he's right you know
He's right you know
I think the financial crisis is one of the reasons why we have all of this Marxist shit currently. They got the bailout, Wall Street protests happened, (((they))) panicked, suddenly Anita/gamergate appears, feminism gets ramped up, BLM/race shit appears a year later, trannies a year after that. The radical left is all a diversion from their bullshit bailout
No, the radical left is a false flag.
>x happened
>that caused y
No reason or motivation or even a benefit given behind that claim, just gake his word for it. Hes right guys. The wealthy globalists are sponsoring anti globalism
How do these lefties still manage to tell themselves they are the underdog rebels fighting the big machine? I just dont get how strong their delusion is..
>Blaming everybody but themselves
Typical lefty.
Don't forget the totally misguided Occupy movement. Protesting Wallstreet and placing all blame on it and investors instead of seeing the big picture that also involved the Fed and the US Government setting policy to set the stage for banks to run amok like they did. Remember, banks weren't lending to niggers and people with poor credit so the US Government had to tie stipulations to Fed lended money to get them to do it. Sure they ran off with CDOs to dump the bad debt on someone else, but they weren't alone in that horrible mess.
>Jews refuse to allow the Federal Reserve books to be opened
>its the right's fault for greedy banks, and even dumber fucking people who took on loans with outlandish APR %
>the left is OK with skirting tariffs and allowing non-Americans to be homeless and go hungry to move nearly all production away from America and now hire H1B non-Americans to sell said products as long as publicly, they look good
yeah nah, shitcunt.
None of those are directly caused by each other.
They are indirectly moving parties to enact policies that brought forth those problems.
The only true-to-god immune response in all of that was brexit.
Bankers "lost most of all the money"? Who did they lose it to? Other bankers? Aliens? Did it just all get thrown down into a bottomless hole? The whole premise of this argument is stupid... also, since when are the "press-barons" anti-migrant? None of this adds up.
>Lost most of it
To who?
And boomers allowed this to happen ten years ago.....
he's a monkey
the press is revitalizing the far right? are you fucking kidding me? the WHOLE press is shilling so hard for jews it's not even funny
and the press is doing everything they can to attack the "far right" and to cover up black/moslem/mexican crime, yes even fox news, they can never say "a black man raped a white child" or something like that even tho it happens non stop
so yea, this guy is an imbecile and a liar, imagine my shock
It should be bannable to start a thread with some nobody's tweet
Somebodies tweet from like a year ago
>muh gamergate
jesus christ you spergs are unbearable
not a factor in any election, not on the radar of anyone other than Sup Forumstards and tumblrinas.
nobodies politics have been altered by some video gaming drama
It should be a bannable offense to be a leaf.
That was a pretty impressive post, my desire to kill him went up with every next word.
Sup Forums started GG you newfag shill, they brought it to Sup Forums and many of them ended up staying.
it kicked off this new retarded wave of feminism and the installing of this narrative that we need girls in everything... and now we get stupid shit like the new ghostbusters that you can't criticize or you're some manchild
Shit I even still have one image saved from one of the first days it was brought up.
You don't understand what happened, yet. Gamergate was falseflagging to snowball marxism into every single source of media. Case in point: when was Obongo re-elected? 2012. When did Anita start jewing? 2012. When was Obongo first elected? 2008. When did the crisis break out? Late 2007.
The post is spot-on on the basic concept, crisis causing austerity, yet it's missing the big picture because he's liberal so his brain only partially works. They have to genocide whites and bring niggers in because after the crisis the only way to avoid a system collapse is to dramatically tone down living standards.
The niggering of everything was already going on, but it became the major objective of politics immediately after the crisis. If you think it was the Zoe Quinn thing that led us to this, you're fucking delusional. They need to emasculate and lead whites to extinction, they need to bring niggers willing to work for 600$ a month in, and this is because of the fucking crisis jewish bankers have caused. It's not about diversity in movies, diversity means "get used to africans because soon you'll be living like one".
No he's a cunt and so are you.
The 'press' is nebulous.
They know they are owned by kikes, but some people get media from elsewhere and some people just don't believe the kikes.
They can say the 'press' but they'll never name the bogeyman. We can name CNN, MSNBC, etc, the 'press' is not nebulous to us.
But I have hated migrants for 20 years.
Far left and third from the left are fuckable.
>not understanding anything this much
>poor people aren’t given massive loans to buy houses and live above their means and that’s racist
>lend to them or else
>oops looks like they spent all the money on crack and meth, effectively bringing it out of the system
>damn white people
was Anita always this fat
Itsd almost as if you should have a separation of economy and state so that no one banker can gamble with everyone's money.
Why do lefties support globalism and then claim those that do not support globalism are the ones pro big business?
the mortgages were securitized, diversified, insured, some were government backed, and also highly rated by rating agencies.
hardly gambling. just a fucking up system.
The high oil prices and rising interest rates brought it all crashing down.
>bails out your too big to fail economy crashing banks
OP has it only 1/3rd right.
Politicians wanted a dumb policy, namely give houses to low income people so they can build wealth and not be low social engagement renters. Politicians like this because they sound like they are building America up and fighting imaginary racism. The bankers don’t like this policy because low/no income people are bad debt risks. The politicians say “do want we say or you can’t make any loans.” The bankers say no. The politicians say “what the hell it’s not our money take this big bribe to do it our way.” The bankers wagered they were smarter than the politicians and won, big time. The bankers’ house of cards built on bad policy and tax dollars collapses and they go to Hank Paulson at the Fed and say “We did what you asked, now pay us.” And that’s when the Government starts handing out money like crazy to all the big boys of Wall St. The economy “recovers” just how the bankers want it, with Wall St up and mega industries consolidating with cheap debt financed M&A’s. Meanwhile, the little guy is left behind. Loans to mid and small cap companies disappear, while new regulations and O’care make labor costs rise. People get mad because the job they’re lucky to have is shit while all the people who got them into this mess walk away with 6 figure bonuses or pensions.
>Politicians wanted a dumb policy, namely give houses to low income people so they can build wealth and not be low social engagement renters
he's wrong actually
most people voted for Trump because median household income previously peaked in 2001, the year China joined the WTO
The 2008 recession is not the reason why the rust belt is called the rust belt
If this were true why was Obama reelected? 10 years for it to take shape seems like a long time. I may be wrong but, I think he is just making shit up for likes.
bad loans. The loaned it to retards to buy overpriced houses knowing it was waste and would never be paid back. Then they packaged the loans into investments, had them fraudulently marked as AAA and sold them to other retards.
Sigh.. the financial crisis has nothing to do with the nation being almost 50% spic now.
>it was the financial crisis, not all the terrorist attacks and paki rape gangs that put people off mass-imigration
The absolute state of leftypol
Every single time, like clockwork, they pretend not wanting immigration means hating the migrants in particular. And of course, it's all orchestrated by the same billionaires that benefit from flooding the labor market because ???.
>Big Banks gambled with and lost our money
Sure, if you were dumb enough to have your money in a big bank. But this was a historical event so moving on.
>This caused austerity measures to be adopted
Sure, it probably did. You know what else probably caused austerity measures as well? Trillions more of your dollars fed by the government to those banks to keep them afloat.
>This leads to Brexit, Trump, and the rise of the far-right
In actuality, Brexit and Trump aren’t far-right at all, they’re moderately right at worst. Actual far-right has gained only tiny bits of traction in Europe (AFD), and European liberalism (aka libertarianism in the US) are what is gaining popularity. The left is simply highlighting racism and nascent far-right movements in an attempt to grasp on to the tiny bits of power they still have.