Is there any particular reason you're racist, Sup Forums?
Is there any particular reason you're racist, Sup Forums?
you could start off by asking hollywood, the music industries, and most college compus's, plus modern comic writers. They'e the only ones brining up race politics into the mainstream
cause dat chocolate pudding too sassy for me
I'm jealous of the size of your dick
Wakanda shit is this?
Fuck off swen.
Panjeets bringing the bangs today.
went to school in a multiculti hell hole.
At least when I went home my neighborhood was over 90% white.
Shit skins are the worst they will ruin everything they have a chance to.
They would come to parks over a mile away from the school one way after they had just gotten out of class because they knew it wouldn't be filled with shit skins like them.
because shitskins are a burden on the society everywhere. I don't mind them if they live in their own lands.
I'm not
I rarely interact with other people
High IQ
Yes, you, you and your shithole country
I just don't like anyone in general due to my crippling depression; I'm mostly indifferent to, or I hate everyone. I should probably seek therapy, but who has the time for that?
At least you recognize others as people. May you shrivel up in peace, user.
I’m not. I found the Lord. I have no room in my heart for hate.
Pick one.
I-is that you Muhammad...?
Pastor says so.
Only reality
Ta livet av dig, bögjävel
Because it makes more sense to be racist than not.
couple things
For one, people who threaten accusation of racism are often clearly doing it for a power trip and self-validation, that jumping through the hoops to keep them happy is so much effort that I'd rather deal with the consequences of being called racist just to free up the time and effort to accomplish other things. Like shitpost on Sup Forums.
The other is the constantly shifting definition of 'racism'. I try to treat everyone as a human being, and judge people not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I'm white as milk, and doing that apparently makes me a white supremacist. There's no such thing as race, but white people need to shut up because they can't have valid opinions about race. All races are equal, but the definition of 'racism' will morph around so that it doesn't count as 'racism' if the target isn't dark enough. White people are the only ones who should take responsibility for slavery, which has been practiced by every race throughout history, but they deserve zero credit for fighting to end slavery, which historically they are nearly the only ones to ever do. Etc. etc. etc.
The funny thing is; I work in SE Atlanta, I have black clients and customers all over the place, none of them would consider me racist because, surprise, most humans aren't up their own ass about building their sense of self around making people dance around their insecurities. Every race is made up of human beings, if you expect any different you're gonna have a bad time.
-t. privileged huwhite racist
Niggers cause racism