what is there to discuss?
resources are limited, therefore struggle ensues.
Niggers were nevee human.
Even my sheep are racist and they dont know what the fuck is english
the cry of worthless races so they can continue to leech gibs off the others
This destroys the commie faggot
> human without race, religion, culture, politics, wealth.
What's left?
>Implying Goyim were ever human.
>resources are limited
Destroys the capitalist faggot too.
White's built everything in the modern world and Jews are trying to take it from us. Time to get the Muslims to end the Jewish problem. Then faggots like you will cease to exist.
I'm pretty sure Tuko in Africa will still beat his brother to death without race, religion, or politics getting in the way.
neanderthals were never the same stock of humans as the homo sapiens, and the homo sapiens on the other side of the mountain was never similar to the ones nearby the river creek.
>People are different
You mean to tell me that all facets of history and society have determined that we are not equal?
Consider my macadamias alkolized
What if we could just like, get along dude.
Humans have always separated themselves in groups and tribes since time began. Even animals do that. It is the most natural thing.
>but white people are specifically evil and must be destroyed
Wrong, retard. It's the underpinning principle of capitalism to make the most of limited resources to allocate them towards the most efficient way of making money.
>categories and the ability to distinguish anything from anything else didn't exist until whypipo showed up!!!
>we were all human until the first humans existed
Even animals are ethnocentric and have hirachies you retarded commie faggot
Not even animals consider themselves equal
Liberals want us to be literally less than animals
>if you're not a communist, you're a capitalist
there is a third option, friend
What a stupid thing to say. Its those very things that define human and allow expression of humanity along the ages.
Whoever says this must be looking to sound edgy and intellectual, like one of those meaningless quotes that activates the almonds but does no more than that
back to the gulag filthy commie
"""third option"""
And also accumulate capital through interest rates which imply unlimited resources or when that fails, preying on everyone until there's only one left, and making use of fiat money that undervalues your work.
oh, wait, that's not REAL capitalism, right?
Racism is a term thought up by Leon Trotsky (((a communist))) to silence debate.
Major religions such as Judaism, Islam and Christianity are all (((Abrahamic)))
And (((Zionists))) own all the banks in the world other than in 3 countries which currently world wide animosity and "Just" wars being pushed by the media.
While you are checking out those statements, also look up the definition of cognitive dissonance, pinko.
Thank God for that.
Conquers asia and burns down ((Bagdad))
You were saying
>we were all humans until
>race disconnected us
Doesn't really matter if you have one race, some people will always look different. If we were one race we would separate ourselves into nationalities with possible recognizable facial features.
>religion seperated us
Lack of religion separates us too. Just look at communism itself, it's atheistic in it's implementation. The state essentially becomes a God in this world anyway. You can't escape the human nature to place things above themselves.
>politics divided us
Like communism? I'm pretty divided on communism itself. It's a noble goal but a hopeless one. Class is human nature, the hormone of testosterone specifically makes men strive for inequality.
>and wealth classified us
Again, it's human nature to form classes, you would have to re-engineer human kind like I imagine the Chinese may some day. Even communism had classes of people, all related to their standing and relation to the communist government.
>what leftists say when they are talking to white people
But what do you REALLY think?
tower of babel
>We're all exactly the same if you ignore all of our differences
stfu alien nibber
Christcuck nonsense
>And also accumulate capital through interest rates
interest rates are used mostly to lend money not to accumulate it
>which imply unlimited resources
>or when that fails
when does "that" fails?
>preying on everyone until there's only one left
what does this even mean? is this sexual?
>making use of fiat money that undervalues your work.
>real capitalism
you just spewed nonsense so no
That is not the image I chose
We were all humans until communist swine showed up and said 'Gib me dats you fucking white males, it is hyuuuuman right'
>We were all humans until
>Communists disconnected us with race
>Communists separated us from religion
>Communists divided us with politics
>Communists classified us by wealth
Really makes you think, huh...
It's actually true. There are many deficiencies in African languages that prevent describing things on a gradient. There is no way to say that an animal is half way up the tree, just that it is "up".
The only classification is them and us. They are incapable of anything more.
the other was better
Are they? By the amount of unused trash we produce this seems like a wide, unproven statement.
