
I really don't understand Liberals. They hate democracy, hate Russia, but want socialism (communism)? Can anyone explain?

muh feels

Some conviction that they're on the right side of history for some reason

Stupid people being manipulated by kikes. But the Jews are basically committing suicide by Muslim at this point. In 7 years we can just tell the Muslims to get rid of them for us and they'll oblige. What a time to be alive.

Communism is NOT fun at all. My parents and grandparents lived through it. It was HELL.

Brainwashing the goys. We need useful idiots

Try self-improvement rooskie. Stop projecting.

teenagers hate the Left because we dont have an industry of creating memes for image boards.
And we promote actual political activism, not just a bunch of bullshit 'look-what-they-did' propaganda. and it forever makes us seem like high road elitists. we're not content with simply blaming literally all of our problems on "the Jews"
To reiterate. Sup Forums is mostly teenagers.

Despite what edgy, divisive republicans constantly complain about. Nobody in the US really supports Communism. That is itself is a right wing meme used heavily since the 1950's
The biggest Commune we ever had was in my state,Massachusetts, it was less than 200 people and it ended before the 70's
Reminder: a single photo of some dipshit teenager with purple hair posing with a photo of Karl Marx is not proof of Western Cultures collapse.

reading "history" is left wing brainwashing.
True intellectuals click links.

>That is itself is a right wing meme
Every university has been indoctrinating students in Cultural Marxist ideology for decades. The media also heavily promotes it too.

Liberalism is literally the opposite of socialism dumbfuck.

So fascism?

Socialism isn't Communism and Russia isn't Communist, for one thing

Socialism is the first stage of communism.

I’m a liberal. I don’t hate democracy or America. I care about both of those aspects. Why do you think we talk about these things? If we hated America we would just move somewhere else.

Socialism does not equal Communism.

False. in every case I know of Communism as a form of government. has come suddenly. Usually via revolution by an oppressed/exploited population. The biggest threat of communism to western democracies currently is in the form of increasingly unregulated Capitalism. Unregulated Capitalism is exploitive, and Darwinian. Unless it is checked by socialist policies to keep the system in balance. People living under exploitive systems are at an increased risk of bring seduced by communism which seems to provide answers to the faults of capitalism. So the irony here is that in a Capitalist economy, a measured amount of Socialism actually prevents Communism from taking hold.

No, it's not

It just makes what we call left and right look absolutely hysterical

Socialism is the first step to communism, it is a red political theory, and the only good red is a dead one.

You know who demonstrated sudden communist revolution ? Pol Pot the same guy who gave 7 year old girls ak47s and told them to execute anyone above 40.

On the other hand capitalism is just as bad with no checks and kleptocratic policies, thus why I am a mosleyite fascist. Controlled capitalism is a beautiful theory and I can only dream for now.

> You know who demonstrated sudden communist revolution ? Pol Pot the same guy who gave 7 year old girls ak47s and told them to execute anyone above 40.

Which has fuck all to do with anything I said.

>Socialism does not equal Communism.
kys commie

Uncle Ted answered this question pretty well

Low information Reactionaries. They don't know what the fuck is going on but if (((somebody))) points at something and says its bad they'll follow like lemmings.

Critical thinking skills would solve it, but critical thinking skills are anti-semetic

> we're not content with simply blaming literally all of our problems on "the Jews"

uh huh?

Fascism is the third ideology of modern.
They all fundamentally opposite each other.

Was Uncle Ted even redpilled on the joos?


I believe their goal is to turn the west into Authoritarian communist states.

Sure, after you move out of your parents basement, clean yourself up, lose a hundred pounds, and become a functioning member of society.

>I really don't understand Liberals. They hate democracy, hate Russia, but want socialism (communism)? Can anyone explain?
No. No one can, but a group of mischievious jewish doctors have invented the psychiatric industry and made billions coddling, treating, and drugging them.

>forever makes us seem like high road elitists.
> we're not content with simply blaming literally all of our problems on "the Jews"
>To reiterate. Sup Forums is mostly teenagers.
No you are a bunch of pretentious condescending faggots who actually BELIEVED the teachers when they pulled you all aside and said "(insert your name here) you are SO smart, but I think if you applied yourself you could do even better" not realizing they give that same bullshit speech to everyone. Libertarians are more pragmatic and know bullshit when they see it IE the condescending smugtards that call themselves "progressives" lol.

Considering he was MKUltra'ed in college, I'd wager he was

>3 opposites

If liberals understood history they wouldn't be liberals.

>If we hated America we would just move somewhere else.

Of the tens of thousands of people who threatened to leave America if Trump won, how many did it?

Maybe a few, and none of them the celebrities that started that bullshit.

They're people that would rather rule Hell than be President of Heaven, because Presidents are subject to their own laws, while tyrant kings are not.


So you actually believe Russia HACKED your election ? Lmao

They're putting a global warming on "hacked" now. Global warning, er cooling, er wait, climate change, that's the ticket.

Hacked, interfered, now influenced becuase the best they came up with after a year of investigation and wasted tax payer money has turned up Goddamn Facebook ads.



I think most rational and logical beings accept that narrative. Was wondering what the libfag had to say about it. I really am curious - I have not found a single good read proving Russian hacking/interference in the election