italy btfo by based john oliver
Italy btfo by based john oliver
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>a jew hating on romans
wow imagine my shock
I'd pay an internet for a webm of the stupido segment from the game show bit.
is this what passes for humor in muttland?
who is this fucking kike?
This idiot get's shilled in my countries youtube all the time, makes me blackpilled as fuck to the retards occupying these major cities.
so where was this originally posted Sup Forums?
This man has a neat accent so I believe everything he says
el atrocidad...
>the eternal anglo
Hey Shitaly don´t say I didn´t warn you when you accepted südtirol from them.
Why do amer*Cans think they can insult another country without any repercussions in the future?
I thought it was la atrocidad.
>insulting Italy with spaghetti, vespas and wife beaters
it gets pretty fucking stale as a humor
la creatura
they learned from watching berlusconi do exactly that for over a decade
i think the worst thing about shit like these is the fact that 80% of the things he says are pure ignorance, or simply not true.
this and mistranslation from italian to english.
The whole "cleaning part" was pretty fucking cringy.
Is he popular in Italy?
We only insult cuck countries.
fuck no
I'd vote Berlusconi just for the sheer pleasure of seeing all these libshit squirm
welcome to Sup Forums faggot
Really? What did he say that’s false?
I'd love to see this retard dropped off in Zimbabwe
Dude probably not even relevant in Italy, why is he trying to spread his propaganda to them?
>i'm 100% british fellow goys
>please believe me fellow goys
(((They))) are terrified.
Why should italians give a fuck?
He's British though.
is there an actually anti-immigrant party in Italy, or are they just all going to keep crying about other countries "not taking their fair share" for the next 4 years?
is there a party that wants to ship the niggers back, or does all of em want to spread the cancer deeper in-land?
Y u stupid
We have Alex Jones, they have John Oliver. Not fucking fair.
Does no one else find the consecutive posts with no flag or ID weird, or uhh... are you all bots?
Red Ice
I've never noticed it not having an id when it's the unknown flag until now. I'm sure it's the same user over and over, like how the Italian sperg in this thread keeps changing devices or getting a new IP so he can switch id's as he replies to OP over and over
the thread was moved here from Sup Forums retards
The lack of ID is real unsettling
thanks user that clarifies it
as far as I know right now
The people are sick of the mudslimes and niggers, so the new right party is focusing on this because of the murder, rape, and drug selling the new subhumans coming in are doing.
The current government wants to bring in even more. When the people and immigration officials wanted to shut down the forced immigration boat routes. People in the government intentionally ignored them because they're making money from the EU to take these subhumans in.
Expect a very right government in the future for them.
>leftists are causing fucking riots
What the hell are wrong with these people?
This leftist bullshit was cringy as fuck, nobody even knows who the fuck john oliver is
Things are looking bright for Italy.
He talks about the guy who shot niggers without explaining what pushed him to do that. And also
It really is. Especially how these left comedians are supposed to be funny but keep saying, "And that should scare you" with a smile. They are actually fear mongering and pretending it's comedy?
I vote that Oliver hangs from this on the DOTR.
>Italians try to protect free speech of fascist groups against communist groups
Faggot cant handle an alpha Italy
this limey fuck can go kill himself. fuck him, seriously. has the balls to talk about foreign meddling in the US election, he's a fucking brit, so is peter steele, so there's more foreign meddling. keep your fucking euro trash opinions to yourself or gtfo of our country. no one asked for your opinion or any other opinion of conquered people.
check this oc
Breddy gud Ivan