How do we stop South Africa's severe drought?
No Water
stop buying softdrinks
forces companies into re-considering their business approach and makes them produce more water and less Coca Cola, which is what africa needs
Sterilize the niggers.
Won't this just increase water consumption in the short term though? Im pretty sure most of the bottled water is sourced locally.
Travel back to the 90's and tell them not to put blacks in charge.
The water shortage in South Africa is solely down to incompetence and corruption - precisely what everyone expected when they ended apartheid and why large chunks of the whites and jews packed up and moved to Europe and Australia.
well you can wait a few thousand years until the climate restabilises, of course we'll all be ded
This isn't practical until we have a working time machine
Same for this
why is that, user?
Precisely my point.
There is no practical solution because no one will address the actual issue - that issue being that blacks are now in charge of the country. Because of the incredible head start and still remaining Indian, Jewish and White populations, it's descent into Zimbabwe status will be slower and more prolonged, but it is still inevitble.
This is what you're up against.
thanks for asking user, it's because of muhhhhh climate change
Desalination plants. IIRC isreal tried to help them set up some recently but South Africa decided to go to Iran for help instead because fuck having water if it means taking help from jews I guess.
What are you basing that assumption on?
South Africa has had the means to adequately address their water shortage at their disposal for years, have previously addresses their water shortages and comparable nations like Australia and Israel have easily and adequately handled the similar circumtances.
South Africa's water shortage is only an issue (like all of their infrastructure issues) because of rampant corruption and political incompetence - which has been a mainstay of Seff Afrikan politics ever since the end of Apartheid, and will remain front and center as they continue to decline into complete failure.
For more than three years they watched their dams running dry - their solution?
Call in witch doctors to raise rain making zombies from the dead.
Yes. In parliament.
Thanks, this is actually fascinating. I really wish the new government didn't cut ties with Israel
You are racists there is no reason to argue with someone like you.
It wouldn't have mattered, since the federal government refused to fund building of desalination plants and new aquifers because they believed that water was for greedy white people.
No, that's not a joke. The ANC doesn't want to give money to the DA because they're just ebil whites trying to steal money for water that could be used for gibs that ANC voters love.
>You are racists
>there is no reason to argue with someone like you.
As I said here >There is no practical solution because no one will address the actual issue
There is no practical solution. Because people like this refuse to address the actual issue.
You want to fix the water supply issue? Desalination plants and aquifer water were the solution.
Very simple. Very easy.
They aren't there and weren't there in time.
And why is that?
OK but lets say you suddenly had control over the government. How would you, at this stage, fix things?
stop global warming
Because SA has been torn by social issues caused by people like you.
>desertification only happens in Africa
Jesus fuck sci is retarded, all the poltards read the bell curve and think they have all the answers for everything aka blacks r dumb
Blocking this thread, good day dumbass
Why contain it?
Either we get the whites back in power or we can give refugee states to the whites so they can leave before the race war starts.
livestock. check it out.
People like me don't run SA user. It's run by blacks. The issues are caused by blacks. They can no longer blame white devils for the problem. This is entirely on them. When it was run by whites, this wasn't a problem.
Even ignoring that - as you said - it's a social issue. The solutions to their problems are not scientific, as the solutions are already available. Their inability to implement them is because of their social failings. So you're better off talking to Sup Forums
>Literally rambling about completely irrelevant topics and crying about Sup Forums
Gee, your valuable input will be missed.
Taking care of niggers is no longer the white man's burden. Let them fend for their own if they hate us so much.
Isn't the problem. They have a water shortage because they increaed the size of Cape Town's population by 50% in ten years without increasing their water supply AND diverted their own water supplies to the agricultural industry and refused to implement common place safe guards (like desalination plants) in case of a water shortage.
They have no water because South Africa is failing state run by corrupt and incompetent rulers and has been since the end of apartheid.
thats acircus, its hilarious and also sad at the same time
Would Israel's drip irrigation work in South Africa?
Why wouldn't it?
It should be noted that while desalination plants will work, they have another issue. They don't process their sewage. Everything is dumped into the ocean. They could recycle the water here and turn the rest into a product.
