How the fuck could these subhumans defeat the mighty Wehrmacht?
How the fuck could these subhumans defeat the mighty Wehrmacht?
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There were A LOT OF THEM
Ironically because Hitler deemed them subhuman so when the Wehrmacht started killing them all, they had no choice but to fight to the death instead of overthrowing the communists
why is Hungarian such a horrible language?
zerg rush kekeke
thread over
Why is incest a national hobby in Austria?
Because they have the Goddess Of /pol, Evgenia Medvedeva.
Not even the Master Race can stand before her radiant beauty....
Patton in his letters wrote that the red army has decent infantry so zerg rush meme is non valid. Also soviets and nazis shared military experience back when hitler and stalin were friends.
Rude desu
This guy gets it. At the start of the war many red army soldiers would have flipped if given an alternative to the Soviets, especially in Ukraine, Belarus, etc., however the German goals of clearing out their clay for German resettlement left them with only the option to fight for their lives.
Also the Germans overextended in what ended up being a massive dick measuring contest between Stalin and Hitler
Because Hitler was retard.
Many russians could fight communism on the german side. But german idiots labelled us subhumans and got fucked as result.
The absolute state of kraut intelligence, kek.
Zerg rush meme is because brainlets can't comprehend what depth of defense means. Also, the Red Army didn't help their case with their penal battalions and purges of trained officers.
lol, figure it out genius
>inferior weapons
>inferior technology
>inferior tactics
>inferior genetics
>inferior strategy
>inferior intelligence
>inferior troop quality
>superior numbers
>all your supplies and tanks taken care of by the (((USA)))
Play Civ noob
>superior numbers
did not work with finland so your meme is non valid leaf.
except finland lost that war still
and the soviets did it without the jews in america carrying them to victory with lend lease
implying Finland won
mostly because Hitler was delusional retard
also Germany allies were actual useless subhumans such as Burglaria, Hungry, Fingolia, Estonia(idk how to make fun of their country name), list goes on...
They couldn't, WWII was won by the western allies, the Soviet Union was incredibly incompetent despite it's massive size.
Without the western allies fighting the Axis on multiple fronts, and without lend lease, the commies, lacking many of their vehicles, would've walked barefoot and starving towards their deaths at the hands of a superior military.
Being outnumbered 100 to 1, you can't win against the rest of the world alone.
The Roman Empire tried, the Spanish empire tried, the Third Reich tried, the Bong empire tried...and everyone failed.
those were NOT these subhumans. It were Jews- mostly of NY.
because of mutt amerikikes and their land lease
siberia would be 100% urbanized by german engineers by now if the good guys won
>these subhumans
>the mighty Wehrmacht
Biased much? Both were and still are to an extent subhuman.
Russian army is a permanently low on morale gay sex dungeon, while Germany has no army at all, they use painted black broomsticks instead of machineguns when on parades, and now are integrating units from foreign militaries to make up for the lack of their own. That is what the EU army actually is, a ulti-nation spanning army under German command.
>siberia would be 100% urbanized by german engineers
But without you, Ilnur, kek.
>the documented, ridiculously high Soviet death toll is a lie
kurva anyád te faszszopó geci kankó labanc
Implying it is bad.
they didn't. most of them died.
The eternal anglo even worse than krauts, btw.
finland was never part of the soviet union.
finland won and both your shitholes are being COMMIE'D right now lmao. Have fun with chinks destroying your leafhole and niggers taking land from white people in SA lmao.
Never underestimate the Gopniks, they are easily startled, but they will soon be back and in greater numbers.
these dudes are prolly only 22 years old
Also this, Hitler should've treated the local population better, most of them were sick of the commie regime ( especially Ukrainians) they would've changed sides easily.
>Implying they didnt
we were friends with hitla...russians really are subhumans tho
Shit up niggers itt
Quantity over quality.
Meanwhile, it was England that sent their troops in droves against the machine guns.
This is another blue pilled lie. You couldn't win the war with machine guns by throwing dead bodies against them. US is the worst liar than both nazis and commies combined. Literally everything we say is some sort of angle and propaganda. Even when our government states facts, there is a spin.
The truth is nobody knows what happened, because the Soviets lied, the Nazis lied and our "history" is a lie. There is no objective story anywhere. You can try to figure something out, but all I know is that in that war the numbers mattered, but they didn't matter like you think. The Soviets had some strategy that recked the Germans, and likely would have recked the US, otherwise we would have attacked. Sort of like now we would start a war instead of all this passive aggressive anti-Russian shilling. Something stops our dear leaders, though.
