
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump @Governor's Ball 2/25/18
>Ivanka/PressSec Sarah @Olympics in SoKo 2/25/18
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on Syria Ceasefire Res 2401 2/25/18
>Pres Trump on Judge Jeanine 2/24/18
>CPAC Day 3 (Gorka, Malvin, Levin, Nunez, Mulvaney) 2/24/18
>Eric on Ingraham Angle 2/22/18
>Pres Trump Reads Snek @CPAC 2/23/18
>Pres Trump speech @CPAC 2/23/18
>Pres Trump/Aussie PM Turnbull presser 2/23/18
>Pres Trump/Aussie PM Turnbull meeting 2/23/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania welcome the aussies 2/23/18
>Pres Trump speaks to press before leaving for CPAC 2/23/18
>Arr Nige @CPAC 2/23/18
>KAC & Linda McMahon @CPAC 2/23/18
>CPAC Day 2 (Trump, KAC, Arr Nige, Ingraham, Perry/Zinke, Others) 2/23/18
>VP Pence address nation's governors 2/23/18
>PressSec Sarah @Olympics in Soko 2/23/18
>AG Sessions Press Conf on Elder Fraud 2/23/18
>SoS T-Rex meets with mick PM Coveney 2/23/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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gay general

Damn it I wanted to use this as OP.


I'm so goddamn tired of hearing about gun control. How much longer until the next news cycle?

>tfw the power goes out

I hope you people comprehend that Dems can and intend to destroy Trumps movement completely by regaining the house this year.

There are roughly 32k deaths a year in the U.S from guns.
>60% Suicides
>3% Accidental
>4% Justified
>33% Homicides
>80% of the homicides are gang related
1,712 in a society of 320 million.
Chance of death by gun = 0.00010256410256%
Of the 32,000~ deaths, 232 were by rifle of any kind.
If we extrapolate the percentage of AR-15s among ALL RIFLES:
>the AR would have caused 36 deaths per YEAR.

Opioids kill 115 people a day in U.S!

$50 for a 9.5 gram silver half-shekel.

Same. That IG report needs to hurry up.

What happens here? Why is it not American state?



>we’ll take your guns and open your borders
Good luck with that platform


>How much longer until the next news cycle?
Hopefully it sucks up all the oxygen until DACA quietly expires. And I would love for it to come back in the fall as Dems running for office as Gun Control candidates in states Trump won. It will be a blood bath.

That is it. You give them back their anciant capitol, and they don't even give you a whole shekel.

>that toss into the trash can at the end


Cool. Might be worth some money some day.

Did I just see pepe on fox news?

>Let's make a deal
>Help me extort the local government
>You get nothing in return
>This is a good deal


So far its been working very well...

Is this faggit still around? I take a week-long break from news and politics and the left is still yammering on about this. They really know how to run an issue into the ground

>It will be a blood bath.
Will it though?

For some reason that tired face of the cashier amuses me.
>just another day with niggers

It’s been working terribly since 2010. Like historic amounts of losses .

Please tell me someone caught this Pepe on Fox and Friends just now? Saw it on tv, I can't find the live stream


you can just read "fuck this shit job, this is the last straw" on his face the entire time.

>Twitter verified
This Jew is your new enemy. He's gonna around for a while

Intention is not fruition.

2017 and 2018.
There are many signs pointing towards their success.


Hello, fellow gun control advocate!

I have a question: Why are you mad at Hogg but not Trump even though they're on the same page and advocating similar things?


>Trump is only human and will die someday

>Will it though?
I think senators like Tester and Heitkamp can easily be picked off if they're forced to run as a candidate that wants to ban guns. The dems need a groundswell, they need policies that are vastly popular. Gun control isn't anywhere as popular as their (((polls))) are telling them it is.

>2017 and 2018
Didn’t prove anything. Republicans won most special elections. You’re hanging on to Alabama when Dems didn’t actually win it. Mitch McConnell sacrificed it to prove his “leadership” in
the GOP.

Normies are waking up to false flags and other MKULTRA ops

>Republicans won most special elections.
Most special elections were in Deep Red districts, and the ones that weren't, or even some of the ones that were....

Get the locker.

when are you going to age? you've been 24 for three years

>Immigration depresses wages everywhere else but not in the United States.

Normalfags are drones.

