Obnoxious black woman tells white "allies" to shut up and know their place

Why do white americans put up with this shit? I wouldn't want to be "ally" with idiots like that. What a racist, white hating piece of shit black woman. What's the whole point about ally, why in the world should white people help these obnoxious niggers more than anyone else? Fucking niggers are the ones who should take their own advise and shut the hell up and know their place, and just live their life just like everybody else. What is this "ally" business even about? it's ridiculous. They should take responsibility for their own lives. One of the last things i would want to be is a fucking "ally" to a nigger. It's also clear that these stupid niggers get off on telling brainwashed white individualists to shit down and shut up. Because the nigger knows that it's the nigger that needs to sit down and shut up. A thing they seem incapable of fucking doing. At this point nobody should give a fuck about anything a nigger is saying. Because 99.9% of the time it turns out to be total bullshit, so why even give them the time of day.

Other urls found in this thread:


Here's the twitter/picture of the woman who wrote the article.

Good, their dogs are turning on them

dated a mulatto who looked just like that all summer.. what a mistake that was. fucking head crazy

Most white leftists have low self-esteem and so they assume when someone is aggressive towards them, they have done something wrong (even unknowingly) and should submit.

POC leftists are aware of this, and use it to bully white leftists into achieving their policy objectives. The reason the alt-right is comprised of so many former leftist men is that men are far less likely to tolerate this sort of behavior.

That's probably it yeah. Good summary.

>following jesus
get your own saviour darkies

>Black hottie
At least that ugly masculine looking bitch has some self-confidence.

And this is her latest tweet, after she got a comment saying she got unfollowed due to her article telling white people to shut up. She does this.
When will people realize that these are actually the racist and divisive people. And to not support or give a damn about their complains, because these people are total assholes who are obsessed with their own race 100x more than even the most hardcore white supremacist. They see EVERYTHING through a collective lense of them vs white people or them vs someone else. No matter how you treat them or how many concessions you make. It doesn't mater, the only thing that changes there is that they will then seek to collectively try to fuck you over, instead of collectively complaining that they're being fucked over by someone else. All their complaining and whining and manipulation is with that in mind.

>no yo place y pee po
Wow it's almost as if there are barriers between the races that will remain regardless of your actions and the general relations between said races

You should in other words give them absolutely zero special treatment.

>Black Panther depicts the diginity and value of Black Lives on the big screen

Didnt wakanda assassinate Black lives matter activist, his son and then allied themselves with the white CIA?


>black hottie

this, being an "ally" is to be a completely dominated and subservient pay pig.

who reads this huffpo shit

You misspelt "niggers" pal


look at that soyboy, zelda shirt and all

>who reads this huffpo shit
Well i assume a lot of leftist leaning americans, but the point is the way they are talking about it, and the words that are used.
>this, being an "ally" is to be a completely dominated and subservient pay pig.
Exactly, an "ally" essentially is you being a voluntary sexual gimp for black people. And why would you want to do that, it's ridiculous. It's a way they try to manipulate and fuck with naive and gullible white peoples heads with the sole purpose of them giving them free stuff they haven't earned. And giving them better treatment than everyone else. youtube.com/watch?v=8rSIz7ZhSrg It's like this video where a fat black woman tells a room full of middle aged white people that they're demons and inherently evil, and has her paypal account on the whiteboard, so that you can send her free money. I've not heard about this terminology outside the US so i assume this is where this total crap idea comes from. But it's obvious what should happen, there should be ZERO "allies" with 'POC', they should be given no preferential treatment whatsoever, and they should take responsibility for their own lives. They don't deserve charity, because they take advantage of it instead of being thankful of it.

Sure doesn't look like it user


If that’s the way she wants it, she can go back to the plantation.

Stfu you lying cave mutant. Youre a monkey that descended from a DISEASE, and youre so blinded by VANITY you can no longer even fathom your own reality. Fuck you larping retard WE WUZ SPACE ALIENS AND SHIET. TALL WHITE NORDICS WE FROM OUTTA DIS WORLD MAN. Stfu simian. Albinism coming from the latin word albus, literally meaning white.


