we need automation in every field. Fuck this bullshit slave work.. The problem why we still not have 80% automated, because people will have no jerbs, muh jerbs, and they don't know what to do with their life?? are you fucking kidding me. there are so much to do without that retarded way looking for money
We need automation in every field. Fuck this bullshit slave work.. The problem why we still not have 80% automated...
Why is it always the scandinavian countries that complain about work when they get the most fucking welfare out of every other country?
Having employment is part of fulfillment. NEETs are unhappy
I want my food to be made by machines so i can focus on my goals
watching anime?
it's a nasty ass burger king
every thing there is filthy as fuck. illegals going to work sick and coughing on everything because they don't want to get fired for calling off
this dude probably made the lettuce cleaner by rubbing his rubber shoes over it
Number 15
>NEETs are unhappy
bullshit, and the society make them look shit, and brainwashing the stupid neet to feel that he needs to work, so basically he feels sad, i have a friend who is neet and he is fine, works out and enjoying his time with self education and gaming.
*Guy stands on throwaway lettuce for laughs, at no time were customers at risk
*Gets fired
*Guy pours mountain dew on throw away tacos pretending its pee
*Gets fired
*Male transexual nurse goes to inspect a womens vagina who had specifically asked for a women to treat her
*Gets counselling to deal with stress from the incident
I think we have our prioritises mixed up
>it's a nasty ass burger king
not only burger king, but every food made by humans hands. this shit can happen.
no faggot, exploring the world, because you don't need to stay the same place rest of your life time like we do today.
Number 15: Burger king foot lettuce. The last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger is someone's foot fungus. But as it turns out, that might be what you get. A 4channer uploaded a photo anonymously to the site showcasing his feet in a plastic bin of lettuce. With the statement: "This is the lettuce you eat at Burger King." Admittedly, he had shoes on.
faggot you don't know what's going on behind the door where your food is made.
but that's even worse
Here in Mexico you can ask them to see your food being made.
Thats how you know America is a shithole now. Burgers can't even get a burger without mexican germs in it.
That's the way we conquer, first the Europeans fucked us with the smallpox, now we're doing the same thing. 2048D Tlachtli.
Your goal should have been to get a better job then you might be able to travel