to be an addict faggot

feels pretty good most of the time, actually

You've inspired me now. Im going to get addicted to drugs immediately.
Seriously friendo, just bear with it and you'll forget and feel normal soon. I smoke (cigars and cigs) and I'm trying to vape instead, but it takes a while to start liking the vapour and wanting it instead of cigs.
(Shit. I need one now. Fuck this faggot fog machine.)
You'll be fine.

thanks phamalam, im looking forward to the future. getting in w a doctor has taken an insane amount of stress off my shoulders.

Im on vape for a couple of months now and it changed my life for the better, I use a menthol taste. It gives some more throat hit and sometimes I combine it. I really feel a whole lot better and my gf is even happier because I wont die earlier and I dont taste like ashtray anymore.


Suboxones bind your receptors so that you can't get high. More like we're paying to cuck you out of your next hit.

obviously you have never taken suboxone

it absolutely gets you high, kek

Yeah OK faggot. I was a straight up needle freak for years. If you can feel fucking anything from a sub then you have absolutely no need to take a fucking sub.

you sound booty blasted that i was able to get my tolerance down enough to feel it.

>implying I pay taxes

>OP will probably die from an overdose sometime soon

best time line

What the fuck is the point? If you're gonna get high go get high. If you're gonna get clean get clean. The hell is the point of taking that shit for you?

its controlled maintenance, i can't take anything else, and i only get so much sub.

its like a middleground for now, eventually the goal being to taper down. maybe not, but its better than being out shooting h and opanas like i used to.

is this problematic for you?

I don't mind my tax dollars going to the mentally retarded.

>I'm on maintenance

Yo you got fucked hard sicky. Methadone maintenance is what you wanted if getting high is still a priority. Bet they hit you with the shot soon too. If you actually want to get clean though maybe it'll help, I've heard good things.

And stop acting like I'm mad you fucking Russian bot.

You're just a sad waste of life, you should probably kys because you cause a lot of grieve and misery to others. You're probably to far gone judging by your posts.

>is this problematic for you?
No, but thinking that you're life is somehow better because the government subsidizes you high is beyond retarded. I'm not the one who is an addict. The fact you claim to be a libertarian as well is even more hilarious.


You're a fucking leech and a drain on society, so get better and get back to work.

bretty gud enjoy oding on fetynal human trash

I hope I am wrong, but with that ego and entitled attitude you are never going to get and stay clean. Your lack of humility and gratitude will fuck up your recovery if you don't fix it soon.

Ever thought about getting a job and pay taxes yourself?


How's it feel to be a fag?

You are disgraceful faggots. Then you claim you want to save your race.
Become the father your niece never had user. Raise her right.