What was your result, Sup Forums?
What was your result, Sup Forums?
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I'm just curious, why would punitive justice be better than rehabilitating someone in your opinion?
>even considering rehabilitation an option
It makes more sense to me to create more taxpayers than to just spend a shitton of money keeping people locked up
although if you're in favour of execution I can see where you are coming from
There are some crimes for which there should be the death penalty, such as murder, and paedophilia, so I don't really see rehabilitation working in every instance
Hang them all and let God sort them out.
The best result
is this ok?
it swung pretty hard after turning back to god
answered only at the extremes
using all five options
a lot of those questions have no satisfactory Yes/No answer, every time you take the test more than half of the questions need to be thrown out
National Syndicalism? National Socialism? or maybe National Bolchevism???
>all these workcucks
the changes seem reasonable
hello friend
rate mine please
Rate me.
They are more likely to be a burden on society than productive individuals.
I got 88 problems and being a fascist is not one of them.
So neutral.
Reformists are faggots
Rate mine
>before researching Mosley
Revolution is for edgy teenager and gamblers.
>after researching Mosley
I think I am going down the pipeline.
Uhke Eesti rahvuslane
Friendly reminder that anyone not getting pragmatism is part of the cancer that is killing the west.
If you did not get the red pill seal, you don't deserve to be here!
Bull shit, there is nothing wrong about think before act.
>keeping people locked up
we are going to hang them there problem solved
>not using them for slave like manual labor
thats fine too yeah
ayo i just wanna say VIVA MEXICO and FUCK AMLO. pls r8 too pretty pls.
what does this mean...I am new to politics, only 18 years old.
It means that you should kill yourself, you commie fuck.
pobre chamaquito este yankee
>is this ok?
>muh echochamber
Christ get a fucking sense of self you cuck.
stop trying to base your beliefs on what everyone else wants. you tell me if this is ok user
Someone please, I'm a cuck and I'm beyond saving!
Pic related
I did it again but only did the extremes and acted edgy. Would Mosley be proud?
Neck yourself, castro
my nigga
Pragmatism : politics objectively boil down to looking at where the problems are and trying to solve them according to the means available.
i have reached an equilibrium!
The only cure is to kill yourself.
seems good
Filthy commie cucks. Here’s what a real man looks like.
iffy yuh,
blicky got the stiffy yuh
I'm well-rounded in my political beliefs.
The wording of the statements is just atrocious
>Environmental norms should be influenced by mass consumption and not from an authority.
What are "environmental norms?" Mass consumption of what? Energy? Food? Water? Culture? What kind of authority? What the fuck does this mean?
>It is important to encourage an agriculture that maintains a food biodiversity, even if the output is inferior.
Why would the "biodiversity" of agriculture affect the actual quality of the output? Agricultural markets are already immeasurably and uncontrollably diverse on both national and global scales, so what's the point of this question?
>Elections organised by the state cannot question the powers in place.
What? Is this questioning the legitimacy of extant democratic processes, or proposing how things *ought* to be? What am I agreeing/disagreeing with here?
I'm 20 questions in and I can't be fucked answering 100 more if they're anything like these. The test is complete nonsense and you're a dumb fuck if you put any kind of trust in it. Look at the project it came from: radicalisees-sur-internet.fr
Eugenics; you're breeding certain behaviours out of society by excluding people with certain traits from breeding.
Лaтыш, aнглийcкий пocтaвь.
Your young. That's normal. Read Eustace Mullins. Don't kys but don't post.
>I'm 20 questions in and I can't be fucked answering 100 more if they're anything like these. The test is complete nonsense and you're a dumb fuck if you put any kind of trust in it. Look at the project it came from: radicalisees-sur-internet.fr
I vomited...
whatup punk
Дa хyлe, и тaк вce вceм пoнятнo.
>That French flag
This test is way better than 8values.
Not bad.
I'm OK with giving the bleeding hearts a chance at punishment-free rehab for first offenses of most crimes, so long as I get to have repeat offenders executed swiftly.
I say "most" because some crimes are heinous enough that there's no point, some crimes are so prone to recidivism (burglary for an interesting example) that there's no point, and because some forms of insanity should just be eliminated. (he rolls his shit into little balls and eats crayons? that's cute, let's find him a home and try to fix him. / he sets people on fire? time to hang the fucker)
This was written by some Marxist Communist faggot who can barely express themselves in English:
"Elections organised by the state cannot question the powers in place."
Deal with it, soyim.
You're a clown if you think industrialised society on a mass scale is good
Fite me irl fags
1 of 3
fine with me so long as you stay in mexico commie
Yes. See That's some ultra-leftist test