So literal chimpanzee screeches about the only humanoid subspecies on earth who has built everything to brain dead ZOG commies
Damn it feels good to be a white man

>ya'll white people are albinos
So apparently albinism mutates the brain and everything to make white people smarter than africans, subsahara africa has like 60 iq on average in some places. No that's not the case, and white people do not have albinism but lived close to the poles in UVA. But if you really think that's how albinism works, you should be trying to contract it in every way possible so you can get a decent brain between those ears idiot. Stop trying to sabotage this thread with your drivel.

That bonobo is cute compared to that horrible woman.

Linking to huffpo should be a bannable offense.

>Linking to huffpo should be a bannable offense.

Holy shit you could probably clear four or five lanes at once with that fucking plough.

true. the bonobo also has a soul, unlike the monkey above

The actual intelligent blacks realize it isn't about race. That it's IQ. And so they behave accordingly. They go and get educated, get decent jobs, and work to better themselves, like their white counterparts. They don't participate in Ms. Brandi's brand of "activism" because they know it's all a farce. The bitch in OP is a low IQ, self-loathing and projecting dumbass, with zero real awareness of the truth: That blacks like her are useless.

Stfu faggot. Youre ashamed of yourself and the truth. You hate it. Bahahahaha. Nice birthmark faggot. Where did it come from? All your fucking anger and hate gets eaten alive by the truth itself. Dont mess with mother nature faggot, look how she makes you her BITCH. Youre her BITCH son, thats what youre feeling. Stings dont it. the price of hubris against manking you fucking broken monkey. You egotistical fucking APE. Ashamed of yourself you are. Live in the matrix you do faggot. Take a GOOD LOOk at your OWN hate. Take it in faggot. Ironic isnt it. You did this to yourself.

Keep denying you fucking SCARED shitless faggot little monkey. Fucking FAGGOT you are son, and thats why you were ALONE on valentines you sad little beta faggot.

Im not even black btw, I just wanted you to know your fucking place in the world you evil son of a bitch. You lonely beta piece of shit.

Maybe if you people installed a good ad-blocker and stopped visiting these websites, then maybe these ''journalists'' would be out of a job?

>gib me dat and shad up whitey!


She's right you know.

if every white person went through the albinino mutation then we evolved. They didn;'t

you realize these that most African kill albino for substitution and that the same reason the killed everyone which had human hair.
In fact that's why african never evolved much further

Not bad, but try the whole thing in caps next time.

So what faggot, you realize its because of African mothers and fathers that you here today right? You realize that your modern "race sciences" are nothing but lies and deceit dont you? That bipedal APES larping AS FUCKING SPACE ALIENS

Fucking larping simians. Thats your fucking reality buddy. Collectively ASHAMED of your origins you are. Hide them you do. Your pride(hubris) and the truth just cant fit in the same room. Your fucking worthless pride just takes up all that space. You need it all for your fragile little deficient ego.

Youre a fucking larping monkey. A deficient


And you fucking lie about it to this Day. Out of immense collective shame. Immense.

Sorry, your capitalization makes it seem you are projecting internalized feelings onto something else to make you seem better. Maybe you should just kill yourself you worthless faggot

jesus, not only /thread but /board as well. We may as well all pack it up lads, nothing will ever come close to this concise a description of why we're all here.


Maybe get a gf you lonely piece of shit.

>collective shame
You're the liar, and i have nothing to be ashamed of. It's however amusing that niggers pretend that white skin is a disease eventhough it's peak adaptability to the high northern hemisphere uva and short sun hours. Where niggers are peak adapted to equatorial uvb and long sun hours. You niggers are so ashamed that you accomplished nothing historically that you want to protect your sense of inferiority to someone else.

Silly op, this is what the BLM and feminist movements are about, it has nothing to do with equality, it's Vengeance, reparations and putting YOU in chains.

