Be me

>be me
>looking for the one for a very long time
>finally find a good looking and good character chap
>his fetish is collecting used condoms from the usual banging spots around the town
>hes centrist-lefty
why is it so hard to find a redpilled, normal partner when you are gay? is there a network for people like us or some other forums where fellow Sup Forums-pilled gays hang out?

Other urls found in this thread: and TA Center/FORGE_Trans_People_Police_Incarceration_Facts.pdf

You are gay?

>go away.

Fags not welcome.
This is a Christian board.

Because being gay is degenerate by default
Immorality is a downward slope
I found when I was gay all my boyfriend wanted to do three ways, open relationships or straight up cheat on me. Part of why I became straight


why would i go away? not all gays are degenerate. some of us are redpilled and promote 1488 too.

This redeems the leaf

>normal partner when you are gay
a little oxymoronic no?

Have your own children

Top kek

there is no correlation between degeneracy and sexuality. look at all the hetero degenerates who are into scat, farting, piss etc.

>why is it so hard to find a redpilled, normal partner when you are gay?
because you're gay. no such thing as a non degenerate gay

Polish diaspora out of the U.S along with this meme needing to die.

go to next church, you'll find one for sure.

im just into butts how is this degenerate? is heterosexual man having anal sex with his wife degenerate too?
i just want to have a fantastic partner and raise an adopted child so the little dude is not left alone to rot in an institution.
im anti immigrant, anti lgbt movement, i promote values of the white race.
how am i a degenerate?

>good character chap
>his fetish is collecting used condoms from the usual banging spots around the town

Do you realize you're mentally ill yet ?

I thought about considering becoming a trap, then I could get just get a good right wing straight guy
I look passable as a trap, and people mistake me for a girl, but my voice ruins it

Gay people mostly have STDs, do drugs, engage in polygamy, eat shitty assholes, just disgusting creatures really. Stay away from them unless you can score a virgin Twink or something

>Gay people mostly have STDs, do drugs, engage in polygamy, eat shitty assholes, just disgusting creatures really.
this is what im not doing. im just a normal g(u/a)y.

you're not fooling anyone, fag

Because homos are sex-crazed and mentally ill. There's no such thing as a normal one, by definition.

I like boys. I'm redpilled. The fact that it's easier and safer to say I'm a fag, though I keep it to myself, than to say I'm pro-Trump is funny. We live in such a degenerate society. I don't bother anyone yet you're going to be hated on here because of those fucking degenerates who walk down the street in parades half naked with rainbow dildos in their hands.
So, don't expect civil answers. But I assume you already know you won't get them lol.

Maybe consider becoming a trap and seducing a straight alpha male?

You're not alone.
Honestly if someone started burning the flaming STD riddled fags who you can see from the moon openly in a public square, I might just get a beach chair and watch some of the worst of my kind be rightfully purged while I sip on an alcoholic beverage. I haven't gone out to try and get a date for years because as many of us know the vast majority of LGBT are fucking nuts. At least I occasionally get to be the straight trap and fuck some girl, but still, that's wasted energy on her part considering who I am.

i have a daddy type of body build

i feel for you bro

Are you in Florida? Hot?
Tallahassee ,I'm redpilled, loyal and experienced. I'm a Monarchist.

>why is it so hard to find a redpilled, normal partner when you are gay
because youre dating a faggot

Youre just a faggot. Euthanize urself degenerate

By wanting to fuck up a child'd mind by raising them without a mother, you deserve public hanging.

>when you are gay

dude. Leave the kid alone. Turns out raising kids in a gay relationship? It fucks them up.

Women like my androgynous look but fucking women is never as satisfying, considering breaking up with my GF to work on my trap voice, and get a straight guy hooked with my deep throat skills

suicide is painless, my friend

What if he doesn't know his mom is a trap?

Fuck this, I'm just gonna do it. I need a big cock in my ass

Yes it's called ONR

Faggots get the rope

Saem. Hooked on the nicotine jew so my voice is not going too well on my end.
I'm just going to keep aiming for top tier androgyny which seems the most flexible. I got an ex GF that wants to hook up again, not too sure I want to put any effort into it though. She has the sex drive of a desert turtle. One of the many reasons I came out of the closet anyways. My 1st trap "GF" was pretty bipolar and anxiety prone so that didn't help my initial impressions either.

I thought being gay was banned in Poland.

Bullshit. Fags are more likely to be pedos and promiscuous, more likely to be diseased.

