>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump @Governor's Ball 2/25/18
>Ivanka/PressSec Sarah @Olympics in SoKo 2/25/18
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on Syria Ceasefire Res 2401 2/25/18
>Pres Trump on Judge Jeanine 2/24/18
>CPAC Day 3 (Gorka, Malvin, Levin, Nunez, Mulvaney) 2/24/18
>Eric on Ingraham Angle 2/22/18
>Pres Trump Reads Snek @CPAC 2/23/18
>Pres Trump speech @CPAC 2/23/18
>Pres Trump/Aussie PM Turnbull presser 2/23/18
>Pres Trump/Aussie PM Turnbull meeting 2/23/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania welcome the aussies 2/23/18
>Pres Trump speaks to press before leaving for CPAC 2/23/18
>Arr Nige @CPAC 2/23/18
>KAC & Linda McMahon @CPAC 2/23/18
>CPAC Day 2 (Trump, KAC, Arr Nige, Ingraham, Perry/Zinke, Others) 2/23/18
>VP Pence address nation's governors 2/23/18
>PressSec Sarah @Olympics in Soko 2/23/18
>AG Sessions Press Conf on Elder Fraud 2/23/18
>SoS T-Rex meets with mick PM Coveney 2/23/18
OP pastebin:
/ptg/ President Trump General - Voice Of The People Edition
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Morning Hogg continues.
TRUMP bump
So what does everyone think about this?
Pam Bondi is dropping bombs about Sheriff Israel on F&F. This shit is getting worse. Go back about 5-6 minutes
Who wants some good news? Who wants to see a business shoot themselves in the foot? Some twitter gold.
>wake up
>realize today is another day filled with SHALL arguments
It's all so tiresome /ptg/
Will Trump cuck our on DACA? When DACA expires next week will he renew it? Sorry the black pill is slowly seeping in again
Last one cut off.
I think he should join his fallen classmates
might as well send that little fuck back to mexico, he wants the usa fully disarmed
Send him to Europe where this crap is tolerated.
It never ends, user
Just remember their names, and optionally, where they live, in case SHTF
But yeah a week from now el ogre will have to go back
>duty to protect
will never fly in court in a million years but it's good that she's wrecking his image
Did Joe bring The Hogg??
OP is leaving, somebody else will need to take the next one
DACA/Dreamers are basically dead in the water since any offer made to Trump will not work, and any Trump offered will be shot down since he wants border wall funding.
Dems fucked over their chance when Trump made a very generous offer this year.
Can't Trump just do a thing to get some better news out there?
Guys, I got you this facebook meme for your normie friends.
This looks like another pasta from years back
>hur if you can't hit something in 6 shots bo gun for you hur
What if they win on this because Drumpf
it's either focus on DACA, which will turn away the gun grabbers, or focus on gun control, which will turn away the spics, or focus on the pee pee dossier, which will turn away everybody
Nice fantasy.
>These people need to fuck right off.
>Don't let your neighbors, and co workers become complacent. Get them to the polls in Nov, even if they think "It won't matter".
I forgot to mention the lying cops (the other 3 who were there). She said they lied directly to her and Rick Scott. Add that to the possible stand down and the public outrage gets much worse
>Unviable plastic and metal mass
What is this meme?
Gun control is a massively losing issue on the national stage even to the point where Hillary Clinton didn't push the issue at all.
Trump has expressed personal thoughts about keeping them here but he hasn't forced any laws through and I can't see him starting for the dreamers unless he thinks he can sway their support (unlikely)
I say get rid of them. Start with Commiefornia, get rid of a ton of democratic voters in the process.
>Casually browse the catalog
>There are about 4 different goblin threads
Is Sup Forums filled with redditors who can't meme? If your meme is good, you don't need to shove it down everybody's face
The “800k” is just a fracture of the real number of illegal spiclets. We’re talking at most 3 million getting kicked out
Toy companies should probably be boycotted too since they promote child gun violence. Im looking at you Hasbro (GI Joe), Mattel, Nerf, etc
We'd have to deport all life in California, user.
Why care what going ons of shitskins projecting?
Flake and Schumer have introduced a Dreamer Gun Control act which has broad bipartisan support in both chambers and will likely be signed by Trump at the beginning of March.
Just about to head to bed user, don't suppose you could summarise?
Communists refer to aborted babies as 'unviable tissue mass.'
they all jews too?
>i would have had your guns by now
yes sure, one bullet at the time, hilldawg.
im starting to think this kid works for the NRA and is secretly /ourguy/
I see no issue with that.