>get a gf ehks dee
Get something better for a one liner, nigger

I feel like I'm reading the text scrawl for star wars here

>DARTH FAGGOT wants you to fuck off nature nature ALBINO planet NIGGERS

Youre VERY ashamed of the truth buddy. Look at them. They are Whiter than you, and you know it you ugly loser piece of shit. You fucking lonely motherfucker. Im not even black you fucking faggot, a loser like you just needs to knocked the fuck down and put into his fucking place. Know your fucking place you lonely sad piece of shit. with NO Game. NO social skills.

Just kys because no one will ever love an ugly loser like you.


Notice that albinism (which is very rare) appears in brown and black areas. Because it's more than likely due to infection or unsanitary conditions. However white europeans are not at all albino, and would fail a test for albinism. You don't understand the difference, the reason for instance nordics have very white skin is very low uva. Albinism accidentally removes all pigmentation in offspring of people that live somewhere else on the planet.
>a loser like you just needs to knocked the fuck down and put into his fucking place.
Ah so you're just a troll. It shows, stop sabotaging my thread. You got 8 posts already which has nothing the fuck to do with the OP. I'm going to report you every time i see you from now on, i've seen you before and you do this a lot. You should be perma banned from 4 chan.

Get over your SLUT mothers WHORE divorce your broken SAD piece of shit. Sorry how she ruined your life over some cock. Thats your fucking tragic story. Your trauma that broke you. Isnt that right white boy. ofc it is. White women, amirite?

You could leave out the obnoxious. Black woman is sufficient.

>they are whiter than you
Silly fucking brainlet. You think it's only about skin color. No it's about everything under the hood aswell. Skin color is simply an indication of what is under the hood.

Except it doesnt remove all pigmentation, its a myth perperatrated by you lying sacks of shit with NO honor. No dignity, No real pride in yourself. Fucking ASHAMED of who and what you are.

Why is her hair red? it should be white? you said removes all pigmentation. Your facts are wrong buddy. You live in shame of reality.

You lonely fucking LOser. You have NOBODY. Thats why youre mad. So mad. Because you spent valentines day alone you sad sack of miserable shit. Nobody loves you. Nobody cares about you. Nobody. Kys and nobody will care. Youre fucking sexually frustrated beta.. Kys.

Fucking report me your in faggoty little safe space you fucking crybbaby little bitch. go ahead and cry ya fucking weak little pussy. Thats why you NO women you sad little loser.

This is why you're always called 56%

Stfu youre ashamed of yourself. Theres brown birthmarks litered across your skin. That shit is CHECKMATE buddy.

TAke a good look at how you got here you fucking ashamed monkey. You hate yourself. You hate the truth. Priceless. SO PRICELESS. MMMM why do you think I come back here? Priceless buddy.

Thats a jew

>Be quiet an let the retard talk, see if you ever heard anything dumber
>be quiet and keep sucking on a darkest cunt ever known to man

Assuming i'd take a nigger as an ally, we don't need dead weights.

>be black
>jesus appears in front of you
>he's going to say some words of the utmost importance to you

Fucking pussy little bitch. FUCK your thread. This is my board you lonely sad sack of shit. Know your fucking place you depressed fucking loser.

that's not being an alley, that's being submissive

they want you to be submissive, they do not want your help, they only want what you have

typical nigger.
>this is my board
no faggot, it's not.
>know your fucking place
you should know yours... in the cotton field with the other niggers

Let it be known to anyone who unironically sympathizes with centrism or anti-Whites or hyper-individualism. It will never be good enough. They will never accept you. You will always be a second class citizen in their society. You will be a resented minority, and they will not treat us as well as we have treated them.

Fuck you faggot. Thats why youre fucking LONELY son, you have no women who love you. Nobody loves you. Not even your own mother. That why she filed for divorce you little brat. She was a whore who didnt loved you less than cock in her vag. Thats why your miserably white boy, Thats why youre broken inside. Go fuck yourself you traumatized little shitstain.

