When did you realise that university is a way of paying off smart people not to create chaos?
When did you realise that university is a way of paying off smart people not to create chaos?
I didn't...please continue
dig it. it's Neal Stephenson-esque. you should write some more here, user. I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
>costs hundreds of thousands of dollars
>literally teaches kids to be revolutionaries
>"pays them to not create chaos"
Communists killed the intellectuals to avoid being overthrown. You don't need to kill the intellectuals if they are completely conditioned by you to not think a certain way.
Welfare is certainly a way of paying poor people not to create chaos. But as says, (modern) university neither A) pays, B) contains smart people, nor C) encourages them not to cause trouble
About the same time Sneed bought out Chuck's.
None of what you said makes any sense.
these guys didnt get accepted.
>costs money
>takes time
>needed to be successful
>idiots ruin everything
bretty shur teh collages are need
>the countries that offer university for free (or basically free with low interest, pay whenever you want loans) are the same countries that the US conquered during WW2
It contains smarter than average people and gives them a place to placate their autism so it doesn’t spread out in socially damaging ways. It gives them puzzles to work on, an internal hierarchy to compete in, and it doesn’t encourage people to cause any real trouble. It encourages people to be useful idiots of the ruling class who think they’re rebelling against it (eg promoting open borders or individualism against capitalism or “cultural Marxism” - none of those things are particularly rebellious). Although this dynamic might have already reached its peak with the election of drumpft’v’nt
I didn’t say they were good. I said there’s a reason they exist.
Also look at Western Marxism. It used to have teeth. It used to have black separatism and attack the US gov militarily. It used to plant bombs to stop foreign intervention. Now it has Silicon Valley’s Google using its throat as a penis gourd.
It doesnt teach them how to be selfsustainable, organize and militarize.
Because THAT would cause trouble if it fell in the hands of smart people.
And where did those radicals go? What happened to those radical thinkers? They joined the university! They became academics. Where do people like the Bikelock Bandit of Berkeley work? Universities!
And now all they do is engage in pseudo-revolutionary, capitalist endorsed games.
>50% of population get a degree
>smart people
You’re right. It’s a place smart people go to work on a bunch of distracting crap. I go, in part for the government dollars (you get paid to go to Uni here), and partly because there’s good info here and there, but it is massively slanted and there’s a lot of bullshit.
college/uni is a meme
get trade skill
will be much better if the world goes to the shitter
I’m talking in particular about academics. But it acts as a distraction for that smarter 50% of the populations anyway, who otherwise would have little to do other than MAKE REVOLUTION.
nah bro
the sides are like boogers dude...
now tell me...
what do you pick?
Ordinary, honest, hard-working people are becoming trapped by (((university debts))), even though the only thing these people 'learn' in their university of choice is what they can and 'cannot' do, what is socially acceptable and what is 'socially unacceptable', what is possible and what is 'impossible', etc - they are LITERALLY paying for their own programming and ending up in debt for the rest of their lives because of it! It would be hilarious if it weren't so tragic.
>university zombies
>When did you realise that university is a way of paying off smart people not to create chaos?
That's retarded... most of Sup Forums didn't go to university.
Yeah and it’s full of people using their spare time to create chaos
I dunno dawg, I went through uni in a full blown "cultural studies" course disguised as English and Media, and I came out the other side of it full redpill. Only the true idiots swallowed that shit. The rest just saw the hypocrisy for what it was and gained resilience against the lies.
made me think
when did you realize that higher education is literally 'higher' education?
>Yeah and it’s full of people using their spare time to create chaos
So, if the elites plan was to destroy college to keep intelligent people from causing chaos, they failed...
As they forgot the OTHER plan by the elite to make sure that only morons go to college.