>be neolithic hunter-gatherer
>see unfamiliar figures on the horizon
>nervously clutch spear thrower and glance at hunting companions; who are these people?
>they get closer and you see that they look different from you, dress different from you, and are babbling words you can't understand
>you wave in greeting, hoping they just want to trade, but then you recognize the seashell bracelet one of them is wearing
>these fuckers are that tribe of assholes who raided your tribe last year, stole your fire, abducted several women, and killed Thag
>they also took over some of your prime territory; you loved the blackberries that grew there
>murder the shit out of all but one of them and loot the corpses, force the survivor to lead you back to his tribe
>you kill all the males and old women, loot their resources, and take the young girls back to your tribe as war brides
>now all the territory they stole from you is yours again, plus all of their territory
>your loli war bride is saying something in her nonsense language, but you don't understand or care as you plow deep into her womb with the full intent of impregnating her
>she'll learn your language soon enough and adopt your ways instead of hers
>rinse and repeat for every tribe that ever existed since the dawn of man
This asinine "we were all humans until social constructs" bullshit is part and parcel to the 'noble savage' theory held dear by leftists, who claim the redskins in North America were peaceful, had no concept of land ownership, and were enlightened hippies (they were constantly at war with each other, they absolutely owned land, practiced slavery, and their first reaction upon whites trying to make peaceful contact was rape and murder), and niggers are somehow enlightened and serene without modern technology and western culture (they constantly rape, murder, and eat each other, live in filth, and anywhere they take over becomes the same shithole). It's a complete disconnect from reality.
liberal politics pitted the races against each other
liberal politics chose to be intolerant to, and attack religion
liberal politics pitted brother against brother and taught us to be intolerant of others' beliefs
liberal politics stole our wealth via taxation and made us blame rich people for our problems
so thanks for that
Mindless, animalistic hedonism.
Must be why niggers didn't murder and enslave other tribes and eat each other until whitey showed up. Oh, wait.
>If you forget about all our differences, we're completely identical
Interest rates are a means of accumulation of capital.
Lending money can happen separately from interest rates. Lending money and interest rates aren't the same.
When you apply interest rates to a loan, whatever you do with that money is suddenly not enough to pay back the loan.
For example you need an apple, you don't have an apple, and I lend you an apple. You come back the next day to repay me my apple but I tell you, "oh my dear goyim friend, to pay me back you need to give me an apple and something else more".
This immediately shows you how capitalists act as if the world has unlimited resources. It acts as if there is always more to take from the system thanwhat you put in.
Back to the apple, let's imagine that the apple you give me to pay back my loan with interest is the only apple left in world. You don't have any more of that apple resource out there, the only apples out there are in the hands of other people. So you either choose to not pay me and see where that gets you, or you choose to prey on people who have apples to pay me back.
this desu
We were tribes since the beggining of time; Our closest related monkeys are know for infighting and blood wars
>People are euqal
Not true. Not all races are equal.
Any nigger can hoop into his car and drive from new york to la.
While russians have to work for 400$ a month
if resources are not limited, that would imply they are unlimited
if resources are unlimited, growth could continue forever
if growth continues forever, human population increases without boundary
imagine an earth with 1 trillion, 10 trillion, 1 quadrillion humans on it. Keep the number going until you see fit; if you have a mental cutoff point, that implies that the planet cannot accommodate growth without limit, which would only be because of lack of resources
until ((they)) appeared
we were all humans until our neighbours tried to steal our grain supply because they were too lazy to grow their own
>No True Scotsman
>Guys seriously, Communism will work this time
I'm pretty sure that's not how the No True Scotsman fallacy works.
Race didn’t disconnect. When an organism lives in an environment so long that nature influences biodiversity that culture/language/tribe are inherent to that group race is a subspecies of human form. Celebrating biodiversity in its purest forms is how you do this, sadly globalism and porn will do away with various breeds and then market will say buy a labradoodle their expensive and in vogue meanwhile you have a sicken mutt.
>we were all humans until
fuck this speciest bullshit
niggers are the only group lacking neanderthal admixture, it's reasonable to state we are different species
in addition mongoloids have some denisovan admixture too, so also a separate species
lel, wtf
>we are not humans now