This startles the christcuck.
This startles the christcuck
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Wow what an intellectual
Is he ever going to say anything that's actually offensive and not just tiresome?
he looks like a greasy aids infested faggot.
Ah yes a good counter-argument my good man.
This is like a 13 year old's argument.
What is perennialism?
Since the dawn of man, people across the entire planet that have had little to no contact with each other have a concept of God and the afterlife. But they're all wrong and a cross dressing faggot is right.
>millions of people have sucked cocks so far
>how does OP know if not sucking them is ideal?
Why the fuck all these "intellectuals" conveniently ignore how Christianity came to be?
It's the philosophical and theological culmination of western religion. It's not like out of nowhere they realized that an absolute God had to be omnipotent, omnipresent or omniscient, or how a true God shouldn't have human imperfections or characteristics.
I mean, do they never ask themselves "why is the old testament so different from the new one?" "why christ prevailed?" "how did christianity affect western civilization from being a cult of hippies to the absolute power until the 20th century?
I'm not even religious in the traditional sense. I don't know the scriptures, I don't go to mass, I've sinned and still, I don't see myself as having enough ego to deny God. To me, atheists seem childish.
>Why the fuck all these "intellectuals" conveniently ignore how Islam came to be?
>Why the fuck all these "intellectuals" conveniently ignore how Odinism came to be?
>Why the fuck all these "intellectuals" conveniently ignore how Hinduism came to be?
>Why the fuck all these "intellectuals" conveniently ignore how Mormonism came to be?
>Why the fuck all these "intellectuals" conveniently ignore how Scientology came to be?
Yes, that's right. Those "3000 gods" are all weird pagan animal deities and stuff. Our God is the one who created the animals, the skies, the very air we breathe, the entire universe.
Also, that faggot probably refers to God as a bearded man in the sky and not a manifestation of metaphysical currents that shape the World as we know it.
This is perfectly valid for polytheism aswell. Make it plurar and it fits.
>for there are many lords and gods but we serve the creator of all
So why did God hardens pharaohs heart then punish him for it?
He is criticizing people who think ''the Christian god is the one true and only god'' not people who think there's a god and aren't religious
You don't sound very christian so he's not talking about you
Enjoy having Islam fill the void then.
I first had this thought before I was ten years old and this silly Brit thinks he a genius showing people the light. You just know he cries in the mirror.
At least it's better than christianity
You're thinking of Eddie Izzard
You can’t counter-argue a non-argument
But why use such a loaded statement? Maybe the "Christian god" isn't the true God in that sense but the entire concept of Christianity is so well thought and thoroughly investigated through millenia that it might as well be the closest representation of what a "true God" is.
I mean the concepts of Jesus. Don't get confused with the abrahamic demiurge.
You claim this while sucking the goat shit covered cocks of Islam.
And those conceptions vary wildly, interesting very few religions believe there is one god with a carpenter son that he sent in a suicide mission
>3000 civilzations throughout known history have expressed similar ideations on the nature of creation and life and death, as a system of moral and social guidance.
>they were all wrong and I'm right.
This fat fuck is everything I hate about the smug modern atheist in one gelatinous tub.
>get my rake
You claim this while sucking the goat shit covered cocks of Islam.
Muzzies kill people who don’t believe their Alan Snackbar is the one true god. But Muh Christfags are the “problem”.
Gotcha Ackmed.
Agreed, his standup on the topic is some baby-tier shit. Too bad because if you knew the Bible you could have a killer standup act.
Yes yes. Let's all agree that there is no God and religion is stupid.
Now carry on with your meaningless hedonistic life
>Muslims existing makes Christians less retarded
Why not exterminate both?
>There have been nearly 3000 Gods so far in history
>countless races, cultures, civilizations
>I'm an atheist, I'm smarter than everyone ever
Sure is liberal in here
But they both follow the same God, and the desert group is right on schedule for their founding time
Shut up faggot and just do the stupid dance that made you famous.
>Homosexual comedian lets an erect penis fuck his ass hole full of shit
>Expert on logic and common sense
He's right though. It just depends on if you read it ironically or unironically.
I’m actually arguing against this faggot, but I have to argue your logic now as well:
>Slavery existed for almost all of human history up until now (and still does)
>Slavery is wrong
Just because something existed for 3000 years doesn’t make it right.
But I get what you’re saying; thousands of years of philosophy and ideology versus one modern faggot’s opinion.