Interesting. I live in Florida and will be taking pics during spring break holding a mojito and my rifle with my tits hanging out and will tweet it to this little cunt. Everything south of Ft. Lauderdale needs to be gassed

>tfw my state is free from the drama and/or chaos of 2018 midterms
We're electing a new governor though but convince me it won't be also tfw

Cool narrative. Good luck with that whole taking our guns and giving us illegal immigrants thing

Your sense of time is bizarre.
If you say the truth is a narrative...?

If you live in the 3rd district there will be some drama

Trump...Balfour Declaration....

Fox cutie panel

A sperg like him is going to his Kennedy III moment soon.

Are they in a spaceship this morning?



nobody's mentioned pepe in the comments yet

was that apple or samsung phone/charger

Did that plane not have a fire extinguisher...? Seriously?



>fixed the part above hogg is joe's head

Repeal The Twenty-Second Amendment!

President-For-Life Donald Trump!

Make America Great Forever!

Yes, go to Cali instead, Goyim

God willing. I"m sick of this gun control horseshit.

>no fire extinguisher
>C-Chyna is a world s-super power
>please ignore our massive third world behavior

Getting the impression he's the voice of a very vocal minority

Did you see the teacher being interviewed that said the shooter was wearing police like body armour

Not to mention they rip off all the designs for their planes etc

Yeah, I don't get that. I'm a private pilot and even in the small plane I learned to fly in (Diamond Katana) we had a fire extinguisher. It's shocking that they didn't have at least a single fire extinguisher on the whole goddamn jet. Fire on board a plane is just about the most dangerous scenario there is.


i need my tweets

China numba one
China buld big city
China make shit steel
China have horrible society
China steal designs and do them poorly
China have horribly polluted waters
China habe third world quality of life
China numba one

We don't take in dog fuckers.


Yes, and the kid on the top said the "shooters" were targeting teachers specifically... headshots.
I really wanted to just ignore this... but come on. Shit like this makes me want to kick Wolff Blitzers posh, bullshit artist ass.
>Will NO MSM ask a couple of obvious questions? Instead we get grandstanding Hogg?

Hes not. Some of his other classmates are vocal as well. He is just the most vocal and poster child of this incident. He is the best well spoken out of the bunch.

IKTF. I need my morning tweets.

Bad goy. Don't question the narrative.

Mornin boys. Did I miss anything important over the weekend?


Hogg does deserve a series of swirlies.

how many NRA memberships has this retard sold? he could take over being spokesman from gun mommy. record fundraising.

>implying Trump is human an not an interdimensional angel sent to save us

7 days till DACA deadline

In the last decade, there were only 10 major mass shootings where the death toll went into the double digits. Three of those were carried out by Muslim terrorists. That’s all the more remarkable since Muslims make up less than 1% of the United States population, but account for 33% of major mass shootings. Proportional to their representation in the population, Muslims are responsible for far more mass shootings than Americans.

Really makes me think :)


I run a small gaming clan on discord. Every fellow burger is now a NRA member.

I'm sure the NRA has received a significant bump in donations and memberships since this little faggot started his 15 minutes of fame. I sent $50 to them myself but I'm already a life member.

God bless you. What games do you play?


save us from our icky guns

Speaking of early morning. I started eating breakfast today. I feel much better than usual, could be a placebo though.

They aren't going to stop with this. This is the new BLM and MeToo. They are going to milk this, and they dont give a shit about DACA anymore. They know thats a losing issue but this will galvanize the base

Taking three different meals is important. It helps keep your appetite in check, too. People that eat three meals a day are statistically thinner than those that skip breakfast. Most likely this is because they aren't famished by lunchtime.

We're all playing different shit now. We're waiting on Monster Hunter World for PC.

Gun control is a losing issue, too, though. DACA spics are more sympathetic.

Did Fox & Friends just show Pepe?

hello frens

you're only allowed to reply to this post if you get cuddles every night

if cruz is the patsy like it's looking then i'd like to know who asked him to come in to the school or why he was there. we're supposed to believe this kid takes an uber to the school, brings a huge ass dufflebag inside the school which magically has no metal detectors or security cameras anywhere, then change into his gear and load up without anyone seeing or saying anything, then somehow sees/talks to the blonde girl while he's supposed to be slaughtering people then dumps his gear and evacuates with all the other students and hits up a subway. i really don't think he did it

Yes it did.
