Is she the one holding the harem together?
Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni
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The face of someone with 1st wife status
Haven't seen the recent episodes, what is pic related like?
Bisexual pervert
As fuck
My wife Yumina is so cute
yes, she's top bitch
Someone have that impossible-optical ilusion pic?
She's the best girl, hands down.
I think you mean MY waifu
Are they okay?
You are both mistaken
Loves old dicks.
yes, not real bullets
Yumina > Yae > Linze > Elze > Fairy bitch
fairy is pure, her reaction when the others thought she made something with jesus was kinda cute
They live but did not escape unmolested
>uses slip against a whole army
>summons green slimes modified to also melt hair
>casually waits
"you have to make sure to break their hearts, so they never will want to fight you again"
Fairy is a best.
-Best bants
-Cutest outfit
-Isn't a tsundere
-Doesn't have cowtits
-Doesn't say degozaru
-Has both eyes of the same color, none of this recessive degenerate Heterochromia
and rinze is the worst
>Doesn't say degozaru
She's shit then
Thanks Escher.
>that coat
Don't make watch this shit for one girl, anons. Please.
Pretty much
she is at least the one responsible for it's existence
Her outfit is fucking weird though
Every action and decision must have her approval.
Then watch it for all the girls. They all somehow good. Degozaru and Princess still superior.
But fairy is the best.
lewd shinobi is best shinobi
She's really enjoying this.
>-Doesn't say degozaru
To what end
Who wouldn't. She looks so soft, and warm
I want to fuck her so bad
>Shy, busty, yandere magician
A poor man's Sakura
Linze is best sister
Sushie is more valuable human being
She's mine.
Too bad she'd rather watch as you fuck another man.
why all that hate for fairy, satan? She's great, they all are
Yumina > Sushie > Fairy > Yae = Linze = Elze
They're all great though and its hard to hate anyone when they're all so cute
I want Yae's de gozarus.
the only thing she's poor of is vaginal worms
>Meet guy with godlike powers
>Can use any magic, can do anything he wants
>Easily wrap him around your finger and then give him a harem of girls to keep him happy
So if Touya is an almost demigod in this universe then does that mean Yumina is the strongest demigod for being able to control Touya?
>Best bants
Best girl already
She's in love user and that's beautiful
To think I reached a point where I can unironically enjoy this.
Yumina is the most stable one of them, literal perfection
i want to lick her eyeballs
Yumina is the kind who would put holes in the condom though, or leg-lock you at the last second. She'd do anything to have his kids.
At least she wouldn't turn into a psychopathic serial killer to protect her darling.
Are you trying to make that sounds like a bad thing?
Yumina is the kind of girls that prioritize her husband happiness than her own.
But also the kind of girls that will do anything to make her wish happen
i want to remodel yuminas wastehole if you know what i mean
I mean she's the kind of girl who wants a load of kids so unless you've got a pregnancy fetish she's better as she currently is.
>there are people out there without a pregnancy fetish
Fucking degenerates.
Impregnation I can understand but wanting someone who's round, can't move like she used to and has swapped all sexy clothing for elastic pregnancy pants?
I'm sorry, but we will not see eye to eye on this.
MC can just apports the baby out
Jesus christ user and I thought I was the sick one.
Fuck man, they're so fucking sexy in this picture, the glimpse on Elze's navel and the legs half covered have me rock hard
The cutest!
A man can only get so erect
thank you though
my wife
I'm pretty sure it's illegal to fuck a tiger
I bet she fucks like a tiger
Best girl.
How much lower do you think you have to go to see Elze's lady parts?
A cat is fine too.
The more i keep reading these threads the more i want to read the LNs
Anons, after watching this anime do you go to sleep and imagine yourself in Jesus' shoes, doing Jesus' things, like fucking the girls in your harem and travelling and shit?
I lost my imagination when I was 24.
Yes, every night when I cry myself to sleep
I've been doing that my whole life without this anime, it's really a relaxing way to go to sleep. No wonder I like this anime.
Those sick quads though, you'll have one reason not to cry tonight lad
That's actually sad
Real talk why are you still watching this trash?
whats that
I'm going to read it after it stops airing
But until then I'll be enjoying it as the comfiest time of the week
I think this character is somehow worse than Kirito, I mean, yea, Kirito is bad, but at least he had some form of emotion, this MC here is basically super nice jesus
White Tiger Best Waifus makes me furry fag 100%
>Royal Bloodline
>Parents and uncle are based as fuck
>Her mom is an oppai milf HNNNNNNG
>Skilled with archery and magic
>Rich as fuck
>Based dad gave them a mega mansion complete with staff and secret service bodyguards
>Convinces other female party members that she will allow them to also marry her man as long as she has 1st wife status and has everyone getting along well
>Other women agree and confess they want to be one big happy family
>Her and the other harem girls regularly bathe together to solidify their bond, trust and friendship with one another
Yes OP I would agree she's the one holding the harem together. Without her they would end up as homeless hobos or something.
Oh btw, can we talk about that opening if we haven't, because by god there is a lot of shit, my fave pictures being this right here when I paused
HEIL ANIME! -Loli character I don't remember with the dumbass hat
Is this based off of a manga or LN? Because considering the setup I bet there will come a time when his smartphone gets stolen. Also, does he eventually "program" his gun and smartphone so no one can use it but him? He made guns for two others and didn't give them any training. I hope he added a safety to them and eventually programs them so no one but the owners can use it. Imagine if some bandit steals a gun from one of them in that world.
She's 1st wife's cousin. MC saved her from being gangraped by bandits. Also saved her butler by doing surgery.
And who wants to bet there's gonna be a hot springs episode and MC gets his ass handed to him by girls who don't do anything at all
Well they did arrive at a beach so chances are they'll find an inn nearby and get into some mischief.
MC builds a hot spring for the inn he lived at in the beginning, but I can't remember MC and the girls going to it. It's mentioned they go often, but not really shown. I can't remember if that was in volume 3 or 4 though.