>logic and common sense
>this is my body, beware talking snek, here are some magic tricks, brb
Here ya go shit-for-brains. Pic related is the only answer that matters. Whether you or I believe or not is inconsequential to the over all picture.
>needing god to believe in something more important than yourself
This startles pseudocanadians:
Christians don't believe other gods are silly made up nonsense.
We just don't name them gods.
im lutheran protestant and i dont care if you believe in another god or whatever but why do atheists always feel the need to go so hostile about it
i used to be an agnostic because even when i was younger and i didnt believe in god personally i never presumed to know that there is none
when i was 22 finally i found to god after all
i dont deny science and i realize god may be nothing like any religion imagines it but that doesnt mean that there is nothing out there
christianity offers some valuable lessons and guidance in life and its my heritage and history
desu the agressive atheists are the same brainlets that would be jihadists in islam, orthodox jews or fundementalist christians
>2950 are hindu
>45 are the same ones mentioned in ancient egyptian, roman, greek, druid, norse and central/south america
>remaining 5 gods are monothiests religions which the largest by far being the abrahamic religions.
what a smug retard
Wow most atheists tend to grow up but this sack of shit never did. Also you are aware that a belief in god/s or something greater than yourself is a sign of intelligence and consciousness?
Would you rather fight endless hordes of Jamals,Cletuses and Jauns?
That's the problem with these people, they don't need to know anything because they already know everything. His stance on religion is the way I thought when I was an edgy, cool twelve year old. It's gay. And people look to faggots like this for guidance on how to live. Sad!
also, we KNOW Christianity is around 2000 years old. That's a fact.
So what about all the religions that came BEFORE that? Were they all wrong? Are they all in hell?
It doesn't make any sense.
Us Christcucks have the only god who says He is the only god. He is God of all gods. God is a jealous god.
All in scripture.
Even God aknowledges other gods yet refers to them all as false gods. They are of Satan and not of God. Simple as that really.
it all originates with a fear of death, even if some religions claim to be otherwise. fear of death is something all humans feel at some point in their life.
not arguing for or against, just saying that could be easily explained with human emotion.
you realize pretty much ALL religions share mindblowing similarities?
i see religion as different brands of stories about existence
Christianity is 2000 or so years.
God in Abrahamic faith is 6,000-10,000 years old.
Cool now go to a mosque and say it, Ricky
There are similarities, but nothing mind blowing. They were all invented by humans, and humans have similar experiences and ways to interpret the world.
Also, religions borrow heavily from one another. Everything originated with the first civilizations, and then elements of those religions just continued to this day, and were integrated into the next new thing.
There is also a guy who died and then came back. Doesn't mean it's true.
>the others are silly made up nonsense
Wrong, they're demons, and very real.
>what is the Harrowing of Hell
No, it doesn't. That's where faith comes.
Those who have not allowed the Holy Spirit into their soul will never know.
It is a near impossibility to explain to one who is blind to faith but the feeling is one of awe that nothing else can compare.
Hey, whatever makes you happy is fine with me. Just as long as you don't try and make everyone else believe the same stuff as you and leave religion out of schools.
I have no idea what that is but it sounds like an awesome name for a metal album
no it does not
it saddens
imagine the sadness of every soul, ,like his possibly, lost for all eternity
Except if you read a history book and know anything about the evolution of religions will note that those 3000 gods are actually renamed and sometimes rebranded personas of Lucifer.
Christfags in this thread BTFO. So much butthurt.
Thanks Ricky.
Christ went down into Hades to save the righteous dead.
They actually don't vary wildly. They are all a continuous refinement; but you can spot the manipulations (like Islam) because they concern themselves with very specific Earthly dictates.
Some of those Gods existed because people don't know how lightning happened.
No, every other god has been slaughtered.
I really doubt that. Ancients wrote that lightning is the result of the exchange of hot and cold air. There's no rational reason to assume that they made up gods for whatever made them wonder "how does that happen?"
so for 2 million years before Jesus showed up everybody went straight to hell?
Except, you know, ghosts and spirits exist and people who are spiritually attuned understands this. Easy to believe in the afterlife when the dead still walk this plane.
Christians should never force their religion on others.
Those that do are being misled by Satan.
Conversion should be do to seeing the positive change in our lives making non-believers wish to do the same.
Religions, ALL of them, should NEVER be in schools. As a Christian and an American I completely support what you said there.
