/SWEG/- Swedish Election General

On the 9th September, Sweden is going to have a general election. This may be the last chance Sweden has to stop itself from falling over the edge before it’s too late.

Are you ready for the next phase of this campaign?

See the poster below?
You take the blue pill, you see a story or an article about the Mainstream parties. Their policies, their failings. The melting down of priceless artifacts, the Decemberoverenskommelsen, the anti-rape bracelets…
You take the redpill, you see the damage they’ve done. The murder victims, the rape victims, and the migrants who got away with it.
These posters won’t be torn down so quickly. They won’t be so easy to ignore; in fact, people will be intrigued. They’ll want to know what’s on the other side of the rabbit hole.
All we’re offering Sweden Is the truth.
.We need QR codes of any related articles & sources.
.We need a printer-friendly version of this template.
.We need multiple versions with different QRs.
.We need people willing to go out and put these up.
And we should aim to be ready to take to the streets for the 7th march.

Other urls found in this thread:





Humpty bumpty



Nej nu jävlar!

Ebba is /ourgal/



Piss off Olgino.

Nice try CIA.

Good Morning, Sweden. Take my energy :D

So all y'all niggas voting for SD?

Most are.
Some people are voting for NMR, and apparently AFS might be an option.
We usually lay out the options at the tp of the thread, but we're operation-focussed at the moment.

Tbqh I'm not sure I understand this operation.
We basically take those posters, insert QR codes as we please and put them up?

Yeah, pretty much.
The blue QR has to be a story about Mainstream party failure, and the Red QR has to be about the Price Sweden is paying for the migrants.

They'll end up like AFP.
It's important to focus on one party that has a chance of forming a government. To fulfill the promises or fail to do so and discredit itself in the process.

Afaik some people are currently working on putting together a few pages with stats and info about various topics we want to raise awareness about (i.e islam, immigration, rape, maybe corruption). When these pages are done, the QR code on the image will lead to those pages. That being said, I think we're aiming to have all the posters lead to the same pages so that the operation and message is somewhat coordinated.

Du gamla, Du fria, Du fjällhöga nord
Du tysta, Du glädjerika sköna!
Jag hälsar Dig, vänaste land uppå jord,
/: Din sol, Din himmel, Dina ängder gröna.:/
Du tronar på minnen från fornstora da'r,
då ärat Ditt namn flög över jorden.
Jag vet att Du är och Du blir vad Du var.
/:Ja, jag vill leva, jag vill dö i Norden.:/

> :/

Yeah that's how I'm feeling too


I remember Timoteij

Nice gals

I just checked them and hated their other songs.
Not my genre. This one is way better.

dude i cant lie, du gamla, du fria brings a tear to my eye but i have to agree with u

fuck wrong pic

We europeans better throw all niggers and muslims out before the government will hand YOUR Children's ass on a silver platter to them.


oh ye


What's about her?

>christian and conservative
only bad thing is, she doesnt wanna play with Jimmie anymore... :(

legit a replica of Zoie Burgher

I didn't like their music either but i still like the girls

whats on 7 march?

idk maybe read the first thing

Are you ready for the next phase of this campaign?


I wish we had someone with a big online following that could post it online as well.

i can read you mongo
but "taking to the streets" sounds a little different than "putting up posters"
why the 7th of march?`is that a special day?

It's just the deadline. I think.

Italy is having an election this year as well. I heard some of them here talking about using Sweden as a warning example. We should encourage that, it'd be great it that would reach our news ;)

Unless you start carpet bombing Malmo, you are already gone.

Wow, Sweden is already gone. It doesnt matter who you would elect. You are now a muslim state and over the next 10 years you will turn into 3rd world shithole. It's too late for you, sorry. Go bow to your muslim overlords.

Not a special day no, Just the end of the 1st week of March. And not a deadline, but a target goal. It gives us just over a week to build up a collection of QR codes, put them in posters & print them out.

You can split this between you.

>she doesnt wanna play with Jimmie anymore
It won't matter when SD goes full jeb in these elections.




QR codes and all of that is for millenial fags and younger.
What about boomers ?
They won't give a shit about those codes.

people wont care about posters with just text in them, and if they are descriptive enough leftist will tear them down

Boomers aren't going to pay much attention to posters at all. But they will pay attention to the information once it breaks into social discussion, news coverage and party responses.

The only way we're going to reach the Boomers is to increase our visibility to Millenials & GenZ, because that's what's going to make old media the most angry.

We've got a couple more operations in the works as well; the should be easier to get off the ground, because they use some of the information we're gathering for this one.

I'd personally give even less shits about a poster that's just two QR codes and a matrix reference. I imagine boomers would also suspect it to give you a virus. QR codes work best as a "Do you want to know more?" on a poster with an already bold statement, like pic related.

The point of the poster is that it's not conspicuous enough to get torn down straight away.

Ideally, we need a slogan that will get people curious about the QRs without revealing an express political bias.

Good observation.
Speaking of social discussion.
Can we shill a bit more for this one, pic related?

Sure thing. We're going to be pushing for more visibility on Flashback & reddit in the next couple of months, and this is a good place to start (they've been auto-deleting some of the others we've been tying on reddit).


Have you considered that non-inbread europeans (so all except the UK, basically) are much less retarded than the US and shitty meme campaigns might actually put them off?

