What do they mean by the future is female
What do they mean by the future is female
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it means prepare for gender discrimination when you try to get a job
Turning men to soyboys and women to skinheads
women act like men could never snap and physically remove them from society if they wanted to. it's been like one quarter century long poker bluff
It means western civilisation is heading towards a cliff and we're reaching the point of no return very soon.
>very soon
>the future is female
There will be no future because men would never want to breed with these tumblr thots
not so much remove them from society as forcibly impregnate them and put them back into the kitchen
Like children they mimic the traits they think make someone successful - aggression, bluntness, stubbornness. They're aping the result of a powerful personality manifest, as if that facade is all that is required.
All talk/looks no substance.
>What do they mean by the future is female
It's one of the final tactics for nation destruction that (((They))) use...
Since females are more easily swayed by cheap emotional arguments and emotional manipulation, the near last tactic that they employ is by replacing all native men with women in positions of power and influance... naturally (((They))) keep their own male agents in place, they just replace the native males in these agencies and institutions.
The attack method is through a "Goddess Gaia" worship kind of thing, telling the women that they are special little divine snowflakes and that they deserve all of the power and whatnot, and through this narrative they condition the females of the target nation to attack their own males, sort of an unwitting army of angry women.
Once the females are in positions of power, the emotional manipulation gives (((Them))) pretty much all of the control, as they shape the womens behaviors by playing their heartstrings.
Movies. Oh well.
well then when we go down, there's only one way we can go: UP
>Being a man is wrong
>Women resort to looking and acting like men
Women without hair don’t look feminine
It's arguable we reached that point decades ago, and we've just realized there's no ground beneath our feet like in those Looney Toon cartoons.
I’d only impregnate one of those cunts in OP’s pic, bottom right, but I’d have to wait a few years cos I’m not a pedo.
doesn't the actress from Stranger Things get fucked by Pedos in Hollywood?
how is that empowering?
we're making our way towards THX1138
I thought it was a boy bottom right
If this really happens than the human race will die out as even the most hardy and horny veteran can't get his dick hard while looking at these abominations.
It's a pretext for women to shave their heads I guess.
What they mean is that Asian people will rule the world. Asian males cannot be considered male.
I have long hair and I don't use styling products
Islam is right. Women deserve to be beatings more.
They mean that wifebots are going to liberate women from the sexual desires of men and childbirth thus allowing them to reach their full potential in a male free society.
*blocks your path*
I’m sure she did
Because women with no hair don’t look feminine
>how do we counter the growing numbers of men who don't want to deal with women's horseshit just to get their dicks wet and would rather just buy a realdoll?
>I know! We'll shave our heads - and only our heads - and suspend basic grooming procedures, then call them all bigots when they refuse to fuck us
3/4 of these pictures aren't real people
fuck you skinhead! #PunchaNazi
pic related is the health minister of Belgium, I think
Not so fast, Dianne
Those are all Hollywood stars too, imagine my shock
Future is alot of washing machines.
The most ironic part of all this is that realdolls often have higher standards of cleanliness than real women.
>Woman cleans pussy.
>Just the outside.
>Wonders why she stinks of fish.
Disgusting Buzzcunts.
el goblino's?
>3 fictional characters and one goblina who hasnt actually accomplished anything other than not dying.
Muh vagina
yeah, that's what I meant. remove from workforce/take away rights, etc.
Says the snowflake with purple hair and problematic glasses
Never understood this but yeah, the more feminsta, the more they look and act like men.
Why does everything have to be a fucking (((Hollywood))) reference with the left. It’s literally a picture of 4 actors.
>It’s literally a picture of 4 actors.
So they are saying a woman has to look more masculine to Bebe important
Bet one of those 'females' has a bigger dick than I do.
>all fictional characters
>all mutts
All of you fags are playing into (((their))) game, to spread propaganda that separates commoners even further. Talking about muh vagina bullshit when there is more important shit to focus on.
Checked, thank god it can't come soon enough.
because its coming from hollywood
women and the simple-minded numales are the most impressionable individuals in the west
Digits are confirming this shit big time. Collapse soon.