>the man who saved South Africa
I'll take my internets up front, please.
Yes, you actually get a heavily concentrated brine solution that kills marine life when it's poured back into the ocean.
This has been going on for years, and no one acted, even when Israel was willing to sell them technology to counteract this. Why is it? Maybe because the average IQ of South Africa is very low and they don't have a population smart enough to think ahead.
Yes and force investment into what is actually needed.
Read Sepp Holzer's Permaculture!
It remains to be seen if it has anything to do with race (more like culture, history, economy, and other circumstances are far more important imo). But everything the poster you replied to said, is true. The race topic is irrelevant and doesn't negate this.
Irrelevant to nation-scale water supply. That's more like long-term terraforming that will never be enough to begin with.
The gubbermint is gonna come in and save all of us, dood!
>I ignore things that make me uncomfortable
you mean the one where they, like many african countries, are repossessing farms from white africans without compensation, and causing food shortages as a result? also known as retarded?
Step 1: get rid of the niggers
Yeah, that's it. No more steps needed.
Is this legit? Are sea canals like this used anywhere else?
This thread was made by the fake Sup Forums raiders in order to be instantly derailed into race baiting.
Actually, this thread was made by an actual, concerned South African. Thanks for the bump all the same
Planting a fuckton of trees to keep the sahara desert at bay. You can't fix the drought but you can prevent it from worsening.
Get desalination plants powered by elliptical bicycles
Kek, the Sahara is nowhere near South Africa
I couldn't find anything about this in Australia, but it seems there is a similar project in India
It's okay for whites to call black people niggers for being dumb, but when whites do the same it's because they can "function". Asians don't have a higher IQ because they cheat and Jews are a race of parasites.
The saraha desert is expanding 30 miles south (minimum) each year. The drought in South Africa has to do with ill prepared city planning and inconsistent rain fall. Just look at what happened to Australia as a result of deforestation. If you plant a fuck ton of trees anywhere on the continent, it will solve a lot of rain fall problems.
It is inevitable. When white people aren't running their countries, they collapse and drive millions to go to Europe. Whites will have to shoulder black incompetence one way or another.
When will you go back to your designated containment board?
Can't contain the truth, esse.
Go back to Mexico you dirty fucking spic.
It is also adding to the cost of the desalination plants which have to have pipes much further out than the sewage outlets.
That's the spirit!
I'm black but I hate Mexicans. Take of that as you will.
It would be better for your emotional well-being to hate nobody, desu
That's actually very common
True, but I still have to deal with dipshits every day. That includes whites and blacks, and especially hispanics.
No shit it's common. Spics kill blacks down in California weekly and they get a slap on the wrist because muh Trump. I would advocate sending the US military to take out all MS13 members.
I'm sorry you have to deal with that. The human mind is exceptional at generalization, and nobody who knows what you're going through can really hold that against you.
>Spics kill blacks down in California weekly and they get a slap on the wrist
You guys are the ones voting for Democrats who import them for votes. Tell the Democrats to cut that shit out or you'll stay home on voting day or back third parties or Republicans.
I voted Republican. Many blacks in the south also vote Republican. The exception being Alabama because muh segregation.
Well I stand corrected. Sorry about your Mexican problem. At least their food is tasty am I right?
>"""their""" food
TexMex is from Texas, not Mexico. Most of """their""" food was from the US.
Nuclear desalination
Do you trust them with nuclear technology?
They had a large nuclear stockpile at one point, and never used it, so I trust them.
That was before the ANC was in power. The outgoing government didn't seem to trust the new one.
our dismantling of the nukes had absolutely nothing to do with the ANC and everything to do with the cessation of hostilies with our northern neighbors/cuba
only an american could've made a comment this retarded
How else could they spin it?
Unfortunately, you are not
once we agreed in the late 80s to no longer fight against cuba/angola in the north and make namibia independent we had no need for them anymore
Ok that map is definitely bullshit
You have no idea hard it is to get that kind of information, then to do it for a whole continent. That would take billions of dollars.
Few people in Africa blame wyt for their poverty, most of them blame their leaders, and they're right, even if the west has some responsibility.
Leadership, that's why Botswana is better than Zimbabwe.