Those fags manually delete anything political that isn't communism.
Remember our beautiful thread that got 700 upvotes?

t. Russian Rapebaby


what's this? Please explain. Im interested

Next operation, if u would like an invite to the discord we would love your help

KEK, please clap


Finally you. Guys showed up

Got some articles that may intrest you,
The only problem is that its in Swedish so i couldn't. Understand whats it in

Just read the pdfs that should give you an idea of what the govt is doing?

I am sorry to say this but it's all over for Swedes. The old don't care, the middle ground has a nice peaceful life to docile to change anything and young have been brainwashed into thinking Sweden was always like this. Let them fall and send a powerful message through out the White world.

Nah.. we fix this shit now


riksdagen.se/sv/dokument-lagar/dokument/riksrevisionens-granskningsrapport/konsekvensanalyser-infor-migrationspolitiska_H5B525 (need english)

riksdagen.se/sv/dokument-lagar/dokument/statens-offentliga-utredningar/migrationsarenden-vid-utlandsmyndigheterna_H5B314 (need English)

riksdagen.se/sv/dokument-lagar/dokument/riksrevisionens-granskningsrapport/lardomar-av-flyktingsituationen-hosten-2015--_H5B54 (need English)

The provisional provisions shall apply from 1 January 2017 until 31 December 2019. Thereafter, the possibility of submitting goals shall apply only to migration objectives which, under the same conditions as above, shall be communicated between the various migration courts.

The report contained a reservation.

The Riksdag approved the committee's proposal.

2016 Annual Report on the Application of the Law on Foreign Immigration Control (JuU12)
The committee proposed that the Riksdagshould submit a letter 2016/17: 72 2016 statement of the application of the Act on Foreign Immigration Control to the documents.

In the letter, the government reported how the law on special foreign control was used during the period 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016. The government also reported on the development of international terrorism during the same period and for Sweden's involvement in international work against terrorism.

The Riksdag approved the committee's proposal.

>means that the law related refugees and the crime caused by. Them are noted by the. Govt and maybe steps are planned to curb them

Thanks man! We'll sort through the info, if you need a translation & chrome won't translate them we'll help you out with that.

We're Here every day except sunday from around 1-2pm GMT, by the way. It slips off the first couple of pages quite often so you might have to use the catalog or the search bar.

>Also from recent sessions in the govt one can say that the current govt has internally acknowledged that they fucked up with the migration crisis.
>Also recent refugee law has been amended so that they take less refugees and also increased the process time and selection criteria for making working or asylum seekers to permanent residents

Ps: sorry for typos. As i am on mobile

Also need time to check the spending of govt for refugees and vice versa as
Since everything is in Swedish so need to translate everything, hope it helps


Also if the pdf is in a law format or a law. Passed. By the govt then

The way to read law is. Very easy it. Will take a bit of. Practice but once. You. Read a single bill or act you can read all.

>step 1 an act of. Law is divided into 4.main parts
>1 introduction to the bill or act, this is just a summary or abstract of the bill
>2 definitions used in the bill or act, this is like a scientific reference
>3 main part of the act or. Bill, may contain information regarding the core argument of the bill like for example
Robbing or burglary is. Not. Allowed
>4 the last. Part is punishment for the crime

How many % do Sweden Democrats have now according to polls?

Do you guys think they have a chance at all?

>Got mit uns
All the best swed user

Will update with new. Info as days pass


They have a shot at passively influencing a government, but is unlikely to hold cabinet positions. Current polls are around 18%

ok it's getting interesting

Death and destruction to Sweden

But they are right, you don't even have a proper right wing.

It's the Suomensko curse the vikings were talking about, you sneaky wizards.

(pic related)



Everyone who attempts to bring you to reality is a shill.

Parle l'italien ou t'es qu'un imposteur.

Blackpills aren't reality, giusseppe.
Having problems =/= Abandon all hope.

It's Jewseppe, remember ?


You have more than problems, dude. You better start electing some right wing party, even so I doubt a country like Sweden has one.

Based Georgian, i see you in all /sweg/ threads

Thank Perkele it's all going according to the plan.

OP, why just on the 7th March?

Not just on the 7th March, but we don't want to make it easy for lefty/pol/ or SÄPO to disrupt, so we're not releasing the other dates until closer to the time.

For anyone who missed this...
Civilian group hunts down hate-speech posts on social media, gathers information to make a case and reports it to the police.
It was on the frontpage of SvD today (paper edition). Link to Flashback thread:

For extra Jimmie-rustling, read the comments on the faceberg post (linked from top of the flashback thread). They are jizzing on themselves over how GOOD this is.

Meanwhile, the "Hets Mot Folkgrupp"-law (hate speech against group of people) doesn't seem to consider Swedes to be a "group of people".
Examples include a young Swedish girl being prosecuted for saying "damn n*gro" in reply to a young African immigrant calling her a "damn Swedish cunt"... remember, ONLY ONE of those are hate speech! Remember that, Sven!

As if you couldn't be more cucked than that. Just aknowledge that you lost, it is all lost at this point.

The nigger who killed a mom and her son on IKEA says that "shit happens"

Get canibalised, Jewseppe.
And learn italian before using vpn.

Ahahah you are really comparing what happened to us? People are starting to shoot niggers here meanwhile you are cucked beyond relief that you're scared of even saying negro to someone. Pathetic.

Media are micromanaging and shaming everyone.
It's time to shame them back.