>dear diary: today canada was alright
>It’s literally a picture of 4 actors.
well played sir
>What do they mean by the future is female
It means that too many feminists think they are perfect Mary Sue's (just like the actors in OP's pic), but are really immature, somewhat damaged, idiots that cannot function in polite society.
It means that awareness is being generated about the tech outsourcing of women's primary function to society. It won't be long before bio-vagina is replaced by better tech, followed by the artificial womb. A few generations after this, combined with gender selection, female birthrates will begin to crash.
So they're now saying that the future is female blah blah blah, the Force is female, male is female... it's like a swimmer drowning with arms flapping.
They don't even know. The small burst of dopamine that comes from self satisfaction seems foremost to be at cause...
>They're aping the result of a powerful personality manifest, as if that facade is all that is required.
>All talk/looks no substance.
this bong gets it
my sides leaf
>pugnacious fictional roasties with dykey buzzcunt haircuts are the future
It means they almost have the balls to admit we're living in a matriarchy.
yeah, that's not much of an achievement. I just did the same thing yesterday with very little effort.
see this is why i dont care about the european rape crisis
modern white women are mentally ill freaks who deserve to be raped/beaten or end up as genetic dead ends
>The future is female, and it can't change a tire without the past's help.
getting tired of the whole "OMG LE STRAGER THINGS MUH ELEVEN11111!!!"
funny thing is theyre all fictional (except the florida dyke), and a baseball bat to the face of all 4 would shut them up pretty quick
I made this for you.
>using the image of someone suspected by many to be a crisis actor alongside fictional characters
The left isn't bright
anime robot girls will inherit the earth
In the future, all women have ebt cards.
the future is a bald headed beach
It is not brute strength that makes a man a man but the ability to put your emotions to the side and do the right thing. That is why women in positions of power always fuck up and try to be hardcore but if they would just stay cool people would like them more.
can anyone tell me where is upper right chick from? Is it new Mad Max or something
Eh man, you do you
woah, you're a pretty big guy
>in fictional settings
yeah its mad max fury road.
>woah, you're a pretty big guy
You are a tiny person, this is why you think he is big.
>4 actresses
It means buzzcunts will continue to exist, fail to get married, and then we'll get articles about how the marriage rate is declining and blame men for it.
Never forget: Women's rights was a mistake
For u
I know they look fucking ugly
>the future is fema-
It’s funny cause in Season 2 of Stranger Things, 11 has hair because she had been forced to shave her head up until she escaped. Also it’s hard to come by beauty products when you are a literal human testing apparatus.
Maybe these people don’t see the irony in this.
"The weak should fear the strong"
much appreciated. I should really see it, people praise it a lot but i still havent found will to do it
Dude didn't do a bad job portraying max but the world around him was stupid
what they mean is in the future females will be stripped of femininity and turned into brainwashed, androgynous ZOGbot drones. Didn't 1984 mention how all the "women" are shaven like that? To eliminate individuality and enforce conformity (the same reason armies do it desu.) Also they're the most vicious minions of Big Brother.
It means we will become a Matriarchy soon
and I cannot wait to be tortured by our women overlords
it means the world is fucked
that's what she reminds me of. I couldn't think of it. fuck user. that's exactly what she is. and retarded liberals eat this shit up and all start shaving their heads and soon there will be hair privilege
As an action movie it's mediocre, sfx are very mediocre as in you see how poorly done they are.
As a Mad Max movie is terrible, it starts being sort of thrilling making you wonder what's going on and after 15 minutes or so it's not even about Max anymore, he's just a quiet sidekick and the story presented in the first minutes absolutely fades away and is never mentioned again.
He was too quiet and uncharismatic. Max changed quite a bit from 1 to 3 but he had really badass lines and was always resourceful. Part of the essence of the movies was about him delivering justice (1) or bringing people together to trace a plan to take down his pursuers and go on his merry way (2 and 3).
Kek. Men are reduced to cattle were there weiners are milked for reproductive purposes
Everything you antifa niggers do is divisive, we did not start this