My great grandfather used say the same
Like always:
>enemy attacks scattered peasant towns
>peasants get weapons
>peasants revolt
>enemy can't hold huge land
>enemy defeated
Dude, i am going to march for 1000 miles in Russian mud and conquer 100000 villages.
>Be Soviet Union
>Want part of Finland because it'll help protect Leningrad from the Nazis
>Have twice as many soldiers as Finland, thirty times as many aircraft, and a hundred times as many tanks as Finland
>Invade and get fucking wrecked by the Finns
>Over 300,000 casualties, tanks defeated by Finns sticking logs in their tracks, some Finnish guy becomes the best sniper ever for how many Russians he killed
>Keep attacking and eventually get those 20 miles of land you wanted to protect Leningrad
>Germans just invade Leningrad anyways lol
>Glorious Soviet victory
And the other thing to consider, is the Soviets recked the nips. It took them a few months to reck an army that conquered China. The US had difficulty smoking nips out of small islands. Maybe the strategy involved some suicidal shit, but casualties against the nips were very low. You really can square the fear of invading the mainland by the US with the ease with which the Soviets recked the nip army in China. Chances are everyone is lying about something, because that whole commutative diagram, where the nips get recked easily by the Soviets yet the US claimed they can easily reck the Soviets, but had problems recking the nips makes zero sense to me.
Until they threw him in prison, which I believe the native Ukrainians saw it as an act of aggression forcing most of them to rethink their position, also I believe there were talks about how the Slavic people were viewed in Germany at that time which didn't help also.
Thanks for the link tho, I haven't heard of him until now.
A Picsába, Francba !
You mean like Serbs did?
The Axis never took Leningrad, though.
Kingdom Come?
Remind me, did germans take Leningrad?
I pretty sure they didn't.
Soviets didn't even lost soldiers, what you and Hitler were fighting is peasants. There wasn't even the need for Stalin to send elite army, those were busy there on Chinese borders and guarding against Japanese.
>he thinks Finland stood a chance
Staling didn't want that land, that land was wanted by everybody, since it literally was Russia in past.
Americans and Brits did. Russians just spammed soldiers then after we and Britain bombed the hell out of Germany, they just walked in (with American equipment) and declared victory. They were just meat bags to get kicked around by Germans until the big boys showed up.
Nerf zerg
look at those machine guns and determined faces
Igen, perfect learning material.
Niggers fucked it up like always
>being this delusional
England didn't stand a chance against Germany, not in WW1 and not in WW2. England couldn't do shit alone.
Italy the worst we should have stayed allied with you and share the world
No one asked you about it, subhuman.
They had guts and German brainlets froze from wearing metal helmets in the freezing cold.
They got there and turned it into the deadliest siege in human history, which made The Winter War pretty much pointless.
Genuine questions
Where is Slovenia?
Is it a real country?
How large was its empire?
How long has it been in existence?
Name 3 occasions where Slovenia has had a major impact on global events over the past 1000 years?
Name one example where it's had a major impact on European events ever?
The human is the apex predator of Terra,but if you cover him in enough shit he is eventually going to suffocate and die
Not sure if serious.
Look who's talking, a non-country that needs help of whole planet to survive, we are small and weren't conquered by Turks and defeated Germans singlehanded, but your Jewish history doesn't mentions this, right? We had Yugoslavia and defeated both Russians, Germans and Americans. Go away little fly.
>a non-country that needs help of whole planet to survive
says the vatnik
We were friendly.. enough for them at least
Yes, Slovenia, most ancient European country, oldest history, never defeated by anybody. Lurk moar baby. You and Germans wouldn't exist if it wasn't for us. Your history starts thousands of years after us.
Fuck Hitler ass, rule Eastern European+German
So yeah, if your water people can't defeat Hitler army, u need to shut up and get fuk by Slav
>We were friendly.. enough for them at least
No, you weren't. And soon they realized that.
>Germans purposefully starve the people of Eastern Europe, destroy their towns, villages, and cities
>Murder the Polish intelligentsia (Operation Tannenberg, Intelligenzaktion, Palmiry massacre, AB-Aktion)
>Subject Soviet POWs to starvation, forced labor, and brutality that results in over 3 million of them perishing
>Begin "Germanization" of Poland by suppressing and trying to erase any trace of their history and culture, which included plans to completely restructure Warsaw.