I don't, I just wish I had proper photoshop skills to turn the goblin face into a reddit face on the body of millhouse, so I could counter spam it. They get extremely booty bothered if anyone actually breaks their meme chain
>Le 56% Reddit face and dropping
Sup Forums is the foreigner (new) Sup Forums
it always has been
>at most
more like at the absolute least 3 million
There was this great Nerf line that had all the gun accessories Democrats want to ban in Nerf form. Extended magazines, suppressors, bump stocks, pistol grips, etc.
Is anything supposed to be happening later today or this week?
>the fist get I saw on Sup Forums was someone asking if Millhouse was a meme
Good times
Who cares?
>still going on about "Russian bots"
These Jews never quit.
March 5th is when DACA ends. People that have paperwork will eventually be considered illegal aliens again. Currently there's nothing in the pipeline regarding Dreamers or DACA.
>Flake and Schumer
Into the trash it goes.
By killing them. Deport them to Hell.
Date on re-elections/mid terms?
Early November.
he writes like a 13 year old girl
>Polish and Mexican clearly creates a Hindu awoo
Not seeing the logic here, Basil.
brown shrek is love
brown shrek is life
November, but by then, it's very possible that a lot of illegals or others will be running back to Mexico or Canada.
lmao at americans clapping they are getting browner and mutter
Nah, not mutter.
A lot of yesteryear's GGers probably agree with Trump on this now
Sup Forums memes don't make sense, they are just designed to trigger people
considering amerikan k-12 is roughly on the level of european elementary school in terms of education, I am not surprised
Is this actually the little faggot’s work?
I hope she's OK. I miss Moto and Givi.
Can't wait, it's gonna be such a shit show
I hope the democrats adopt this. Sounds like a sound bill and fits them perfectly.
> We’re talking at most 3 million getting kicked out
user, unlike people may think DACA doesn't confer any change in prioritization for its recipients. They are in the same level of priority for deportation as any other illegal alien, which
> for Obama it used to be "deport the ones with felony conviction or multiple misdemeanor convictions"; but
> for Trump it is "deport the ones with any contact with the judicial system (regardless of conviction) and the ones with outstanding deportation orders"
DACA or no DACA these are the ones who ICE nabs first in this sea of 15+ million illegal aliens. But DACA recipients will immediately lose everything the second their permits expire
> they'll lose their work permit and be tossed on the streets by their bosses
> they'll lose their social security number and be out of most social programs
> they'll most likely than not have to resort to identity theft, working under the table and soon have their unavoidable encounter with the justice system, making them ripe for removal
tl;dr: they won't be deported immediately, they'll lose everything first
Trump is the voice of stupid people.
>Sup Forums memes don't make sense, they are just designed to trigger people
I had hope that a Greek would have more sense. But they're 6 points lower.
>they'll lose their work permit and be tossed on the streets by their bosses
Probably not in california. I hope they will flood it, it will make things a lot easier
Link or gas yourself
He's closer to the truth than you think
Basically, she hinted that she knew more about Israel's shortcomings, that the 3 other police officers on scene lied and said they weren't there and how there needs to be an in-depth investigation of it all
> Probably not in california
Their bosses won't have any choice in the matter user. DACA is ultimately a temporary work permit program:
> lose the permit
> lose the job
nigh nigh
At least the Republicans finally show their back-stabbing RINO roots. Part of me suspects that they're discussing this to rile up the base for the midterms.
>"We need to ban guns NOW, no more kids dying!"
>"Why does Las Vegas even matter, bro? Just a prank, lol."
You know a lot of them don't care, if it makes them money, they might just ignore the law and keep them employed, they might just get away with it, too
I love Slavs.
Sorry for the delay. Nn fren
Nothing will come from this.
>RNC chair is a legislator
American education
> if it makes them money, they might just ignore the law and keep them employed, they might just get away with it, too
That means either paying them under the table or re enrolling them with a stolen identity making it a criminal offense either way (tax dodging / identity theft) and instantly qualifying them to the highest priority for deportation.
>broad bipartisan support
>in both chambers
>Introduced by Flake and Schumer
That's a funny one germany.
> Flake and Schumer have introduced a Dreamer Gun Control
kek, 7/10, made me laugh
oh these sandniggers
It's such a liberal attitude. Terrorist are using trucks now? Build blockades. They're using knives and acid? Make it illegal to carry them in public. Never look into the cause, only care about the tools.
You forgot the one, most important point PB.
>They will no longer be able to Vote.
Just like in 1934,1968,1986,1994?
>RNC Chair
>sets the party agenda
Public school grad?
Also, are you going to be here for longer? I'm leaving