You could use efficient pumps to push desalinated water onto South Africa's river basins.
Botswana is doing well because of diamonds...I really hope they invest on infrastructure instead of blowing their money on nigger's welfare like democrats in the US do.
The problem with your theory is that population in white countries (which are run by white people) is increasing too, and eventually we'll face very similar problems.
Its not blacks.
Its developers and bankers who reap the most in profits from population growth.
Wouldn't that just slowly concentrate more and more salt into the canals, eventually causing it to leech into the soil and kill all nearby plant life?
The problem isn't population size and availability of water though. South Africa has the technological means and rssources to address the problem. They don't because they are run by corrupt and incompetent leaders, and have been since the end of apartheid.
It's not a scientific issue, it's a political issue.
The canal water level would be so deep it wouldn't matter.
Probably, but Seff Afrika refuses to work with Oppressor States.
Not him, not American, but damn that's some hilarious cucking.
It should cause more rain though also.
Man both of these are sad. They're like watching a farce play out, except instead of it being funny because it's so ridiculous, it actually has consequence. One of the characters in the play is going to die. It's impending doom that they themselves are bringing about and there is nothing that you as an observer can do but watch in abject horror.
There is going to be a civil war. It will be bloody. South Africa is going to turn into an squalorous gulch in the sand with people who want to "decolonize" science and members of parliament that deliberately disobey the rules and expect no consequences. This is sad.
Change farming to Use less water. ,massive public works to move water from where it is to where it is needed.
It's not really a South Africa issue as far as I can tell, it's a Cape Town thing. Literally just use less water than is being replenished.
>Depopulate the area
>Strict regulations on water usage
>Cease any and all water draining activities that's used to make money
Don't know if SA is doing it but the Great Lakes are going bye bye because Nestle or some shit gets to buy 565614451564 gallons for a penny
>Use smarter irrigation techniques
Ground water irrigation isn't too much of a pain in the ass and has a good track record of drastically reducing water usage
If it's a whole of SA thing
>Kick the fuck out any non-South Africans who are just a drain on resources
Country is like 30% illegal aliens at this point
>Previous points still apply
>Shoot EVERY ANC leader in the head who has blamed whitey for this issue or any issue more than twice in the last decade
Also tack on anyone who brings up voodoo, magic, racism, or anything else.
To be honest, I couldn't give a shit anyways. They kind of deserve it at this point
>Call in witch doctors to raise rain making zombies from the dead.
We laugh but when Georgia was going through a severe drought, the governor's solution was to have a day of prayer. That governor is now the US Secretary of Agriculture.
its a biological and ecological issue, the population is low intelligence and the industry there both white and black is greedy and incompetent. desertification is real, going to see a lot of it in the SW US and all over South America in the next 25 years. These things will get significantly worse with time
Botswana is also very ethnically pure. Zimbabwe and even worse, South Africa, have lots of different ethnic groups fighting to dominate the others. In Botswana almost everyone is Tswana so being a dick means you're basically fucking over family.
It's not sad. This is what they want. It's what the majority of the world wants for them.
They actually have supplies of water untapped. They aren't tapped because Cape Town is run by the "white" politicians and the federal funds are controlled by the ANC. Cape Town fills up with blacks (massive numbers) an the ANC is happy to throw money at "social programs", but they couldn't give two shits about desalination plants or tapping new water supplies. The DA, the white bois running Cape Town, are still happily funneling EXCESS water to the (white and asian owned) agricultural industries, just not to the cities, since, ya know, that's the ANC's problem.
And so on and so on. That's why I said it's not a scientific problem, it's a political one.
I have to hope the U.S. has non retards behind the governor addressing the issues.
>nuclear power
problem solved
Tswana = 79% in Botswana
Shona = 70% in Zimbabwe
There is no reason why Zimbabwe whould be worse than Botswana, there is a lot of countries that have more ethnic groups be live peacefully.
Tanzania is one of the most ethnically diverse countries in Africa, but this is a peaceful country compared to Zimbabwe or even Botswana, why is that? Julius Nyerere + Swahili.
Maybe if those niggers will learn how to farm, maybe they can use their water efficiently.