>Enslave millions of innocent Soviet citizens to prop up the German war machine.
>Use propaganda to portray Russians as being inferior subhumans
>"Ukraine children need no schools. What they'll have to learn will be taught them by their German masters." - Gauleiter Erich koch
>"We are a master race, which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the population here." - Gauleiter Erich koch
>Stormfags still claim the Nazis loved slavs and Generalplan Ost was a myth.
Koch's first act as Reichskommissar was to close local schools, declaring that "Ukraine children need no schools. What they'll have to learn will be taught them by their German masters."[1] His brutality is best exemplified by his remark, "If I meet a Ukrainian worthy of being seated at my table, I must have him shot."[8] Koch worked together with the General Plenipotentiary for Labour Deployment (Generalbevollmächtigter für den Arbeitseinsatz) Fritz Sauckel in providing the Reich with forced labor. He was also involved in the persecution of Polish and Ukrainian Jews. Due to his brutal actions, Nazi rule in Ukraine was disturbed by a growing number of partisan uprisings.[1]
Statements about the Germans as a Herrenvolk (gentleman race) belong to the Nazi officials of various ranks. In particular when Reichskommissar Ukraine Erich Koch said:
We are a master race, which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the population here.
—Erich Koch, March 5th 1943, [9]
Germs are scum
It's funny, I see no reference to Slovenia anywhere before 1991
>Early Proto-Slavic (until 1000 BC)
>Early Germanic expansion in the Pre-Roman Iron Age (5th to 1st centuries BC)
>Modern German begins with the Early New High German (ENHG) period, which the influential German philologist Wilhelm Scherer dates 1350–1650
>Early New High German (ENHG) is a term for the period in the history of the German language, generally defined, following Wilhelm Scherer,[1] as the period 1350 to 1650.
>are the first Latin-script continuous text in a Slavic language and "the oldest document in Slovene"
>The Freising Manuscripts in it were created between 972 and 1039, most likely before 1000.
Slavic people existed before 1000 BC, Germanic people existed earliest 500 BC.
Modern German language that is currently in use in Germany started to be spoken in 15th century.
Modern Slovenian language that is in use in Slovenia started to be spoken in 10th century.
USA: literally a mutt country made out of migrants, couldn't even invent own language, fuck off marketplace, you aren't even a country.
Leave it to Catholic Slavs to be traitors.
Someone post the opposite cherry picked version of this pic
>quantity over quality posts ITT
While Soviets lost more soldiers, Axis powers fielded about a million more during the initial invasion of the USSR. And most of the Soviets' fuckups were early in the war.
Remove Kebab?????
hungary BTFOs Austria for the second time in a hundred years
You mean german propaganda?
Who cares about poleshits you half jews subhumans deserve nothing but a genocide
Your ass didn't even exist few hundred years ago. Only after extensive Viking, German, Celtic and voluntary Jewish rape you came into the world.
>you half jews subhumans
Wrong. It was Germans that mixed with Jews. Jewish is a German dialect.
The mighty Wehrmacht had one big disatvantage: massive levels of autism.
Russia had massive reserves with soldiers. The soliders german lost could not so easily be replaced. And Germany didin't have the resources for a drawn out war. Russia got equipment from UK and US. Trucks, food, boots, essential things. The german plan was to take over russia quickly. When it didn't work, they got stuck in a drawn out war which they hadn't really planned for, because they knew they wouldn't win a prolonged war with russia.
show your flag you filthy ruskie
Quantity has a quality all its own.
Poland can't even into space. The whole world tore open Nazi Germany like a whore for its technology and scientists yet you bitches act like they were THE dumbest fuccos to ever exist. You'll keep arguing over petty shit like this until muhammad breaks down the door and finally takes over Europe for good you potato tier retards.
Yiddish is a german dialect but not hebrew you idiot
It is sad that you went through this whole thread just to pick our comments.
Autism is a great thing
Germans were losing even before LL. Russian tanks were simply much better.
Poland send a Polish man into space before Western Europe.
Google Miroslaw Hermaszewski.
You're still mixed with Jews.
t. gypsy
No worse than the slav propaganda you post
lol like 80% look like normal people and 30 % are good looking.
poland = 50 years russian rapebabies
It wasn't the Russians and Poles that called Germans subhumans. But the total opposite.
I won't drop to your level, you low IQ rapebaby.
Finland gave up on preserving all of their territory, they fucking lost the war or they would have kept that shit
Russian tanks were pathetic weak they produced so much that it didn't mattered at the end