hate on this shithole here
Daily poland hate thread
>hating on the most based, catholic, homogenous nation
Don't waste your time, just Sage it
Who could be behind this?
>tfw no polish gf
pooland lol
jebac polske i polakow
>poles are different from u-
D&C thread. Sage.
Ignore it.
I love poles and I love 1683 and 1921
Poland: Prefers niggers, faggots and liberate White women than to let go of the "National Identity Creating Fictional Russian Threat" (tm)
Polish girls are very, very easy as long as you have money or status.
Why would anybody hate our apes?
goes for most girl
Of course the German chimes in.
How many times have you subhuman destroyed Europe?
ukrain hohol, send more your girls
> aleksandra szwed
> "szwed" - swedish
> is brown
Half german, half ukrainian (ukrainian jewish mother). Few months ago he was posting using EU flag, now he learned to use a proxy.
i don't hate poland.
Polish are German wannabees
and you, poo, against me?
i like poles, they are nice to toilets
Never forget that Poland is responsible for the holocaust and WW2.
All of the camps were in Poland. They were all Polish death camps.
Hitler invaded Poland to try to stop them from massacring the Jews. The Poles were acting like savages, pillaging, murdering and looting. Many Poles saw this as a now or never moment, and they thanked the high heavens for this opportunity. They could finally kill the Jews without facing consequences, after all, they were now a occupied country, meaning the Germans would be blamed. The Germans managed to put a stop to the madness, but not before Poland had already managed to kill over 6 million Jews.
The Germans were completely innocent.
lemme guess you are from south
"Polish holocaust"
Btw could we start banning Hate/Love (country/ethnic/56%/kike) Thread?
They bring nothing but hide actually important information in the sea of shit
I want to mate with (more) Polish women. In Chicago, there are lots of poles, some fresh off the boat. What are the best polish pick-up lines?
fuck off, we need more merchant/mutt memes. speak for yourself.
as long as you have some money
"Jestem zjebem" is my favorite
followed by "Spieprzaj dziadu"
b-b-but i love you poo. why do you hate me? because i don't have a bobs or vagene?
because most of the poles here are arrogant cunts who act like they are living in greatest country in history of civilization
I like you guys are red pilled but you migrate fucking everywhere. The amount if you here are ridiculous. You guys are really arrogant over here as well. But your hate for niggers and gays is aokay
good pick-up lines, they always work for me.
Go back to cleaning toilet goddamn hohol
(((polak))) fuck off, we are full!
>and sick tired of your pissy whiny brailnlets.
I, personally prefer you not see your explanations or excuses why you are still here.
Just fuck off back to the shithole and be based there
Used this line, I now have 3 kids and a 10/10 wife.
> most of the poles act like they are living in greatest country in history of civilization
Aren't we?
Also, I very rarely see arrogant people around.
she is not attractive
"chodź tu kocmołuchu, wleje w ciebie trochę pięćdziesiątkiszóstki"
it always works for me
How about Marta then?
It's all so tiresome
fair enough. i hate a lot of poles myself. peace poo.
>because most of the poles here are arrogant cunts
>most of the poles here are arrogant
jokes on you
we are the living embodiment of arrogance
>today is the day of blood and glory
>let it be a day of resurrection
>the proud tsar must lose
>whoever is a pole, to your bayonettes
It makes sense actually. He's poo, you're poo remover, that makes you natural enemies
all love is subjective
why this triggers you so muh?
> pic
thought her ass was that flat for a sec
Poo is right,
>ungreatful (((polaks)))
No, no, no, no!!!
You need to go back to ukraine Siergiej, you can hate poland from there while working for 50 zloty a week and then giving it to the mafia
>Polish girl at work always looks at me
>decide to talk to her and get her number, she spills spaghetti
>pretty much unresponsive through text
The times i have messaged her she responded back almost immediately but the conversations ends up going dead. Where am i fucking up?
>It makes sense actually. He's poo, you're poo remover, that makes you natural enemies
Shame you are meme flag faggot, but do make sense on a plunger and poo relationship.
quintesentialy polish
You voted 'Leave' during Brexit
Here's your problem, scum.
Anyone know any good bars/clubs in krakow?
going there in april
stay clear of nowa huta
rest is reasonably safe
Ukrainian or German?
just as this user said: steer clear of nowa huta
That doesn't hurt.
Thanks, anons. I'll come back to your country soon and spread some US dollars around.
You're right. It's almost like she can sense it.
what is so bad in nowa huta i got this anwser in 2 threads already, is it like the shitty ghetto part of town or?
Jebac your life hohol
It used to be a rough area, but not anymore. Only idiots who hasn't visited this place would be scared to go there.
pedał, zdrajca
it is ghetto thats right
Kraków was an intellectual hotspot during soviet ocupation, so some uncle stalin fanboy faggot decided that it need to ebrace diversity of the working masses
they created poor, ugly, depresive environment and filled it with the stupidest most brutal people they could find
and then told those people, that people from actual Kraków hate them because they are dirty iqniggers
class war now
not as bad as you may think, but still somewhat a shithole
Nowa Huta is a meme, it's bad reputation is exaggerated, same as Praga in Warsaw.
>t. used to date a girl from Nowa Huta
this, also "Lubię w dupe" is also good one
Don't listen to they. They are giving you offensive stuff
>t. volksdeutsch
wypierdalaj do niemiec szwabie zdrajco złoczyńco zawistny won kurwa do swojego gniazda zła
podalismy mu prawdziwe POLSKIE pik ap lajny