I personally apologize if Christianity was shoved down your throat unwillingly. I hope maybe you meet someone who inspires you to go down the good path.
For the wages of sin are death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23
Ok small man believe what you want. You'll die empty and alone one day. I don't really care.
Is that fat idiot ever going to say anything smart ?
Christianity tells you that
>your ancestors were hated by god,
>they are in hell
>the Jews, who hate you, are his chosen people
>Jamal is equal (if not better) than you, because he is “poor”
>you should abandon your family and follow (((Christ)))
What’s not to like???
Finland. WHYY ?
(((Jehova))) exists because people didn’t know how rainbows (and lightning by the way) happened.
The Christian God is properly explained by Aquinas as a being of pure actuality. This means our God is the one true God. It doesnt mean that the religion of the Christian God as exercised by fallable men on this plane is always correct and true.
Sheol/Hades/Abode of the dead is where they went and where they still go. But the righteous now reside within Abraham's Bosom and receive a foretaste of heaven while others receive a foretaste of hell. The hell, as in the final place of the damned, the lake of fire, etc. is not yet established, but will come to be after the final judgement. That is official Christian theology, though most people now have mistaken ideas about the Chistian afterlife.
But yes, in a way, the dead before Christ probably had a bad time.
That's super insecure and edgy, man.
Yahweh is a Jew cunt.
So is Jesus.
And so is Mohammed.
All of it needs to be gassed.
Yeah, religion gets perverted a lot. In my country if you're not religious (or at least tell people you are) it means that you're a communist and not a real Croat. It's been that way for 25 years. The church is very corrupt and involved in politics and it's all very nasty.
I just wish more people had your attitude. I'm sure it would be better for everyone.
No. Aristotle posited that a supreme being would be pure actuality. Thomas Akikenas merely parroted him because the Jewish god was an anthropomorphic middle eastern demon and rabbi Jesus was a bum.
Christianity is the religion that has brought up the entirety of modern civilization. You have paganism and Christianity being the main religions of regions that have led to mass advancements. Obviously despite all the religious censorship.
My god is luck. My god is real. Get fucked.
>you have Christianity and paganism
Aka you have white people, despite whatever religion they had at a particular time.
A lot actually do here in the US. Just not the very vocal southern Baptists or superchurch Evangelicals.
This is a fact. I do not disagree whatsoever. There seems to be a pattern.
>ghosts and spirits exist
And yet, 2 thirds of the world now recognizes my God, the God of Abraham and Isaac, and those 3000 pseudo gods are forgotten entirely to all but the most scholarly of men.
Does Ricky Gervais get a shekel every time you shills post this?
I never see him in Londonistan pulling this shit. Would be interesting to see how many smug titters of approval surrounded by thirty juvenile delinquents all named Mohammed.
"you will have no other Gods before me"
aka, there ARE other Gods, they are however inferior to the Christian God.
False. Read Aquinas first. You do not understand his arguments.
Read How the Catholic Church built western civilization by Thomas Woods. U sound hateful fellow ancap memer. I am ancap and a devout Catholic. I bet that really pisses you off. Lol.
>mfw it's this fucking thread again
kys leaf
And the muslimin.
Prepare to die.
why tho
Communism has the explicitly stated goal of destroying Christianity.
(Real traditional, not subverted modern churchianity) Christian communities = strong families and restraint of degeneracy, including feminism, homosexuality, and sexual promiscuity.
Destruction of Christian values in our nations has been done with the explicit goal of implementing cultural Marxism, which has the explicit goal of pushing homosexuality, feminism, and turning our young women into degenerate whores.
It has resulted in the destruction of the family as the base unit of society.
It has resulted in us losing all sense of group cohesion and not seeing other religions such as Islam as a threat to our existence, because cultural Marxism includes something called "moral relativism", where all religions and cultures are "all equal" and analysis of objective differences between them is "hate speech".
Rick Gervais is pushing cultural Marxism and moral relativism with statements such as the one in OP.
Who is this guy? The replacement for "TAA"?
Anyway, the fact that he doesn't have a "god" shows that he's clueless about ontological hierarchies of knowledge, etc.
There reason there's always a place for god is simply because at some point, there are things that don't fit into a well defined framework of knowledge, and restricting ones behavior or committing oneself to a set of rules based on faith of the unknown results in superior outcomes than childish denialism.
TL:DR atheocucks always get chadded out and displaced by theistic zealots. See: the mohammidification of Europe