The difference is when you see a straight guy into shit like that, he gets ostracized. When you see a gay guy you automatically presume theyre into that shit by default because homosexuality is degenerate by default.

starting to realize fagatory IS a mental desorder, and the people who arent treated or doesn't have a friendly support eventually develop other accompanied disorders?...

>Actually have a /polack/ partner
>Been together for 5 years
>Both hate gays, Libbies and well, anything western which isn't traditional

Trick to it is stop trying to find a gay guy who's good and instead find a good guy who's gay, senpai.


choose only one, faggot

Getting cheated on and fucked around by girlfriends is why I'm gay. Anecdotal evidence cuts both ways

Go be Moorish somewhere else.

Turn off your proxy faggot.

he'll know. Look: you don't become a woman. You don't have female pheromones or instincts. This is why MTF trannies never pass IRL.

You're right and you're wrong.
There's a general saying that a girl's body with a man's mind is pretty much a bloke's dream when it comes to what they want from a partner.

i dont get why people are afraid of gays, there are alot of conservative gays that live a good life and contribute to society. on the other hand there are lots of useless posters here that their only reason to live is spreading uncotrolled hate

It's not about being afraid of gays, I'm practically a gay person myself and I hate gays as a general rule. It's not that being homosexual is inherently bad, it's that gayness is inherently cancerous in the form of culture, homosexual culture is pretty much the living form of AIDS both literally and metaphorically.

Not that user, but exactly.
Gay culture destroys any group it gets into. LGB (i refuse to call it anything else) made us believe in "umbrella grouping". Trans and identification fags destroyed the actual good politics the homosexual man had worked so hard to achieve in the 80s and 90s.

because faggots are more susceptible to your propaganda, dear Jew. Because they do not have the needed instincts to think about more than what they will fuck next.
because they're depraved and dead inside from lack of purpose.
Because each and every society that didn't punish faggotry collapsed into depravity and then was destroyed.

Nah society just has to admit that males are capable of peacocking just like females are allowed to wear pants and vote. It should cut both ways but because of crying game scenarios every straight guy with an ass fetish wakes up in terror sweats nightly fearing the balls touching. It's just overall dishonesty and unjustified hangups from a prudish culture. Public displays of affection and sexuality seem the best front to attack in this situation. There's a shit ton of faggots in east asia, they haven't turned their society into a massive pride parade, why? Because public displays of affection are taboo.

Stay in your containment board

i dont go to /lgbt/, i mainly browse Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Greeks and Persians accepted homosexuality as a canon, they saw it as a strong bond maker between man. the only reason homosexuality is seen as something evil is becouse of constant jewish brainwashing (that was adopted by christians and muslims) that thou shall not lay with a man, it can make sence if gays cant have children and the cilivization is in decline. other then that, just let them be

youre all freaks

No, it's definitely not the fact that gay culture has become increasingly perverted and commercialized, affecting it's community and basically affect gays like rap affect blacks, perputating their problems and degenerate behaviour.

It's just some bullshit about christainity and religion. Get fucked, Moshe.

because of this

I am afraid of you because you're depraved and mentally ill and incapable of making decisions that advance society because you're not invested in its future.

Actually he's kind of right there. Abrahamic religions have been oppressive to MANY.

nothing to do with that.
Also, you've probably answered the wrong post.

it's not a recent thing. Roman Empire anyone? Ancient Greece?

Yeah. It's religion which the issue.
Not the interior problems of the community.

nope, it's because faggots are mentally ill and easily manipulable. each and every society that didn't punish faggotry failed.

what society?

So you're just an absolutist in terms of physical appearance? One extreme or the other? No choice or preference involved or allowed in the matter?

>is heterosexual man having anal sex with his wife degenerate too?
yes. the fact that you cant see this shows how degenerate you are.
>i just want to have a fantastic partner and raise an adopted child so the little dude is not left alone to rot in an institution.
sounds more like you are being selfish towards yourself, and what YOU want. don't fuck a kid over because you want to pretend to be a non degenerate
>i promote values of the white race.
by being gay and not promoting traditional family structures. okay
>how am i a degenerate?
look above

