Hey! Me and my buddies fight for Israel! Give us a discount!

>Hey! Me and my buddies fight for Israel! Give us a discount!

What the hell is wrong with fighting for Israel? It's called looking after your allies


Yeah my best friends also sink my battleships all the time, it's normal

Always a leaf behind every shitpost.

>help institute a puppet regime in Middle East
>puppet regime eventually turns you into a puppet
>they start killing natives
>still support them because your politicians have been subverted
>some people from one brown shithole get upset for this and kill some of us
>wage war on other brown shithole those people aren't even from
>fear/monger about brown shitholes because former puppet states existence will never result in coexistence
>continue to wage war against the will of most of your citizens who don't actually have full knowledge of why this is even happening
Yeah what's wrong with supporting our ALLIES?

Holy shit...epic

>be 'allies' with israel
>USS Liberty attacked by Israel
>send israel billions of dollars per year for defense
>israel never helps us in any wars
>supporting israel makes the entire middle east hate us
>their prime ministers openly talk about how jews control america
wow such ally much benefits

When you are wanting a Big Mac so bad, but live in "da hood".

I played Civ 5 too

I’m honestly surprised this wasn’t an American flag posting.

You sound like a retarded conspiracy theorist. I'm glad the overwhelming majority of the public looks down on you and your stupid ramblings

Wasn't the USS Liberty spying on Israel and was in their waters without authorization?


DOTR is coming

Only far fetched part of that was Israel being a puppet
We got involved with them to help ourselves and then zionists grew an Israeli lobby in our government to provide support.
Only reason we're in the Middle East is to help Israel.

Leaf, the definition of conspiracy determines that two or more people planning something illegal is conspiring, by that metric many conspiracies have unfolded before our eyes and I’m sure a small percentage have been hidden from public view under the guise of classification, do u even substantial law mygoy?

international waters bucko. nothing wrong with spying on jews when mossad has infiltrated your govt

what in the fuck is this rosa parks shit?


What have they ever done for the US?
Hard mode: Attacking and sinking US ships doesn't count.

La hoja... Le cauchemar du nord...

>get big, tough guy to help you
>big, tough guy helps you to the point of independence if he was unable to help you ever which won't happen
>little voice inside your head says fuck that guy youre the best
>grows bigger
>go out of your way to deceitfully fuck the big, tough guy over until he is a broken man by using your close relationship to fuck with his head

Okay, so you admit that the Liberty was spying on Israel. Sounds like Israel was in the right, then. You screech bloody murder about Jewish intervention in foreign affairs, but it's okay when the US does it!


>asshole you know and hate is watching you go about your business
>you catch him and beat him up

>your friend sees you doing some weird shit so he trails out of curiosity and concern for himself as well as you
>you beat the shit out of him and some of his friends

Which did Israel do? Only explanation for their behavior was a show of force.


>your friend sees you doing some weird shit so he trails out of curiosity and concern for himself as well as you
>The US spies with the purest, must noble intentions
HAHA Jesus fucking Christ, I can't believe you actually believe that. America was spying on Israel out of good-hearted concern? Get the fuck outta here

>ignores the last 1,300 years of Middle East and European history


le 53% country