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Plan for Gun Control
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it's a step in the right direction
The person who thinks that plan is even a little enforceable should come to London so I can sell them this bridge I have.
If by
>step in the right direction
you mean
>everyone step towards the direction of the FEMA camp please
than yes, it is.
>revolvers and shotguns only
>Ecstasy of Gold plays during every gunfight
No. Obviously written by someone who doesn't know how guns work.
>the only guns allowed are revolvers and shotguns
What are they imagining is special about these guns that they wouldn't be just as, but really more, affective than an ar15 for a mass shooting?
>alright gun nuts, a compromise
>first, one bullet per gun
Can't wait for this little zog faggot's public execution when Civil War II begins.
Don't listen to this con man! This charlatan! I've got a perfectly good bridge in Brooklyn for you! Great location, only one previous owner - a little old lady who used it to drive to church on Sundays. Whaddya say?
Stupid people have this idea that they'll wait for the shooter to reload than use that time to rush him or escape. When it actually comes to it they're all too busy trying not to void their bowels behind a desk.
chuckled heartily
And the shooter will just bring more guns..
Its also a step in the direction of the general public accepting open carry so thats good
It's like nobody looked at a fucking painting of a pirate from the 17th century or a cowboy from the 19th.
They carried multiple pistols for several shots, as well as YUGE fucking machetes/swords
this, its a shame he didnt die in the shooting
Don't tell the guy the AA12 is a shotgun. Silence, don't let him know. Shhhh.
>Allowed to own a gun
>Not allowed to own bullets
>open carry only
LOL saddle up partner, the apocalypse is set in New Vegas
That and they can't tell when the shooter is reloading. Can't tell from just a pause, unless you see the slide lock back, but if you're that close, you probably already got shot.
a lot of infringement in that document
Was incredulous throughout the whole thing but really burst my sides when I got to
>Only weapon that can be carried is a pistol with no more than a 4" barrel
The person who wrote this seems to think that smaller guns are safer than bigger guns, which is actually legitimately the opposite of reality. These fucking idiots get a vote that is worth just as much as yours, it is terrifying.
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this recent push.
>automatic shotguns are legal
are all italians fucking retarded like this
i keep seeing retarded posts from italians lately
that whole 'end private manufacture of bullets' is supremely retarded
where will our army get materials to defend america with?
does this kid want our troops subservient to chinese and russian manufacturers?
If you keep shotguns, you keep all shotguns.
Come get them
No second amendment, tell you why I'll give up my AR-15 if the left gives up all their spics
you may want to read this before calling other people retarded meme-flager
>mfw home defense is .454 Casull and .450 alaskan snubnose
jesus christ what a bloodbath
Or we can:
>We keep our guns we have the right to own under current statutes
>We fire incompetent bureaucrats and LEOs
>We indict bureaucrats and LEOs for dereliction of duty where appropriate
>We pass anti-discrimination laws to prevent liberal-oriented corporations from cutting conservatives off from the infrastructure of society
Following these rules makes owning a gun fucking pointless why would any gun owner agree to this.
No, faggot
You guys realize that OP pic related is Hogg's plan, right? That guy who's on TV with El Goblino for the school shooter anti-gun thing wrote that.
Which is exactly the point. They're going to make it as difficult as possible to own a gun for the law-abiding citizen and make it easy as fuck for criminals to rob, rape, murder with total ease as the good guys have nothing to defend themselves with.
I'm getting fucking fed up of this YANKS START RIOTING FFS
but you dumbfucking retard
Its a fucking automatic firearm.
That isnt available in any gun stores.
only from private sellers and auction houses.
that requires shittons of papers, write ups, months of background checks and a 2 page essay that specifies the reason why you would want to own one to the ATF.
try owning a gun for once before you spout shit out of your mouth.
you guys may rag on the boomers but they're the last generation keeping this millennial bullshit at bay. when they die, america dies with them.
The second adamenment ensures that the mutts can fight their government if they want to, can do that with shotguns or pistols really
That's some Orwellian shit right there.
why was he so right user its scary
Oh yes, like there hasn't been any boomers in the government who have been pushing for rules on gun owners.
boomers started the civil rights movement you dumbfucking nigger. that lead to the womens rights movement that eventually put women in the congress, causing the feminization of the gov hence why all the cool manly shit are getting banned starting in the 80's.
The boomers were the ones that passed the Federal Assault Weapons ban.
dems are playing with their supporters like a fiddle . their goal is a total gun ban , but they are going to this slowly , first , after florida shit show , they are going to say that they are just planning for stricter gun control . But what is this !!?? another shooting !!? and there goes your beloved assault rifles ,then burgers will say good bey to smgs ,then shotguns , pistols and then all guns .
with prohibition like gun ban USA will turn into another mexico with niggers . they failed to control alcohol black market in 20s . back then police were hopeless against mafia ( who wasnt as big as it was before alcohol ban ) , illegal markets and other shite .
and now left thinks that police has a chance to fight a drug war ( which they are still losing ) , defend US-Mexico border against illegals and take care of illegal gun market
total , brainwashed tier retardation
Lemme infringe this dick about your anus, fuckboy.
Looks like it was written/proofread by a fifth-grader. Regarding the substance:
>only single fire
what does this retard think revolves?
Please let the Dems run on this
>the only guns that should be allowed for home ownership
stopped reading right there
Boomers are the ones that went to polls in 94 after it was passed
I vote for big iron
>muh open carry
Only fucktards open carry outside of their property.
>reloading a revolver takes time
There have been plenty of shootings where the shooter stopped to reload - from a box of individual bullets. Victims sit there, frozen, waiting to be shot. Happened in the Long Island Railroad shooting as well as a McDonald's shooting in California.
I think he means handloading, to cut it out as a means of circumventing his ideas of ammunition limiting. Or he really thinks school shooters handload their own ammunition. Come to think of it, you could make awesome FMJ ammunition with an undercharged powder load so you can shoot subsonically (and thus fully silent icw a suppressor) whilst still maintaining the ability to penetrate class walls.
I'd call it the 'school shooter load' or the 'Columbine cartridge'.
Alright thats it, if all the fucking kids in that school are as fucking gay as this scooby doo bunch I support the school shooter.
Fuck off, Chuck. Shall not be infringed.
not exactly, when the boomers die, the millennial a will die too when they try to come take my guns
allow any firearm to be owned by anyone
make open/concealed carry of any firearm mandatory. i should be allowed to concealed carry a cannon
We should just make criminals illegal. Problem solved.
So those people don't want to give up guns cause government might go crazy so I propose those people should tell the government who has which guns and where so when the government goes crazy they can easily target the people who could defend the free people from the crazy government?
Their plan for gun control looks like they think people only have guns as a hobby.