Claims that gay parents are just as capable of raising children as straight parents are misrepresented. Source:
Between 24% and 90% of lesbians report being psychologically abused by their partners. Source:
Gay men are 60x more likely to have HIV than straight men. Source:
46% of male homosexuals report being molested, as compared to only 7% of heterosexual men. Source:
Gays are more likely than straight people to have mental illness. Source:
1/4 gay men in America have had over 1000 sex partners. Source:
43% of gay men have over 500 partners. Source:
Gay men are six times more likely to commit suicide than straight men. Source:
Gay men are 12x more likely to use amphetamines than straight men. Source:
Gay men are 10x more likely to use heroin than straight men. Source:
Liberal arguments in favor of homosexuality are based on logical fallacies. Source:
10 to 15 percent of older homosexuals have more than 1000 sex partners. Source:
Gay people are 2-3x more likely to abuse alcohol than straight people. Source:

>not all gays are degenerate
>why can't I find a guy that isn't a disgusting lefty with fucked up fetishes
It's like you're so close to realizing, but you're accursed so it doesn't matter. Have fun in Hell stanislaw

Up to 50% of lesbians have reported sexual abuse. Source:
79% of homosexual men say over half of their sex partners are strangers. Source:
99.8% of lesbian, gay and bisexual teens will change their sexual orientation within 13 years. Source:
Two-thirds of men and women who were homosexual change their orientation to heterosexual five years later. Source:
Two thirds of self-identified lesbians later have heterosexual relationships. Source:
Identifying as lesbian, gay or bisexual does not end sexual questioning or confusion. Source:
One in eight gay men in London has HIV. Source:
Gay men are twice as likely as straight men to be in interracial relationships. Source:
In Australia, 25% of homosexuals have had more than 100 sex partners. Source:
Gay men, who are 1.65% of the US population, account for 63% of the countrys syphilis cases. Source:
In 2010, homosexuals were about 200 times more likely than everyone else to be diagnosed with HIV. Source:

it's not the physical appearance. it's the role, mannerisms, pheromones and behaviour.
The instincts and small unexplainable cues women acquire in their socialization.
An ugly woman is more womanly than the prettiest trap.

Gay men are 15 times more likely to have Hepatitis B than everyone else. Source:
Homosexuals are more to use illegal drugs and drink to excess than straight people. Source:
Homosexuals are more likely than straight people to have anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and to commit suicide. Source:
Gay men are 10-15 times more likely than straight men to have eating disorders. Source:
40% to 60% of serial killers are homosexuals. Source:
Homosexual men are more likely to have been abused by their partners than straight men. Source:
Monogamy is not a central feature of most homosexual relationships. Source:
Married homosexual men are 50% more likely than straight couples to divorce. Source:
In the Netherlands, the average homosexual in a steady relationship has seven to eight affairs per year. Source:

Over 20% of older homosexuals have had more than 500 different sex partners. Source:
The average gay man has several dozen sex partners per year. Source:
28% of homosexuals have had sex with over a thousand men. For straight men? Just 25% have had sex with more than 10 women. Source:
Most long term relationships between gay men last less than eight years. Source:
Among gay Canadian men in committed relationships, only 25% were monogamous. Source:
In one study, only 9% of gay men were monogamous. Source:
75% of straight men an are faithful, compared to just 4.5% of gay men. Source:
In Berlin, 83% of gay men in steady relationships had had frequent affairs in the last year. Source:
Infection rates for gonorrhea and chlamydia are increasing among active homosexual men. Source:
Gay men, 1% of the population, account for 83% of syphilis cases. Source:
Syphilis was almost eradicated, but made a comeback among homosexual men. Source:

Active homosexual men are 17 times more likely than straight people to have anal cancer. Source:
Lesbians are 2.5x more likely than straight women to be obese. Source:
Lesbians are twice as likely as straight women to have eating disorders. Source:
Lesbians are twice as likely as straight women to be stalked or physically abused by their partners. Source:
Married lesbians are 2-3 times more likely to divorce than straight couples. Source:
Homosexuals, lesbians, and transsexuals are poorer than straight people. Source:
America has spent $700 million promoting gay rights abroad an integral part of American foreign policy. Source:

Transsexuals are four times more likely than the average person to be infected with HIV. Source:
About 88% of children who have gender dysphoria do not hold those beliefs when they grow older. Source:
Only 12% of boys who believe they are transsexuals still believe so when they are older. Source:
MRI scans indicate that MtF transsexuals are either men aroused by the thought of possessing female genitalia or homosexuals who want to seduce straight men. Source:
41% of transsexuals have tried and failed to commit suicide. Source:
Transsexuals who undergo sex reassignment surgery are more likely to commit suicide. Source:
Most young transsexuals have committed self-harm within the last twelve months. Source:
65% of transsexual youth have seriously considered suicide within the last year. Source:

Western. Chads will still fuck the best women, I doubt that will ever change. I'm just saying one of the things we've been taught is now a massive hangup "you can't judge a book by it's cover".
Which honestly goes across MANY different lines, not just faggotry.