These albino indians would still have similar traits of intelligence and other things as other indians. This is not the case when you compare an indian to a white european, they are drastically different. An albino is like at a factory where a brown car accidentally gets painted white by accident. But everything under the hood is of the brown/black car, not compared to what is under the hood of the white car. Skin color shows geolocations because it's almost directly correlated to UVA//UVB distribution (migration and interbreding taken into account) but many people of white skin color have very different things under the hood.
Not at any point have i not been proud of being of scandinavian lineage. We're a very nice people who have done well for ourselves. Now regards to nationalism, those people of whoever european or european based nation like the US canada, australia etc. or european nations themselves. Want to remain majority there and have their people stay the way they are, since they have a good thing going. And that is perfectly right and as it should be. Now what do you intellectual zeroes have? Some kind of slander about europeans being albinos. What do europeans have? millennia of accomplishment in every aspect of human development. And currently rank 1 in global hdi is norway, rank 5 is my country denmark. So suck it asshole. What do you have? a bunch of failed nation and miserable jealous people. Whatever we have under the hood is better than you, we work together very well, you fail at even putting in the work in your nations. Your failure to understand basic genetics and biology is not really my problem either it's yours. You could have an african albino but he'd still have subsahara intelligence and live in a mudhut. Because it's not the same thing that an african accidentally turns white by accident, that he then turns into a northern european with everything that is under the hood.

>Fucking pussy little bitch. FUCK your thread. This is my board you lonely sad sack of shit. Know your fucking place you depressed fucking loser.
Thanks for bumping my thread schizo.

You should be fucking scared faggot. You know what karma has in store for someone like you, and youre fucking afraid. Take a good fucking gander. Shes gonna make you her BITCH. You should NOT have been such little shithead.

u wannabe aally kno yo place huehuehue

You're disgusting for even being attracted to such an ugly creature. Fucked in the head you are.

Blah blahhh blahhh,. stfu youre ASHAMED OF YOURSELF. Ya fucking LONELY FAGGOT. you get NO women you loser piece of shit. You depressed little beta shitstain. NOBODY LOVES YOU LMAO. You spent valentines day alone you fucking Nerd.

"W-were better than you" - some diseased larping deficient simian creature thats DEEPLY ashamed of itself.

Nobody fucking loves you, you beta fucking retard loser. You failed as a man you pathetic son of a bitch.


>nigger intellectuals

This is pretty much why I stopped being a leftist. I realized that no matter how much I defend and clean up after these people they’ll always have nothing but contempt for me.

>decent thread topic about uppity niggers continuously degrading whites
>everyone gets trolled by a LARPing American
>thread is derailed for good
Fucking retards

Its my thread now BITCH. These are my yous motherfucker. Know youre fucking place cunt. You work for my now peasant. What are you gonna pussy? You gonna tell on my faggot. Go fucking you sad little bitch. You cant do shit. My thread now motherfucker.


only *dreamers now


sounds like uppity Negroes need to learn their place again

>know your place
Try not to regret that order

ah the same faggot from the other thread that got archived! nice to see you again, nigger-kike hybrid

>replying to a chimp

The Butterscotch Menace is at it again.
Trapped in dead end black identity politics. usecure, confused, flip flloppin and tap dancing for jewish massa. always ready to expose raysis huite folks - even if they are own family members.

Oh its the same loser whos mommy filed for divorce and ruined his sad lilttle young virgin life

Youre so fierce for a virgin, lmao. Extra mad. Like you really got something to prove.

>Being a socially ostracized nobody, being rejecting by your own females.


Why dont you come try it little bitch. As I recall we burned the south. Schools and all.


hence why no other race likes to live near you niggers. you're more dangerous to the environment than a forest fire


You have no pussy kid, nobody loves you faggot. You spent valentines day ALONE you fucking lonely NOBODY. You fuckng sexless beta LOOSER. LOOOOSER. You get no pussy kid.

I think that black supremacist had a 'worst wypipo' awards last year and chose 'white allies.'

Youre as harmless as a fly on the otherhand you weak little beta bitch. Cant even live out your birthright you pathetic mutant monkey.


>i'm a nigger who recently learned how to type
>only words i know are ALONE and NOBODY and LOSER
>where's my bucket of fried chicken?