37% of transsexual youth have attempted suicide within the last year. Source:
1 in 10 young transsexuals has attempted suicide more than three times in the last year. Source:
Only 21% of transsexuals can sucessfully pass as the opposite gender. Source:
53% of mothers of transsexual children have Borderline Personality Disorder, compared to only 6% of mothers of normal children. Source:
16% of transsexuals have been sent to jail or prison, compared to 2.7% of the general population. Source: and TA Center/FORGE_Trans_People_Police_Incarceration_Facts.pdf
Gay and transgender students are half as likely to graduate high school as straight students. Source:

epic, i could find some random articles to support my viewpoint too but i wont bother, its just sad.

Transsexuals college students are 30 times more likely than straight men to have eating disorders. Source:
27% of MtF transsexuals test positive for HIV. Only 12% report it. Source:
Transsexuals are several times more likely than normal people to have schizophrenia. Source:
Worldwide, male-to-female transsexuals are 50 times likely to have HIV than normal people. Source:
Transsexuals have higher rates of drug and alcohol abuse, prostitution, and incarceration than normal people. Source:
Transsexuals have higher rates of unemployment, homelessness, and attempted suicide than normal people. Source:
Transsexuals are four times more likely to live in extreme poverty than the general population. Source:
Transsexuals are twice as likely to be unemployed as the general population. Source:

Transsexuals are twice as likely to be homeless as cisgendered people. Source:
1 in 5 transsexuals has been homeless at least once in their lives. Source:
Close to 80% of children who feel transsexual will abandon their sexual confusion as they age. Source:
Many transsexuals choose to take hormone treatments over HIV medication. Source:
Male-to-female transsexuals are 50 times more likely than normal people to have HIV. Source:

You’re disgusting. Unironically kill yourself

That's not exactly proving him wrong, lad.
He's basically just doing what that gay discord shill does anyway, so it's fair game.

I cant even find another gay guy let alone a normal one. Not here, not in the US

ok, so you are a retard.
Your argument was that there are many faggots in east asia and that doesn't ruin their society.
My point is that they don't have a functional society to ruin.
Faggots ruin western society. We have seen that happenign and it is happening now.
I am sorry if this upsets you, but you're a depraved POS whom nature wanted to purge from the communal genepool, and the best thing you can do is KYS.

Tell story of how you "stopped" being gay. Need it to btfo faggots I know.

I wish you painful and excruciating death from the hands of your fellow redpilled countrymen you faggot.

Its ok user your not alone
The board is full of Christ cucks and the edgiest teens possible

lel kys faggot

But they're dudes who dress up.
They're clearly not women, now if they regard themselves as only a woman, despite the clear biology, I'd be tempted to agree with you. I'm aspiring to be a good trap, however I know I'm still a guy even if I fail at many of those mannerisms.
To be fair though I'm amerimutt so alot of our women are more manly in behavior and mannerisms than alot of our straight guys. Probably has something to do with the uptick.

>why is it so hard to find a redpilled, normal partner when you are gay?
>normal partner when you are gay?
Think about what you've written for a moment. You'll find the answer.

w-where are you from?

>le gays are not normal meymey xD
yeah fuck off to r/the_donald, post some pence meymeys.

yeah but a trap is still not a woman. It doesn't smell the same it doesn't look the same. It doesn't have the right instincts.
There are no traps IRL. There are stupid guys who fail to get the cues, but no an can pass as woman for a long period of time.

Kielce ale nie jestem związany z tym miastem.

i am done.

fcking Sup Forums.

everyone in here is a redpill 16yo SJW edgelord.

Literal cancer of the world. What Sup Forums was roasting it has become.

A cancer fest of a board. The end came with the trash /general/ threads keeping you in a circle.

Discussing the same garbage sht over and over.

Good bye Sup Forums.

>All these straightfags who are mad some anons can find redpilled bf's whilst they scour through fat used roasties on tinder who need you to be a chad earning £50k a year and will cheat anyway

Oh okay.
Powodzenia user.

>My point is that they don't have a functional society to ruin.
Implying our's is functional? What's our cumulative debt in the west?
Last time I checked we all owed China money.
>Faggots ruin western society.
They don't participate in western society, like alot of the NEETs on here. If your society requires 100% participation on all socialized efforts it's probably not robust enough to try to perpetuate.